The wind is not sure to kill.

After so many years of precipitation, the wind has become more and more terrible. He has turned all the power of one hundred planes into a real plane and has grown the ultimate.

He went all out, and there were ten symbols of light in one shot, exuding endless pressure.

Ten first-class characters, but also combined, have improved his combat power by almost six hundred times, and one hundred planes are very close to the level of higher planes, exuding the terrible power of the world, such a trick As soon as I came out, I am afraid that the six-step Tianzun of the ninety-nine will only have to retreat from the three homes.

Now that the wind is uncertain and full of confidence, he believes that he can definitely suppress the cold and win the first of a series of contests between the two.

And the break of Yue Tianzun is no longer shot, their five seven steps seem to have a special love for the wind, so it is clear that he also wants to kill the cold, but is willing to become full of wind, to Ling Han The defeat of the first day of arrogance.

Boom, with endless killing, endless power, the wind is no longer dead.

The whole world is boiling, and the six-step peak is full of strength, which is too strong to describe.

Even the absolute arrogance of Lin Yufu, Xin Aihu, Wu Yuyang, and white rice has a sense of dazzling. This is really strong. The original strength of the wind is infinitely close to the six-step peak, plus ten first-class combinations. Fu, one hundred plane suppression, how to block?

I am afraid that the four of them will only be able to compete with each other. The hard-wired ones will definitely not work. They must be consumed, and the combination of the wind and the wind can be put to the end. This will really fight.

It is a terrible thing to be the son of the destiny chosen by the previous generation.

How to block Ling Han?

The eyes of everyone are looking towards Ling Han, and the expression on his face is complicated.

On the one hand, they hope that Ling Han can win. After all, Ling Han represents their generation of the world, but on the other hand, Ling Han seems to be a frantic man, and he hopes that he will never win.

Ling Han smiled and shook his head. Now he still has opponents in the six-step level?

just kidding.

He waved a punch and made a fuss over the wind. The clouds were light and windy, without a trace of fire.


The unresolved offensive was immediately blocked, and then the whole person flew back, and the one hundred planes outside the scene immediately showed a crack, and almost collapsed.

What, what!

Everyone is wide-eyed and can't believe what he saw.

The two strongest six-step combat forces against the fight, the two generations of the world of the world of the election of the people of the confrontation, actually so divided out the winners and losers?

But I don't believe it or believe it. I saw that the wind was indefinitely turned into a gourd. After the fall, I rolled a few hundred feet and stopped. Although he barely climbed up, he was covered in blood, and his skin was fleshy.

Looking at Ling Han's relaxed and easy-to-follow appearance, it seems that as long as he thinks, then he can make the wind no longer smash into slag.

So no suspense?


The wind is the most unacceptable, he has adjusted to the best state, he thinks that he is the first person under the seven steps, but he is really right, he knows that the six-step combat power can also reach this position. .

He is full of resentment. When he is born, he is uncertain. Why do you have to have another cold?

"No fixed, no need to be discouraged." Broken Yue Tianzun said faintly, "This is a frenzied man. It is not surprising to know some strange techniques. You only need to practice well. After seven steps, it is frenzied and can be crushed. And what is the need to take this small loss today?"

"This deity helps you erase this demons!"

He shot, banged, his right hand explored, and the endless essence of power condensed into a big hand, and patted the past toward Ling Han.

Even if Ling Han is the strongest six-step combat force, he can face the seven-step attack, and only the color change.

Can you stop it?

Ling Han didn't know that if he broke out all the seven runners and released all the planes, he might be able to block it, but the cost was too great, the plane collapsed, and it took a while to repair it. Some If it is completely annihilated, it will disappear forever.

Can not be hard.

Ling Han is about to tear open the void, but another big hand has come over, and the hard-working will press the big hand that Yue Tianzun shot.

"Lin Luo, it's you again!" said Ruan Yuetian, who said, "You dare to cover up the frenzied people. Is this going to be a betrayal?"

"Oh, what kind of person I am, all the world knows, why are you afraid of splashing dirty water?" Lin Luo’s voice sounded, but the real body was not present. "Don’t forget, my task is to drag the frenzy, who People can get the core of the plane, then look at the personal creation, you are already out of bounds!"

Broken Yue Tianzun's face is ugly. In their previous agreement, as Lin Luo said, seven steps are used to drag the frenzy and create opportunities for others.

The problem is that he had previously thought that the wind could not be invincible under seven steps. Naturally, it does not matter. The nuclear of this face must be windless.

just now?

The wind is not determined to be the enemy of Ling Han, how can he leave?

Once you get Ling Han to get the core of the plane, take this five steps and have seven steps of combat. What else?

Kill, you must kill.

He signaled that they would contact them and let them block Lin Luo.

The seven steps will not die, but they can be blocked or even suppressed.

"Today, this ruling must die!" said Yue Yuezun, and suddenly shot again.

Lin Luo’s big hand is still sticking out, but he has just explored it, but he listened to a loud sound: "Lin Daoyou, still watching it!"

Boom, the third big hand came out and let the days tremble.

It is the inflammatory day.

Lin Luo’s big hand was blocked, and it could be seven steps. Which one is not the emperor in the genius, the arrogance in the tyrant, who is weaker than who?

The big hand of the broken Yue continued to shoot toward Ling Han, but at this time, the fourth person shot, hey, a fist hit the big hand of the broken Yue, crush it.

Can you break a seven-step attack? That must be a seven-step shot.

who is it?

The shape of the white rice emerges: "Breaking the dynasty, rushing the inflammation, you are crossing the border!"

"Through the border?" Breaking Yue Tianzun sneer, "I am waiting to eliminate the traitors, why come over the world? It is you, too emotional. If this kid grows one step further, you will wait for regret."

"You don't have to be jealous with him, shot." A voice rang coldly, it was Beidou Tianzun.

His figure emerged, then Xuan Yu Tian Zun, half moon Tian Zun, the seven steps of the previous generation of the world have been done.

Lin Luo could not help but be furious: "You too have no big picture, but all come over, only three brothers, how can you stop the frenzy?"

"No problem, killing this kid is only a moment, I will not be late to go back." Beidou Tianzun said faintly, it does not care.

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