Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2987: Seven steps

From six steps to seven steps, and seven people with Ling Han, Xin Qianhu and so on, this is a completely different concept, very simple, seven steps to master the six essential particles, body is not bad immortal, this is the biggest The bottom of the gas.

In the face of an undead opponent, how to fight?

When Ling Han saw the golden silkworm, the golden silkworm also saw him at the same time, and his face immediately showed murderousness.

At the beginning, Jinshen, Wanying and Yue Borong all advocated killing him. As a result, Yue Borong was killed by him. Wan Ying was embarrassed when he was competing for the core fragments. Then among the three, mixed The best thing is the golden silkworm.

Seven steps, no death, no fear of anyone.

"Right, I didn't expect to meet you here." Jin Sushen said, "Exactly, completely solve your traitor."

Ling Han shrugged: "What about the seven steps, is it amazing?"

"Hey, if you don't reach seven steps, how do you know the power of the seven steps?" The sorrowful color of the golden silkworm face, "Don't think that you have seven steps of combat power, you can rival seven steps, this is just a stupid fantasy. ”

"Standing at the height of the present, you are like an ant."

"This feeling of mastering everything, you can't understand it."

"And, you have no chance to understand it."

He said in one breath, as if he had placed himself on the altar, and Ling Han only had to pay homage to him.

This self feels good, you have to go to heaven.

Ling Han shook his head: "What other words?"

Last words?

This guy actually called what he said was a last word? Oh, this mouth is poisonous.

The expression of the golden silkworm suddenly fell cold, seven steps, standing on the top of the world, no one can be jealous, must be respectful and right, put the lowest position.

Actually dare to despise him and ridicule him?

"The erect, it’s hard to die when you die!" he said faintly. Of course, the seven steps will not be without self-control. "The deity wants to give you a good time, but you have to ignite the upper body and eat more."

Ling Han sighed: "I really know that the seven steps are so powerful. The mouth cannons are loud and loud. At this point, I really are not as good as you, admire and admire!"

He did a glimpse.


The golden silkworm is angry and mad: "If you are a good man, if the deity does not let you suffer from an epoch, then you will be seven steps!"

He couldn't help it anymore. He suddenly succumbed and swayed the terrible arrogance. The six essential particles were all in essence, and they were condensed into a gun in his hand, stabbing the cold.

The seven steps are too strong, and I can't use any weapons, because even if I use the Tianzun treasure, I can't bear the seven-step power, and it will collapse immediately.

But no problem, the six essential particles condense, this is the world's most terrible weapon.

Boom, seven steps hit, the power is overwhelming.

Ling Han Ning Quan, the seven streams met all the lights in an instant, suddenly boosted his power by two thousand times, hey, tens of thousands of planes also emerged together, and then he gave a punch.


Under the single blow, the whole person of the Golden Silkworm was shot and flew backwards at a faster rate than the coming momentum, and instantly became a small point.

The seven steps are not bad, and the body is invincible. Although this punch is extremely overbearing, it is naturally impossible to hurt him. However, the golden silkworm is a big mouth and a shocked face.

In the seven steps of the supreme, he was shot by a punch.

If he wants to pass it out, does he still have a face to see people?

Even if he just made seven steps, it can't be a reason.

It’s a shame to be a shame.

The golden silkworms rushed to the drums, and the six essential particles condensed into a huge palm. They grabbed toward the ground, but they caught it, but they couldn’t stop his retreat, and they shovel a deep on the ground. Ditch, if there is water to pour in, then this moment can become a sea.

After tens of thousands of miles, Jin silk finally stopped his body shape, and he could not help but shake.

The strength of Ling Han is incredible.

You must know that the higher the realm, the harder it is to fight in the next level. The seven steps are the best in the world. It should have been a small mountain, but now it is defeated by a five-step.

If the seven-step body is invincible, it is estimated that this punch will kill him.

The golden silkworm thought so, and couldn’t help but touch his face. As long as he stepped into seven steps and was tempered by six essential forces, the body was invincible, and the big world explosion could not hurt. Therefore, there was no trace of scar on his face. What made him move was that his knowledge of the sea was slightly shocked.

Isn't the seven steps undead? Why does his knowledge of the sea oscillate? Although it is only like this, if the power of Ling Han is bigger, will it make him feel stinging? Even after reaching a limit, can you shake his knowledge of the sea?

This is not impossible. You see, the seven-step Supreme Yellow Sand in the upper generation world is so dead.

The question is, will Ling Han be able to make such a contribution one day, and hit a blow to the collapse of the dollar world?

Jin silkworm can not be sure, he can only hope that he has just entered seven steps, and the body has not yet reached the limit. If it is replaced by an old seven-step, then the cold can not shake the other side to understand the sea.

Hey, the figure is flashing, Ling Han has been chasing it, and it is a punch.

This boxing has been preserved, but it has only run a six-stream symbol.

"Right, you dare to be so small!" Jinsui seems to have been greatly humiliated, immediately shouted, running a second-rate, greeted Ling cold.

The same is seven steps, the gold silkworm and the broken Yue are really far too far.

The power is not enough, and the two sides have mastered the symbol of Tianzun.

No way, the golden silkworm has been six steps before, and at most it is only a second-rate symbol. How can it compare with the monsters of the two worlds?


It was a pair of bangs, the golden silkworm was still lost, and it was once again hit, but this time the power of Ling Han was much smaller, so he quickly stopped his figure.

But his anger is still full of face, and it is incredible.

This time Ling Han just ran a six-flow character, but still crushed him, which makes him feel good?

Before he said that he was so round and so full, he had to win the cold and let the other party eat a bitter time, but now?

He only has to be beaten.

The gap between this ideal and reality is so great, how can you not let him lose his soul and be unacceptable?

Ling Han did not win the pursuit, he stood proudly above the golden silkworm, faintly said: "Seven steps? Hehe."

There aren't too many words, but the kind of disdain is deep into the bone marrow.

The silkworm's cheeks were twitching. He felt that he had been greatly humiliated. He screamed and his fists burst into infinite golden light.

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