Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2997: Eighth power

For the wind has no one hundred planes, Ling Han is not awkward, because he has hundreds of thousands, in contrast, it is only a small meaning, even a fraction is not worth.

What makes him uncomfortable is that the wind has no chance to master ten first-class characters.

Logically speaking, this should be his?

"In addition, I have to tell you one thing." The will of the upper generation world said that this can be called the world will, not belonging to any existence, but to the soul of all life in the upper generation, "although the last time In the great war, the extinction was bombarded by the power of destruction in the world, and the flesh was destroyed, and the soul was beaten with only a trace."

"But after eating this loss, the current frenzy has become even more terrible."

"And compared to my generation, the extinction at that time only swallowed up three planes, and the current frenzy far exceeds this number."

"According to my calculations, it is to destroy the Yuan world once again, and it is impossible to kill the frenzy, but to let it get the nuclear of the world."

The world will suddenly come to an abrupt end. After a pause, it will say again: "In short, the frenzy will become stronger and stronger, and you can't kill it by yourself."

Ling Han hearted a jump, what is the ghost of this world?

Why is this sound going to be vomiting on this?

It will be hung up anyway, what else is it hidden?

Ling Han did not ask, if the other party wants to tell him, it will not suddenly brake.

He just said: "Do you want me to join hands with the wind?"

"You really want to join hands with people, but it is not windless." The world will say.

"Who is that?" Ling Han asked.



Ling Han directly sprayed out, extinct?

Are you stupid?

The last generation of the world collapsed, the chief culprit is extinction, and extinction is the predecessor of frenzy, do you let the extinction go to the frenzy?

Oh, if the extinction is promised, it will be a ghost.

"You don't feel incredible." The world will say, "When I find out that there is still a sense of extinction, I know that it will one day come back. So I hid the extinct body and used up the last power. To fix her, but also let her create a new consciousness."

"Seven steps are the six essential forces plus the unique power of a plane. But this unique power can only be one, or one hundred, one thousand, or even a real plane. Powerful, this can be called the seventh essential force."

"There is such a frenzy. Every time it swallows a plane, the seventh power can be a strong point, far beyond any essential force."

"So, it is invincible in the world, and it is impossible to resist in seven steps."

"If you want to suppress it, you must surpass it in the seventh power."

"But you can start late, you can't directly devour the plane, you can't go beyond the frenzy."

Ling Han thought for a moment, slowly nodded, relying on himself to strengthen those planes in the body, then what year and month? Maybe one day he can turn a certain plane in the body into a super high, but at that time, maybe the frenzy has already swallowed all the planes and unified the world.

Although the essence of this is turned into a wall, the energy is rich, but this is only a part of the original world, and it remains.

To take a step back, even if a lot of it is given to Ling Han, it will make him the world of the last generation.

We must know that even if the upper generation world collapsed, it would only be a heavy blow to extinction, and it could not be killed, but the current frenzy is still stronger.

Therefore, the will of the world will say that it is impossible for him to kill the frenzy with his own power.

Ling Han is not moving, but the heart is like a tide.

This world will calculate, will actually hide the extinct body early, and spend only the rest of the power to repair her, creating a new consciousness for her, becoming the key to defeating the frenzy is another.

And he also became a chess piece, he chose him wildly, and the world will choose him... He does not agree with the world, it is just a coincidence.

Where is the world so smart?

But obviously, the other party is impossible to say.

This guy hides many secrets, such as the nuclear world, and, is the extinction a new will, or is it infused by the world will, and replaced?

Maybe it can be done, maybe it can't be done, and who knows?

To Ling Han to believe such a strange "person", it is really huh.

Here, Ling Han untied some mysteries, but he gained more incomprehensibility, and even had a feeling of being trapped in some kind of big conspiracy.

"So, in order to eliminate the frenzied words, you must acquire the eighth essential power!" The world will continue.

The eighth essential power?

The seventh kind is better to say, after all, it already exists, but it has changed one, but what is the eighth?

Is there such power?

Then why hasn’t anyone ever mastered it and reached an unprecedented eight steps?

"Actually, you have already seen this kind of power." The world will say, "Yin and Yang, life and death, creation and destruction, right and wrong, these are the manifestations of the eighth essential force, but there is no Which person can be mastered separately, two people must join hands."

So, is it going to join forces with extinction?

Ling Han thought for a moment and said: "You are sure that extinction will join me and fight together."

"OK." The world will be very sure. "Well, I don't have much time. I want to improve my body and let you truly have the ability to be a world of the world."


A mysterious force enters the body of Ling Han, this should be a spiritual level. After all, the four words of the world will explain everything.

However, soon this force dissipated, and the ball of light quickly extinguished, rumbling, and the violent sound of the sound, this space is falling apart.

Just after a while, Ling Han saw that the Netherstorm had blown over.

He understands that with the dissipation of the world's will, this last-generation world has completely lost its support, and the plane barriers are no longer effective, and naturally they are penetrated by the void energy.

It will soon cease to exist and be turned into a void.

Because this is the territory of the void, there should not be such a plane group.

Rumble, the emptiness of the storm, but Ling Han is unmoved.

He opened his defenses, and his body seemed to be inexhaustible, and he would not care about such an impact.

He looks inside the body, don't look at the world will say bright and open, no selfishness, but Ling Han can not fully believe, let alone trust.

Did the other person leave any hands and feet in his body, and suddenly he took control of his body and replaced him. Break the anti-theft perfect chapter, please use the search engine to search for keywords, you can watch all kinds of novels.

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