Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 282: Lunyue Gorge

Of course, it is impossible to block a road in a palace. In fact, the Xingyao Temple is located in a canyon. This canyon is the only way for the Northern Zhou Dynasty to reach the northern region.

This gorge is known as the Lunar Gorge. It is said that this is a mountain. The northern region is the end. It is impossible to overcome this sacred adventure. Because there is a terrible breath in the mountains, even the strong infants will be robbed. .

But I don't know how many years ago, the bright moon in the night sky suddenly fell down and squatted on this mountain. It was born out of a canyon, so it was named the Lunar Gorge.

It is this gorge that has created a road. Some daring warriors enter the original zone after the canyon through the gorge, and continue to fight with the monsters. Finally, the establishment of the Northern Wilderness and the expansion of the northern territory. .

Nowadays, the mountains are still inaccessible and can only go to the Yuexia Gorge. Therefore, there is a lot of excitement here. Every day, a large number of warriors come out from the Nine Kingdoms. They want to go outside to see and see, and some warriors come back from the North, and the leaves fall back to the roots.

In addition, there are a large number of merchants who bring the specialties of the Northern Wilderness and the Nine countries to the northern region. They also pull back many special products from the northern region. The profits are very large, but they are also very dangerous. Because they are out of the nine countries, they are the lawless regions. Now, there are always times of robbery and killing.

From here to the Xingyao Temple, there is only a half-day road, but this section of the road is also the most dangerous.

Fortunately, the two carriages belong to the "Storm Mercenary Group", which is a very strong force in the Lunyuexia area. Generally speaking, no one dares to intervene in the idea of ​​the storm flag team.

Ling Han took Hu Niu to the top of the carriage. Most of his previous life was buried in the Danfang to do research, but only in the "late years" to visit the monuments. I saw it for a moment.

This world, he does not intend to miss all kinds of wonders.

at this time. They have entered the Lunar New Year Gorge, with towering canyons on both sides. Ling Han launched the eye of true vision, but still can not see the top of the mountain, but can see the fierce atmosphere emanating from the mountain wall.

This kind of breath is even a bit guilty for him. That is to say, even if he regains the strength of the heavenly world, he must be careful. It seems that the legend is not a legend, and it has certain authenticity.

But what surprised Ling Han was that the valley was actually a piece of medicine field, and the growth was excellent.

"These herbs are here. No one is stealing?" Ling Han was very strange.

Guangyuan also stood up and heard the words: "No one dares. The medicine fields here are all planted by the Xingyao Temple. Whoever wants to steal medicine here will be wanted by the Xingyao Temple. The robbers are also not. Dare, because the robbers also need immortality, rich people do not sell you, what is your solution?"

Ling Han could not help but laugh, Dan Shi is indeed a transcendent group. It's no wonder that Dan Shi is proud of all, because the strong military is also inseparable from the medicinal herbs, and naturally the Dan teacher is used to it.

The carriage slowly progressed for a while. There was a sudden quarrel in front of him.

Although Ling Han does not like to take care of his own affairs, his cultivation is improved, and the hearing is naturally strong. I don’t want to hear it, and I’m arguing over it.

"This price is really too low. We not only have no money to make, but we have to lose money!"

"Remove less. You will be merciful, or accept it at the price of last year."

"Hey, we have to see Luo’s deacon, how can one year’s price be lower every year, so that we can’t let our medicine farmers live?”

Ling Han stared at it, and the eyes of True Vision easily penetrated the layers of leaves. I saw a group of medicinal farmers, almost a hundred of them, surrounded by three people, and they were indignant. The three men obviously have the distinction between the first and the second. They are headed by a young man in his twenties, wearing a robes and full of arrogance. The other two should be errands. In his thirties, he is guarded on both sides of the young.

"You don't live, what is the matter?" The young man snorted. "At this price, I immediately sent the herbs to the Xingyao Temple. If there is another herb in the medicine field within three days, I will leave it. Knocked on his dog's head!"

"Too much!"

"With such a low price, we are not busy with a year, we have to sell children and sell them!"

"How can this be done, are you going to kill us?"

The farmers have screamed and waved their medicines one by one, which is very exciting.

The young people in Jinyi sneered and said, "Oh, your courage is quite big, and you dare to let go in front of this little! Is it necessary to take the Starguards and take them all together?"

Although there are many people in the pharmacy, they are all ordinary people, and this young man is a five-layer spring. It is equivalent to a group of ants surrounding an elephant.

This young man used the Star Guards to scare people, but it was not an unnecessary move. Instead, he would scare these drug farmers and make money for him. Otherwise, he would have such good patience and directly kill.

Sure enough, the peasants heard the three words of the Star Guard, and all of them could not help but tremble. Several people immediately slammed down and said: "Recrease, ask for you, give us a way to live!"

"With this acquisition, we really have to starve to death!"

"Recover less, please!"

More people squatted and bowed their heads to young people, many of whom were white-haired old people.

"Roll!" The young man kicked out and knocked over the person in front of him. "All of them are going to take medicine. After three days, if these herbs have not been sent to the Starry Temple, then this is not enough. I dispatched the Star Guards and arrested all of your evil people."

"Remove, do you want to force us to die?" There are still a few people who have not squatted. At this time, their eyes are red and they are staring at the young people.

The young people in Jinyi wiped their noses and said coldly: "You are not dead, you have to turn off your own fart? Don't give this less good work, hey, let's make you less likely to die!"

"Remember, three days, only three days." He added, his face is all disgusting. In his eyes, these ordinary people who have not even entered the realm of refining are just tools that can make money for him.

If you die, then you can change one more. It is the most important thing to make money and make big money.

Ling Han immediately understood that Xing Yao Temple hired these farmers to grow herbs, this young man is responsible for the collection, but he has pushed the purchase price below the cost price, naturally let the farmers do not.

This person is really overbearing, pressing the price to the point of killing people, and fishing for it. Isn’t this a rebellion?

"A arrogant young man!" Guangyuan snorted, and he could naturally hear clearly with the ear of his spirit. He did not seem to sympathize with the drug farmers, but he was despised by the practice of the young man. After all, Yongquan is bullying some ordinary people, only to make more money, how to look is shameful.

"This seat is going to see how great he is!" He jumped down from the carriage.

Ling Han also had a negative hand behind him, followed by the back, while Liu Yutong and Li Sizhen were left in the carriage. Since even Ling Han has come out, what else can't be solved? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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