Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2952: All over the world

Ling Han's speed is extremely fast, and only seven years later, he came to the upper generation world. 3. The fastest

In the void, the speed can be faster than him, and it is estimated that there is only frenzied.

The three immediately began to look for a space channel to enter a deeper plane. As long as Ling Han can reach seven steps of combat power, then he would not have to be so troublesome, and he would continue to kill all the way, ignoring the energy storm and the essential flame.

"Those guys are really abominable!" Hu Niu pouted and put her waist in the waist. "I actually dare to lick the girl's Ling Han, the girl wants to kill them all!"

The little girl is sinister, she can never be a good person. When she was a child, she was as ferocious as a tiger.

The Queen looked at her: "You are too weak, just idiots say dreams."

"Wow, you are a big goblin, actually dare to say that the girl can't!" Hu Niu was furious.

The Queen just glanced at her, not saying anything, but it was self-evident.

Ling Han waved his hand and gestured to the two women not to fight again, although they were just fighting. He said: "In fact, this is not bad. You can see who is helping me and who is who wants me to die."

"And, now we have enough time to look here." Hu Niu laughed.

"Also." The Queen nodded. "Otherwise, we are bound to be bound to fight the Frenzy in the extraterrestrial battlefield, but now, since they regard us as traitors, we don't have to help them."

"Well, this time I will repair the seven-step battle and go out again." Ling Han laughed.

They came to the thirteenth plane, can only be said to be the thirteenth, not the thirteenth, because this is through the space channel, it is completely uncertain whether the plane is in the first few.

It doesn't matter, the point is how much they can get here.

The three people are very low-key and careful. Now they can be said that they are all enemies in the world. They can't expose the traces. Otherwise, they will lead to the destruction of Yue Tianzun. Even if the cold is enchanting, there will be only one dead road.

There are so many good things here, but you can get it but it is also difficult, but you need luck.

The energy storm is mad, and the danger here is heavy. Even if the cold is a six-step force, it cannot be careless.

Although he has six-step combat power, the body is only being tempered by three essential forces, far less than six steps.

It is interesting to say that Ling Han has always been a strong and far-reaching realm, but now it is reversed.

The immortality of the Tianjing has not kept up, and Ling Han has no intention to push it further. Because there are limitations in the immortality of the Book of Heaven, it is a step-by-step creation, and has not touched on six essential forces.

To put it bluntly, the power of Tianzun depends on the essential strength, and the use of these forces is fundamental.

Ling Han now has a lot of time, he is concentrating on cultivation.

At present, the overall situation should be relatively stable. After all, there are five seven-step joins such as rushing, which will double the strength of the flaming cream plane, and Zhou Heng and Chu Hao may step into seven steps at any time, even in frenzy. In front of me, I still have to retreat. I believe that it is not difficult to be promoted to a super high day.

Since there is no worries, Ling Han naturally put all his thoughts on cultivation.

He is looking for the veins and growing his strength.

The strength of the plane in the body thrives. With the slight improvement of the repair, the limit of the plane has broken through the 200 mark. He needs to spend a lot of time to make these planes grow to the present extreme.

As long as this is a little bit better, Ling Han’s combat power will be improved.

A dazzling, more than four million years have passed.

The repair of Ling Han is indeed somewhat improved, but it has not been reached in four stages.

The original stone mine here is really small, and with the horror of every further energy he needs, he can't support it.

His entry is indeed faster, but it is only a limited degree.

No way, the deeper the depth of the plane, the worse the environment, the more broken the world, the more rare the number of Tianzun stone.

However, the original stone is less, the value that can be shipped is high, and even there are four streams of symbols.

Maybe you go deeper into the lower level, maybe there are three streams, two streams, and even top-notch symbols?


When Ling Han suddenly saw a glimpse, he sensed that a few breaths were coming to him quickly.


He did not break away from the void for the first time, because these breaths are powerful, but they are far from reaching the seven-step level.

Under seven steps, he is not afraid of anyone.

Hey, there are eleven people in front of Ling Han.

It is said that there are eleven "people", but in fact it is not appropriate, because eight of them are indeed people, but there are three monsters that are multi-legged and multi-handed.

Three heads of madness and creation of the Emperor Dongyue eight spies.

"Ling Han, now you have been abandoned by everyone in the Yuan world, or return to the main body." Huangfu Dongyue said, "We are all ourselves, have the spiritual brand of the subject, do not know to be nobler than those weak creatures. How many times."

"As long as you abandon the darkness, the subject can forgive your crimes."

Ling Han laughed: "Okay, I will give up the dark now."

"That is going back to the subject with us. The main body has something to say to you." Huangfu Dongyue said.

Ling Han stunned: "I have not been controlled by frenzied, but it is superior in combat power, far beyond its imagination. It can't sit still? What is the face to talk to me, just want to kill me, then Study my body."

"Ling Han, why are you suffering?" Huangfu Dongyue continued to persuade, "Don't forget, how are people in the Yuan World against you?"

Ling Han nodded: "I have not forgotten, and who is the one who made me like this."

"Oh, we are only telling the truth." Huangfu Dongyue laughed. "Ling Han, you have no retreat. Now the seven-step powerhouse is chasing you. As long as they are found, you will only have a dead end."

"Why is your future so bright, why should you hang it on the tree in the world of the Yuan?"

"Your grievances, can they see it? Will they sympathize?"

Ling Han haha ​​laughed: "I haven't seen you for millions of years. I didn't expect your eloquence to grow. Go back and tell the frenzy, let it wash your neck, I will kneel down his head!"

"Ling cold, frenzied may have several heads, which neck do you want to wash it?" Hu Niu said with a smile.

"Also." Ling Han nodded.

When I heard the two people say this, Huangfu Dongyue did not speak again. Obviously, Ling Han’s will was firm and could not be persuaded by him.

Then it is only the use of force.

He sighed, this is the next strategy, because Ling Han can freely shuttle the plane, it is too difficult to stop.

"If you do not obey the call of the Lord, you will be destroyed by the glory of the Lord."

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