How many six steps in the sky?

A hundred may be more at the earliest, but before the civil strife broke out, there were some degenerations in the six steps, so now there are more than one hundred, and many more.

Although the six steps can not be called the supreme, but also the world's only number of strong, each has a strength to cross the ages.

The seven people of Yue Borong are surrounded by murderous.

This is a person who must be killed, like Yue Borong is more to report the killing of the enemy, while the other six people think that Ling Han is too enchanting, once he has seven steps of combat power, it will not cause the Yuan world Estimate the damage.

"What do you want to do?" The arrogant Tianzun was a bit timid, and these people were murderous and scared her.

"With this kid, it is definitely not a good thing, kill it together!" said a six-step.

Yue Borong took the lead and shot, and he took a shot and patted the past with Ling Han and the fire.

"Ah!" The eternal fire sees this attack, the first reaction is not dodge or parry, but scared to scream, the sound waves into waves, and oscillate around.

Ling Han had already prepared, not only had already caught his ears, but also operated more than a hundred planes to defend.

Kakaka, there is a crack on the plane, but it is not broken.

Even so, Ling Han’s nose still had blood flowing out, and it was impossible to completely exempt this fierce blow.

He is like this, not to mention Yue Borong, they are not directly shocked out, all the clothes are ruined, the skin is cracked, blood flow is like a note.

In the six steps, in front of the seven-step power, a whistle was shocked and the hair was scattered, and the seven bleeds.

Ling Han took the opportunity to kill, he took Yue Borong directly, this old king repeatedly pointed at him eight times, it is too odious.

Hey, he took all his efforts to go all out, the eight-flow symbol all came out, blessing him thousands of times of strength, with his original strength in the late six steps, has reached the point of crushing Yue Borong.

Yue Borong is now in a state of turmoil. Who can think of a woman who seems to be weak and can't help but explode such a terrible battle?

He is six steps, but six steps can't stop the whistle. What does this mean?

This woman is a seven-step supreme.

But how is this possible?

The two generations of the world together add up to seven steps, even if they will increase in the future, it should be born from the six steps of Zhou Heng, Chu Hao, and Jinsui. It is impossible to be this woman.

This is not the point. The point is that he actually shot to a seven-step supreme. Is this a dead end?

Rao is his heart and calm, but now it is also in the heart, and therefore, in the face of the raging storm, he only has to step back.

The other six six-step Tianzun was also shocked by the scalp and numb, and they looked at the stunned Tianzun, and they were confused.

Can't you always go on like this?

"See the adults!" They all bowed to the eternal fire.

The eternal fire **** looked at these people in vain. You were so fierce just now, and now you are whispering, what do you want to do? She weakly said: "Why are you going to fight a girl?"


The six-step strong people can't help but open their mouths, and one person is directly sprayed out, even if it is a six-step cultivation is not enough.

little girl?

Which Tianzun would call himself so? Especially the Lord is still a seven-step supreme.

This image suddenly collapsed.

"Don't ask the adults how to address?" asked a six-step boxing fist.

The eternal fire has come to the fore, and has a chest: "Niu is a fire."

Absolute fire?

The six Tianzun you look at me, I look at you, they are very puzzled.

Don't say seven steps, I have never heard of such a god.

It is certainly impossible for Tianzun to come out of the air, except for the exception of the previous generation.

Wait, is this person the supreme of the last generation of the world?

Right, this is the most likely guess.

"See the fire-fighting adults." The six strong men once again bowed to the ceremony.

I was very proud of it, looking at the left side and looking at the right side of the chin.

The six strong players are even more puzzled. Is this really a seven-step supreme?

But they have all personally learned the power of this woman. If it is not seven steps, then what is the seven steps?

They only have to look at each other. Ling Han has a deep relationship with the seven steps. If she does not speak, how dare they deal with Ling Han?

Is it too long?

It is said that Ling Hanquan broke out. Yue Borong was not his opponent. In addition, he was shocked by the fire. Although the injury is not very heavy, it will always affect some combat power.

Under the rush of the cold, the influence is constantly magnifying, making his disadvantage more and more obvious.

Yue Borong couldn’t help but stunned. How long has it been? He is not an opponent of Ling Han?

In this way, let alone report the enemies of the murderer, even he must drink the hate of Ling Han.

He quickly said: "You don't even have a friend, do you really want this sinister to be fierce?"

The six strong men look at each other, and finally look at the eternal fire, but she has no intention of opening, then who dares to shoot?

Do you think that the seven-step supreme is a display?

Ling Han’s attack is getting more and more fierce. He must kill Yue Borong during the outbreak of this time. Otherwise, even if he uses the nine-stream combination, the increase in combat power will fall to more than two hundred times. In this case, it would be difficult to kill Yue Borong.

After all, it is six steps. There are not a few people who can reach such a height in the past and present. Which one is not the genius in the genius and the hegemon in the hegemon?

Yue Borong also knows this deeply. He is fully defensive and does not seek merit, but he has hoped to survive this time.

He sacrificed the treasure of heaven, but it was a silver rifle. In the roll dance, it became a white dragon with great power.

Since he has advanced six steps, he has never used the Tianzun treasure, because the improvement of his combat power can be said to be insignificant, but he is now offering it, showing how bad his situation is.

Even if only a little bit of improvement is like a straw, what a despair?

Ling Han is not long, the old bastard, this time you can't let you run!

Hey, he sacrificed all the planes, and at once there were more than 300 planes that were close to the heights, which reflected the heavens and formed an indescribable pressure.


Yue Borong's action was a stalemate. He was suddenly hit by a cold fist, letting him vomit blood, and the organs also spurted out, all broken.

"Adult, please also show your mercy!" Seeing Yue Borong really wants to hang up, the six strong people can not help but open their mouths and ask for love from the eternal fire. Rw

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