Ling Han did not hesitate, turned and left.

He is only barely qualified to fight against seven steps, but if he is naive enough to overcome seven steps, then he is really looking for death.

Waiting for him to move into six steps, how about the seven steps, suppression!

"Smelly old monsters, Qingshan does not change, green water flows, goodbye!" Ling Han tore open the void, and directly walked away.

"I still want to run?" Breaking Yue Tianzun sneer, bang, he finally broke out all the power, there are thirty-six symbols on the body at the same time.

First class!

Breaking Yue actually mastered thirty-six first-class characters, and it was still a combination, which made his strength suddenly rise nearly two thousand times.

This is no worse than the promotion of Ling Han, and his original strength is much higher than Ling Han, naturally more terrifying.

The speed of the six kinds of essential forces formed by the speed of the wings, so that the speed of the broken Yue to the extreme, quickly close the distance.

Seeing that Yue Yue opened the card, Ling Han was relieved.

He is really afraid that the broken Yue will run all the first-class characters at once, and the explosive power may reach four thousand times and five thousand times. It really kills him.

Fortunately, now it is equal to everyone's strength increase is removed, he is not, but still can compete against one or two.

Ruyi’s wishful thinking is naturally that he hopes to release the seven-stream combination of Ling Han, and then he suddenly bursts out, and the grasp of the lore is naturally greater.

Now that the cold is about to run, he has to change his mind and expose his cards in advance.

However, the six light wings move together, this speed is too fast, and the forefoot into the void, the tearing mouth has not been closed, the broken Yue has already killed, bang, he palms out, six essences The power of the shape, condensed into six heavenly soldiers, each with the power of terror, and hit the cold.

Ling Han couldn’t help but look at him.

In the use of the essential power, the broken Yue surpassed him too much.

No way, after all, people are seven steps from the upper generation of the world, only this point, maybe even Lin Luo, Xin Fu, they are not the old seven-step opponent.

He waved his fists to meet, bang, power oscillate, and the void screamed.

The whole person of Ling Han was flying backwards, only to feel that the body was torn apart.

Although everyone has improved the power of more than two thousand times, it seems that it is fair, and the force that can be generated by the impact is also greatly improved. For the body of Ling Han, this is a huge test.

"Hey!" He vomited blood, only to feel a little confused.

His grandmother dripped, and the seven steps were too abnormal.

Ling Han said in his heart, but he did not hesitate to tear open the void, this is only he can do it, the body has the power of the plane to guide, you can shuttle freely in the void.

Even though Duo Yue had the upper hand in strength, he was still stunned. When he was chased again, Ling Han had torn open and left.

He is much stronger than Ling Han, but in the void, he is like a blind man, he can only find his way back from the original road, and can't open a new way.

Otherwise, the frenzy is not stronger, and the tentacles have long been extended to all planes, and the Yuan world has been swallowed up.

Hey, Ling Han fell out and slammed into the ground and gasped.

Don't just look at the bombardment, but it has already caused Ling Han to be hit hard.

After the force reaches the limit, there will be huge demands on the body. Like Ling Han, it is now in the body, and the power is not too bad.

"The improvement of physical fitness can only rely on the quenching of essential forces, but I have only mastered four kinds now, which is half the difference from the seven steps. It is too bad."

Ling Han was forced to sit up and muttered to himself while licking the big medicine for healing.

He thought he had made five steps, his strength was too high, and he had the qualification to compete with seven steps. In fact, he was only able to resist a few or even seven steps. He could only take one more note. .

“Either move in six steps or find ways to make your body stronger.”

"It’s too difficult to move into six steps, and according to my situation, the red medicine should also be ineffective for me."

"So, what I can do now is to find ways to make the body stronger."

"The strength of the plane is not as powerful as it is, but the strength of the plane in my body is so much. If it is united, it should not lose its essential strength."

"Well, first meet them with snow, then go to the world of generations, I want to get more medicine, let the body's plane grow up quickly."

Ling Han smashed the big medicine and quickly suppressed the injury, but the seven-step shot was too horrible, and it was not good for a while.

No way, Tianzun is hated by Tianzun. Once wounded, Heaven and Earth will naturally seize this opportunity.

Fortunately, the upper generation of the world has also produced a great medicine for healing, otherwise it will only be able to lick it bit by bit. However, it is not impossible for Tianzun to hang.

After a little recovery, Ling Han rushed to meet the Queen.

Before he let Ling Xiao go, they told the Queen and Hu Niu, and everyone knows where to meet.

Soon after, Ling Han returned to An Yecheng.

"Ling cold!"


"Four brothers!"

Everyone is surrounded up, and for a few billion years, everyone has changed a lot. The most exaggerated one is Ling Han, who can save people in seven steps.

Ling Han smiled and nodded, saying: "It’s all because of my relationship, I am tired of everyone."

"Haha, I can go to the seven steps to sit there, eat and drink enough, how many people can get such a good thing?" Yuan Shengtian smiled.

This makes everyone laugh, think about it, can make seven steps without killing, and give birth to scruples, how many people?

The **** dog is screaming: "Small Hanzi, now that we have seven steps of strength, should we stand on our own?"

Ling Han shook his head: "I can barely rival seven steps, and it is far from being an opponent."

The people could not help but be silent, that is to say, under the seven-step arrogance, they still only have a seclusion.

Ling Han smiled and said: "I plan to go to the world of generations again and improve my strength. When it is time... I can really fight seven steps."

When I heard this, everyone nodded.

Along the way, Ling Han has fully proved his enchanting, since he is so confident, it can certainly be done.

Everyone decided to temporarily forbear, and when Ling Han really had the strength of seven steps, it was their day of exuberance.

Ling Han did not bring anyone, alone.

Going to the plane below the tenth floor of the Upper Generation World, it is too dangerous, even if there is spacecraft protection made of gold and iron, it is useless, just to die.

Therefore, Ling Han can only act on his own.

But before leaving, Ling Han went to Zhou Heng first.

He is very curious about one thing, that is the identity of the fire, they are actually called extinction, what is going on?

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