Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2955: Red medicine? (5 more)

So instead of wasting time, it is better to fight and to digest the experience of this war.

Under the tremendous pressure of Xin Qiuhu, the enemy, Ling Han actually built a seven-flow character, which gave him an idea to thank Xin Qiuhu.

"The best thank you to you is to blow you up!"

Ling Han said in his heart that he went out and continued to search for the original stone veins.

He leaped over the mountains and rivers and flowed to the dry trenches. He did not know the geometry and explored everywhere.

Only more and more people are entering this plane, and the competition is getting bigger and bigger, and his gains are getting smaller and smaller.

A few years later, he finally found a vein.

"It finally opened."

Ling Hanqi started and was a little excited. It has not been discovered for tens of thousands of years.

He measured the vein, but his brow was wrinkled because he found an unknown object deep in the vein.

The so-called unknown, not that he can't recognize what this thing is, but he can't see it at all.

It was a big thing, wrapped in powerful energy, and isolated his knowledge.

He was very surprised. What kind of thing, even his knowledge is inseparable?

Dig out and see.

Ling Han struggled to dig up, Tian Zunshi was not a hard thing, he quickly dug into the depths of the veins, and suddenly, a terrible pressure hit him, making him difficult.

He couldn't help but be surprised. He was a six-step force. He actually lost this momentum.

Is there a seven-step level in it?

Red medicine?

Ling Han could not help but be full of sputum, red color medicine has been in the legend before, but there is a great ability to pass the law of large drugs, speculation that there is such a large drug.

The orange medicine can make the four-step stronger go further, reaching five steps, and the red medicine can make the five-step strongman move into six steps. Of course, this is just an opportunity to add a little bit.

Ling Han is most in need of time now. He believes that he can move into five steps and six steps without relying on external forces. However, if there is the help of big drugs, it will undoubtedly shorten this time by countless times.

come on.

He dug a few feet, but found that the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, making him seem to become an ordinary person trapped in the mud, very difficult.

He struggled to continue, and finally, there was a red color in front of him.

Red medicine?

Ling Han was amazed, this big medicine is too big.

The big medicine that was previously opened is also one foot long, and the big one is not big enough. But this red color is at least three feet long.

Is it the first of all medicines?

Ling Han re-digging, but also a few hand-knife down, he could not help but reveal the color of shock.

Is this a big medicine?

What appeared in front of his eyes was actually a red dress.

Of course, it is impossible to give him such a great pressure in a skirt. However, there is a limit to the strength of the Tianzun treasure. That is six steps.

Seven steps... Only seven steps can have seven steps, and there is nothing that can be compared.

In other words, is there a seven-step strongman buried here?

Impossible, not all of the seven steps of the previous generation of the world, the inflamed five people plus a dead Huangsha Tianzun, a total of six.

Continue to dig?

Ling Han was hesitant, and it was no longer meaningful to dig up a seven-step corpse.

His hesitation was only a moment, and he immediately dug it up.

He is a curious person, how can you make it clear?

He continued carefully, and the seven-step breath continued to overflow, making his face pale.

Don't look at his six-step combat power, but he can crush any existence in seven steps, plus he only has six-step combat power. It is not a real six-step, and the body is too much.

At this moment, Ling Han really has a plan to give up.

But at this moment, slamming, the powerful pressure instantly surged many times.

In the shadow of the shadow, a person suddenly erected the upper body.

There was a lot of rubble falling down, but there was no feeling of chilling, just staring at the person in front of him.

This is a woman, the glory of the ages, the beauty can not be described.

The beauty of the Queen and Hu Niu should not be inferior to her, but this woman has an indescribable temperament that makes her look ethereal and secluded.

The woman had her eyes closed, but now she suddenly opened her eyes. It immediately added her a sense of agility, and it also gave her an amazing pressure, that is, Ling Han is also cold and sweaty.

Seven steps, absolutely seven steps to the supreme.

How come out of a seven-step?

If there are still seven steps to live, then they will definitely say what they will say. Moreover, the person who initially contained the extinction was only one of Huangsha Tianzun, and there was no second person.

So it’s weird, how did this seven-step run out?

Ling Han’s first reaction was to start, but he immediately discovered that although the woman’s eyes were astonishingly beautiful, deep in the sea, but full of sorrow and innocence, this kind of eyes could only be seen on the baby’s body.

The seven-step Tianzun is actually a newborn baby?

How is this possible?

Heaven respects the world and hates it, and heaven and earth can never give birth to a seven-step process.

Is there something like an enhanced version of the reel, which directly creates a seven-step process? Impossible, impossible, frenzied is a plane, and it is still a super-high plane. It can't make seven steps. What do other planes do?

"Hello." Ling Han smiled, try to make himself look gentle and dear.

The woman in the red dress slightly tilted her head and stared at Ling Han: "You... well..."

Her bite is unclear, as in the language of the teeth.

Didn't the Yuan world collapse in the past, and her spirit has been strongly impacted before it becomes so?

This is not impossible.

Seven steps are not extinguished, that is to say that their flesh is tempered by six essential particles, but the soul can not reach this level, for example, the impact of the destruction of the Yuan world can be broken.

Huang Sha Tian Zun is the evidence, the flesh is harmless, but the soul is dead.

Therefore, if this female supreme was seriously damaged, it is not unusual to become a baby now. It’s just that after the dedication of the gods, the speed of growth will be incomparably amazing, not to mention the seven steps.

"What is your name?" Ling Han asked.

"You, call, why, name, word?" The female supreme also asked, although a meal, it can be clearly clear.

Yes, white asked.

Ling Han sighed. Is this to teach children to learn?

He did not dare to let the Queen and Hu Niu come out. This female supreme does not understand how to converge on her own breath. Even he is under great pressure and the skin seems to be torn. The Queen and the Tiger are far from being inferior, and they must be smashed in front of this breath.

Then teach it.

Ling Han teaches this female supreme language, and has to say that there is still some little pride in his heart. This is a seven-step, he can do a seven-step teacher.

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