Ling Han held his hand and smiled. "You all got into my head, but I don't even know who I am?"

"Don't pretend to be a ghost, say who you are!" Someone shouted, anyway, there was a three-step block in front of him, let him dare to do so.

Ling Han looked at him and raised his hand at random.

Oh, that person turned into a **** fog.

The clouds are light and windy, there is no smoldering fire, and even the surrounding walls are not destroyed, but a two-step but almost silently died.

What great power is this, and what is the ability to control power?

Everyone is a sorrow, although there is a three-step block in front, but now, it is simply a display.

But this guy is too daring to succumb to the murder in the camp, no matter who he is, he is dead and dead.

"Dare to kill, don't you dare to say who you are?" The three-step boosted courage and asked Ling Han.

But only he knows what it is like, and what is in his heart is not empty.

Ling Han glanced at the three-step, which naturally forced the extraordinary murderer, but only took a glance, he did not pay attention, but asked: "You are all windless. Let's have your hand?"

These are the seeds of the last generation of the world. It is impossible to have any grievances with Ling Han. Then there is only one possibility. Because the wind has no way to hate the relationship of Ling Han, they also hate all those who are related to Ling Han.

- Ling Feifan is really embarrassing.

"Since we know that we are the people of the wind, do you dare to be fierce?" The three-step said, although he was asking, but the voice was trembling, there was no momentum.

However, when the wind is uncertain, everyone's waist is straight. The name seems to have magic, giving them confidence.

This is the strongest arrogance of the Yuan world, the son of the destiny, and the seven-step combat power in five steps, unparalleled in the world.

Ling Hanhe smiled, and took the three-step shot to the name: "Call the wind to see me!"

With one palm pressed, the three-step stunned, and quickly wanted to escape, but the body shape just moved, oh, but the body has turned into blood fog.

Seeing this scene, everyone is not stunned and pale.

It turns out that this person's strength is more than three steps.


I don't know who said it first, and everyone suddenly fled.

Ling Han slaps, 啪, 啪, 啪, each palm shot, there is a Tian Zun into a blood fog, no matter how far apart.

He even slammed twenty-one palms and died twenty-one heavenly lords, leaving only one step still alive.

The man was so scared that his legs were squatting, he could not run, and he felt that his body was full of chills.

How can this escape?

Ling Han is just closing his hands: "Isn't it going back to call the wind?"

The step was like a dream, and I realized that Ling Han had spared him once. After a while, he quickly ran away.

He was filled with the ecstasy of escape from the dead, running all the way to the wind alliance.

This is the base camp attached to the unrestricted forces of the wind. There are many people. Basically, as long as the seeds of the previous generation of the world are here, because the upper generation and the present generation are separated by two generations, they naturally divide a boundary.

However, there are always some people who tend to be inflamed. This is not the Tianzun of the Yuan Dynasty in this generation. Because of the identity of the son of the destiny, he came up and picked up his thigh.

"Huang Feng, what happened, so scared, is the sky falling down?" Seeing this step pale, he ran over, a three-step can not help but smile.

Huang Fengqi has never recovered, and muttered: "Dead, all dead!"

"What happened?" The three steps saw something wrong, and his face sank immediately and shouted at Huang Feng.

In this drink, he added a three-step power, such as drinking.

Huang Feng was a spirit, and he returned to the soul. He couldn’t help but shrink. He just wanted to speak, but he was stunned. The whole person turned into a **** rain.

Because it was too close, and there was no warning at all, the three-step was suddenly covered.

He couldn’t help but reveal the stunned color. Can a Tian Zun blast himself for no reason?

Obviously impossible.

In other words, Huang Feng was given the means, just attacked, leading to his death.

The problem is that Huang Feng was badly hit. At this time, it was not supported. Or... This method has been buried until it suddenly broke out.

"What happened?" More people ran over. They only saw the scene of Huang Feng's collapse. Therefore, some people's eyes immediately aimed at the three-step.

- Just now you are close to Huang Feng, are you doing it?

Three steps to kill one step, it is usually easier to play with my son.

Why would anyone doubt this three-step? Very simple, this three-step is not from the upper generation world, but the Tianzun of this generation, running over and holding the thigh.

Therefore, in the eyes of Tianzun in the upper generation world, such people are naturally inferior and difficult to win their trust.

You are not afraid to be small, not only dare to commit crimes in the camp, but also on the site of the Wind League.

"Yi Long, is this what you did?" someone asked immediately.

The three-step, that is, Yi Long is meditating, and he is moved.

Because he recalled, the former Huang Feng was pale and embarrassed, but it should have been a huge blow to the spirit, and the body was fine. He could still remember the life of the other side.

In other words, Huang Feng was buried in the body by means of a sudden explosion between him and his life.

Who did it, actually let Huang Feng not have a little bit to detect?

Two steps are absolutely impossible, can three steps be possible?


He shook his head in his heart, because he himself was three steps, consciously killing a step is simple, you have to break into a force, break out at a specified time, and blow a step into blood rain, which is impossible.

At least four steps.

He nodded.

"Really you!" Everyone saw Yi Long nod and suddenly became furious.

This guy is really courageous and dare to commit crimes here.

Yi Long was just like a dream, and he actually took a thing that was not his work.

This is not a joke.

He quickly waved his hand and said: "Not me, you misunderstood, not me!"

But everyone was very exclusive. I never thought of Yi Long as a person. Before I saw Yi Long nod, I still want to deny it?

Do you think they are all awkward?

"Take him!" someone shouted immediately.

"Get it!"

Everyone has shot, this won the traitors, the murderer, naturally do not use their hands to show mercy, one by one is to go all out, will Yi Long to death.

Yi Longzhen vomited blood.

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