Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2926: Shocking secret

Everyone is sipping at the same time.

Is it... there are more than seven steps buried here?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Under the ground, the beam of light is constantly emitted. There are four, one, two, three, and four. Then, four people are seen coming out of the light column. They are all covered with light and can't see clearly.

However, everyone is exuding the atmosphere that crushes the heavens, that is, the avatars of the five seven-step strong are also incomparable and appear eclipsed.

Seven steps, there are actually five seven-step strong!

Hey, how is this suppressed?

Not to mention the five seven-step avatars, that is, seven steps, such as Lin Luo and Bai Mai, come here personally, and it is impossible to do so.

"Old guys, finally met again." The first seven-step powerhouse who was born was full of emotion.

"I don't feel happy when I see you old rogue." There was a seven-step prompt.

"Oh, when are the two of you going to fight?" The third place, seven steps, smiled. He looked at the avatars of Lin Luo and others. "Dear friends, is the ‘extinction’ already born?”

What is extinct?

Lin Luo and other seven steps Tianzun are puzzled, what is this ghost?

"Oh!" The third place was revealed in seven steps, but no one could see it. He laughed. "I am squashed. These four old folks are Beidou, Chuan Yue, Xuan Yu and half a month."

He pointed out the four new steps of the four new births, paused, gave everyone a buffer time, and then said: "I know what you want to ask, is the origin of our five old and undead."

"Oh, we are not from this world, this era."

Seeing everyone is showing a sigh of color, he continues: "Simply, before the birth of this world, we have already existed."


When I heard this, everyone felt that the scalp was numb. Are these five seven-step monsters, even older than the Yuan world itself?

The problem is that without the support of the plane, who can repair Tianzun?

Is it that these five people are seven steps when they are born?

"Although there is no most accurate statistics, the age of the Yuan world is almost three thousand years." Lin Luo said, "Five Taoist friends, you mean that before the emergence of the Yuan world, there is another world, and Are you living in that world?"

"Smart!" Beidou Tianzun patted his hands. "Now, the place you have set up is the world I lived in."

This overlapping plane is actually another meta-world?


Oh, no wonder the plane of the plane is incredible. It is speculated that at least a few hundred steps will be taken to make the two planes overlap, but the plane of the plane is inexhaustible. Seven steps can't be done.

However, this meta-world itself is like this, so that can be explained.

"How did the world of the friends fall to such a point?" asked the rice.

It was so devastated that it was completely devastated.

Did the conflict erupt between the seven steps, causing the entire world of the world to collapse?

"It is because of extinction." Qian Yantian sighed. "This is a powerful and indescribable existence. Not only has it been repaired in seven steps, but it has also become a plane, opened a plane war, and swallowed countless planes."


Everyone can't help but face the ground. Isn't that talking about frenzy?

"And then?" Lin Luo asked.

Everyone's heart is followed by a tight, and the answer of the inflammatory Yan Zun may be the key to solving the frenzy, because the five great gods live, can not be annihilated, obviously they won.

"Later?" Xuan Yu Tian Zun shook his head. "I am waiting for that... I also call it the Yuan World. Together with Tianzun of all planes, I will fight against extinction, but I still have to step back."

"The super-high plane is constantly falling. I have created a new super-high plane, but it has become more and more powerful. The speed of creation has not kept pace with the speed it swallows." Half Moon Tianzun Interface Road.

"In the end, I was forced to fight a broken net, detonated all the cores of the plane, and launched the final and strongest blow to the extinction."

"Although this has exploded, but our world has completely collapsed, it has also caused a huge impact on me." Destroyed Yue Tianzun said, he pointed his finger. "Our world is the same as you." It became like this after the collapse."

"According to my speculation, the Yuan world is a void. It is true that after countless eras, a new world of the Yuan has emerged."

Everyone listened, they were scalp numb.

It turned out that they were born in the new world after the old world was shattered. Before that, a frown-like existence almost swallowed up the old Yuan world.

Ling Han thought of the seven-step ancient corpse. Was he killed by the collapse of the Yuan world?

Otherwise, what other power can kill seven steps?

The original extinction was so strong that it was not blown up?

Lin Luo obviously thought of this and asked: "I have been excavating a seven-step ancient corpse -"

"That is Huangsha Tianzun." Half Moon Tian sighed. "At that time, someone must be forced to extinction. Huang Shaxiong took on this task and the result was also swept by the power of the big bang, which shocked the sea. ""

No wonder, it is said that the seven steps are not dead, but at the expense of the destruction of the Yuan world, this explosion has surpassed the limit of seven steps.

"Five friends, although we are not extinct here, there is a frenzy." Xin Fu said, he briefly introduced the frantic information.

"This is extinction!" The five great goddess of enthusiasm and other words said in unison.

"Sure enough, the extinction is too strong, and even the core explosion of the plane can not kill it!" said Beidou Tianzun, flashing innumerable light, showing his strong emotional fluctuations.

"Frenzy... is extinction?" Everyone is shocked. If this is the case, it would be too horrible.

- Sacrifice the entire world of the Yuan, the strongest blow, but still can not kill! Look at Huangsha Tianzun, the same is seven steps, but it is dead to die.

Is frenzied impossible to kill?

"No!" Lin Luo said. "If frenzy is extinct, then it was born before hundreds of epochs. Why is it so late? It must have been hit hard in the last world collapse, saying There may be only a little bit of remnant left, so it takes so many years of recovery, and this is a comeback."

"Not bad." Baiji, Xin Fu and other seven steps are nodding, that is, the old seven steps of rushing to the hospital also agreed.

Otherwise, why do you have to bear the madness for so many years, you can completely swallow it when the Yuan world was just born, and there is not so much now.

"Even if this is the case, do you want to destroy the world again and do it with it?"

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