Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2994: Mysterious sound (four more)

There are hundreds of thousands of faces in the body of Ling Han, all of which can reach the upper level. At that time, if he tries his best, it is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of steps to help him. This is incredible.

Seven steps, who can compare with him in strength?

Even, which one can only be out of reach.

In this way, he has exhausted his potential in six steps. If he moves into seven steps, the power will only be improved by mastering one kind of essential particles, and the other is invincible, not like this. Every further strength improvement is earth-shattering.

Unless he can raise the quality of the plane in the body one more time.

Super high.

You don't have to be super high, as long as you like the world of the yuan, there are one or two, three or four. In that case, he can run dozens or even hundreds of seven steps. Everyone is like a son.

From the ancient times to the present, the history tells Ling Han that it is impossible to repair the super-high plane in the body. But Ling Han has created a miracle. He has hundreds of thousands of planes in his body. Can he not create history again? ?

"Unfortunately, the number of my planes has reached the limit, and it is limited to my realm. The quality of the plane can no longer be pushed forward. This is the only way."

"I hope that when I step into six steps, the energy here will still be used by me."

Ling Han sighed, it was a pity.

He ended his cultivation and continued to move forward.

Now that he has arrived here, he naturally wants to see what is hidden behind the thirty-three-level plane.

As he walked, he made a deduction in his heart.

Before, he had the idea of ​​strengthening defense. The simplest one is to upgrade the realm. There is more kind of quenching of the essential particles, and the body will have a qualitative improvement.

The second is to use the force of the plane to form a defensive shield.

Of course, it is definitely the first way to solve the problem from the source, no need to act, and defense forever.

The problem is that there are only five steps in Ling Han, and the day when he reaches seven steps is also very far away. This is equivalent to white saying.

Therefore, he can only use the second method.

I can't do it before, the strength of the plane is too weak, and it is impossible to match the power of seven steps. Now, yes.

How can hundreds of thousands of five-step joint forces rival a seven-step peak?

As he walked, he thought about how to use the power of these planes to turn into his extreme defense.

Ten days later, he walked out of the particle wall, and his mind was also open-minded. Hey, his body was surrounded by four khaki-colored **** of light, each with a golden light connection. , turned into a triangular cone, which protects the cold.

"This kind of defense, I believe that the seven steps need to be bombed hundreds of times to break." Ling Han showed a confident smile, was attacked hundreds of times, did he still have a little reaction?

As long as you reinject the power, the defense can reach the extreme.

This can be considered an invincible alternative.

Ling Han traveled, ah, what is this place?

I don’t imagine the plane of the run-down, but the depths of the universe, dark, cold, and empty, and in the infinite distance, there is a light spot, exudes a soft but high atmosphere, even if it is infinitely far away, Ling Han can still be easily sensed.

This soft light makes him feel kind.

Ling Han could not help but wonder why this light would give him a feeling of intimacy? To know that he is a seven-step force, nothing under the sun can shake his emotions.

"You...come..." An old voice rang in the cold sea of ​​knowledge, grand and majestic, but without life and emotion.

What is the situation?

Who is talking to him?

"Persevered for so long, I finally waited for you." The voice rang again.

"Who are you?" Ling Han asked quietly.

"I am the seed buried in the mark of your life, only to be activated when you return here." The voice said.

In your own body?

Ling Han has some hair, relying on, when he is, how can everything be stuffed into his body?

First, frenzied, hit a brand on his body, and reborn with him, and this time, what a ghost?

My body, consciousness, and life brand are not inns. Whoever wants to come in will come in!

"You still haven't answered my question." Ling Han said, "Who are you, identity, origin!"

The old voice sighed softly: "I am not who I am, but a will of the world."

Rely on, say so mysterious and secret.

Ling Han is trying to talk, hey, his knowledge of the sea is filled with countless pictures.

He saw a fierce battle, saw the blood flowing into the river, saw the seven steps of the rushing, breaking the Yue, and a yellow sand that had already died, and was fighting a woman in black.

The fire is extinct!

This extinction is still beautiful and indescribable, but it is extremely cold. It has completely gained the upper hand with one enemy and six scorpions. On the other side, there are two great armies fighting in the battle, all of them are heavenly, and there are countless deaths and injuries.

This is a plane war, exactly the same as the current fight against frenzy.

It’s just that the current frenzy is ugly, and the opponent has changed to a new seven steps, such as Lin Luo and Xin Fu.

Ling Han was even more surprised. What kind of ghost is this? He actually saw the plane war in the last generation of the Yuan Dynasty? Does this have a relationship with him?

Next, he saw a known scene.

Huangsha sacrificed himself, entangled in extinction, and rushing and other people detonated the Yuan world and issued a blow that went far beyond seven steps.

As a result, the extinction was shattered and the Huangsha Tianzun was not at the center of the bombardment. The body was not bad, but the soul was annihilated.

The Yuan world collapsed, all planes were broken at the same time, and endless lives died in an instant, which formed a powerful force that broke the plane barrier and pushed all the plane fragments into the void. Layer stacking, this is the seven-step supreme and far less powerful.

The power of life is also buried, because it is concentrated to the extreme, and under the accumulation of time, it becomes a great medicine that is also good for Tianzun. There are also some fragments left in the core of the plane, which becomes the symbol of Tianzun.

It turns out that the big medicines and the Tianzun symbols here are all like this.

Ling Han also saw that the seven steps, such as rushing, were also devastated by this great destruction, and the soul was severely damaged. He was struck into a state of slumber and recovered through a long time.

When they were buried in the depths of the plane group, tens of thousands of light spots formed and fell into their bodies.

This should be the life brand of the genius of the world in the last generation. It is because of the existence of the brand of life that it can be turned into a human form after drawing energy.

and many more!

They are not arrogant, they are not saying that they have saved these life marks and won a glimmer of hope for the future. You can see the current scene. They are not already in a state of slumber, how can they do it? What?

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