Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2959: Sudden change

Ling Han sensored, immediately revealed an incredible color.

Because... most of the life essence is flowing to the eternal fire, as if she is a bottomless abyss, can absorb everything and accommodate everything.

Can Ling Han not be shocked?

According to the seven-step supreme speculation, absorbing and refining life is the unique ability of the frenzied, because this guy started from this, even the plane can be swallowed to enhance itself.

Like him, Huangfu Dongyue, Mengdong, etc., they are all given the ability by the frenzy, but they can only absorb the essence of life, which has great limitations.

This is normal. How can the frenzy give them the ability to play cards, not afraid of accidents?

However, some people can absorb life.

The eternal fire is a frenzied creation?

is it possible?

The eternal fire is three steps, can the frenzy make a seven-step supreme?


Wait, if this woman is the same as Mengdong, it is a spirit of frenzied and attached to the souls of the Yuan world, then this is not possible?

Of course, throughout the ages, all seven steps add up to twelve. To say that the frenzy just picked one person, and in the future can be seven steps, then the probability is really low, belonging to the super-big luck.

Seven steps to achieve, difficult, difficult, difficult!

However, why does the fire can absorb life? It’s normal to be more powerful than him. People are seven steps, and the strength is crushing him. Of course he can **** more than him.

"Hey?" The fire also made a surprise. She obviously didn't know her ability. When the vitality poured into her body, she felt strange and fresh, and there was an unspeakable fear.

In essence, she is still a little baby who is less than one year old.

"Ling Han!" The six strong men are angry and screaming at Ling Han.

A six-step strong man, who died when he died, was a big loss in the face of Yan.

Ling Han turned back and took out a large medicine and smashed it up. This is a healing type, so it was impossible to eat it before. Now he is smashed as a radish, and his injury immediately begins to recover.

"You have lost your great trouble!"

"No one can save you now!"

The six strong men are blinking and full of murderousness.

Ling Han's face disdain: "The killing is killing, what do you say about these nonsense? Come, who is upset, who is not convinced, even if you come over, see me afraid?"

The six strong men are glaring, but they have not spoken.

They are naturally not afraid of the cold, but the problem is that there is a seven-step supreme on the side, as long as she wants to keep the cold, who dares to shoot?

Seven steps to kill, no reason, a thought is bigger than the world.

But no one noticed that the original fire-like eyes of the fire had changed, and a layer of dark red was floating, which became very fascinating.

This dark red color is getting deeper and deeper, which also makes her breath out of control and boiling.

"Ah" she made a scream, the whole person was skyrocketing, arbitrarily punching and kicking, banging, seven steps of power to vent, forming a terrible destructive power.

Ling Han and the six strong players are all shocked. The fire is obviously out of control, and even falls into the state of madness.

Seven steps, actually will go into flames?

Ling Han knows that the fire has just absorbed a lot of life essence from Yue Borong. Is this the incentive? Otherwise, there is no other possibility.

The six strong players are also fascinated by the spirits, seven steps of madness, this is terrible.

But they can look at Ling Han again, and they can't help but kill the blaze.

Now that the fire is going crazy, it is impossible to go to the cold, and the injury of Ling Han is not recovered. The explosive power of the Tianzun symbol has just passed, and it is the most vulnerable time.

If they join forces and attack, it is very likely that they will kill the cold in a short time.

Now or never!

Ling Han is terrible, and his strength is improving every day. If he is to go further, he might have seven steps of strength. Will anyone still rule him?


The six strong men exchanged ideas with the gods, and they all shot and attacked the past with Ling Han.

"Haha, come to war!" Ling Han naturally will not have such an awareness. He has long thought that these six people may be besieging themselves. The only miscalculation is that the fire will not be mad.

He is playing and retreating. Now the fire is arbitrarily throwing an attack. Even if it is a little far away, the seven-step power is still terrible. If he is brought to a point, he will definitely be injured.

"Today, you can't escape the day of birth."

"Frenzy, dead!"

The six strong men all sacrificed their strength in the first place. Everyone has a second-rate symbol. Under the blessing, they have increased their power by more than 70 times. The secret technique is unfolding and the power is terrible.

Ling Han also runs the Jiuliu combo. Under the power increase of more than two hundred times, his combat power is not inferior to any one of the six steps, but the number of opponents is as many as six, which naturally gives him a huge pressure.

Very good opportunity to sharpen.

Ling Han said in his heart that he has mastered the initiative. As long as he tears open the void, he can return to the world of the Yuan, while others can only be lost in the void because they have no plane coordinates.

This is where he is more aggressive than the frenzy.

In the war of war, the seven powerful players are all going all out and fighting fiercely.

This is the next strongest in seven steps in the fierce battle, naturally terrible, every power has the power to destroy the sky, but fortunately, this is in the void, otherwise the damage will not be imagined.

"Ah!" In the distant sky, the fire suddenly burst into a scream, and the seven-step pressure was overwhelmed.

Ling Han and the six strong players are all inexplicably stunned. This is terrible, and they are all unable to stop involuntarily.

This is still theirs, to be replaced by a five-step level of combat power, this time must have been vomiting blood.

Hey, a silhouette flies, so fast that people can't capture it.

Seven people, such as Ling Han, are all in vain. They are the strongest of the six-step peaks. They can't capture this figure, which naturally makes them unbelievable.

Seven steps, only seven steps!

The fire broke out, her red dress was like blood, and her body was covered with blood, just like life is boiling.

Her appearance remains the same, she is still beautiful, but the momentum is completely changed.

Before her, she was pure and ethereal, but now she is full of glamorous, but also a kind of murderous, so that the six-step strong also has a chill from the bottom of my heart.

There is still a trace of confusion in her eyes, only the indifference of being a strong man, how the world is born, is worthless in her eyes.

The six strong men are all fascinated by the spirits, and they can't help themselves.

They ignored the seven steps of supreme, and actually joined forces to attack the cold, this is a big reversal.

Now this seven steps are irritated, are you going to punish them?

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