The wind is uncertain and looks at Ling Han.

After more than five billion years, he still couldn’t step into six steps, but he has already completed five steps, and that one hundred planes have all been upgraded to the next higher level, at least equivalent to one thousand five steps. The strong man joined forces to inject strength into him, and his strength reached the late seven steps.

Now, he and Lin Yufu and other people's strength is already comparable, but his room for improvement is even greater. As long as he steps into six steps, let alone Lin Yulin, they are like the old seven-step supreme of the broken Yue. Competing, even suppressing.

If Ling Han is not dead, it is also a five-step process. He believes that his strength has grown extremely fast and he is no fear.

"You are not convinced?" Ling Han asked with a smile.

He didn't like the wind without direction, just because he was obsessed with the face of Zhou Heng and others, so he had to repeatedly show his mercy in the case of this opportunity, but he obtained the inheritance of the will of the previous generation, knowing that the wind is not a destiny. Son, what about a fart?

Slaughtered, grandma dripping, looking annoying.

The wind is uncertain and sneer: "You can do whatever you want with your own seven-step combat power? I tell you, you are wrong, you are wrong!"

Ling Han Zhan Yan smiled: "Today, I am squatting with strength, I want to kill you, how can you?"

"Bold!" The wind was screaming and screaming, hey, he was erected, "Ling Han, come up!"

Ling Han did not pay attention, but stared at the seal, his eyes cold, as if looking at a dead person.

"Ling Han!" The wind was no longer a big drink, he felt that he was ignored, and he gave him a strong shyness.

This is too deceiving, he is the son of destiny, with the supreme power of seven steps!

Ling Han shot, grabbed the past towards the seal.

"Let's relax!" The wind did not decide to shoot, and took it to Ling Han.

Boom, two forces collided, suddenly, the nearby houses fell in pieces, and the nearby three thousand miles of walls collapsed at the same time.

Oh, countless days are like a scarecrow, and they are thrown around.

The entire camp was turned into a carpet, shaking all the way.

Ling Han’s attack was resolved, but the wind was still uncertain, and Ling Han actually did not give him face, in front of his men facing him?

Everyone is hiding far away. Just after being shaken by the aftermath, many people have been hit hard. Who dares to go forward without blinking?

The seal also wants to escape, but just the blow of Ling Han was directed at him. Even if it was resolved, he also suffered more and he was already hit hard. How can he move his body?

He can only pin his hopes on the windless, and block the cold, or he will die.

Ling Han didn't care. He didn't use all his strength at the moment.

He took another hand and took a shot.

Boom, the essence of power condenses, turned into a big hand, pressed against the seal.

"Ling Han, you are too much!" The wind is uncertain, not because of Ling Han insisted on killing the seal, in his eyes, the seal is not so important, let him anger. But Ling Han ignored him, this feeling is the root cause of his anger.

Hey, he killed, while continuing to resolve the cold attack, while attacking Ling Han, let him innocently shot again.

Hey, the two Wei Li collided again, and then both annihilated, but they could attack the aftermath but it was shock, and let a large wall fall down and turn into ruins.


The situation is vomiting blood, even if Ling Han did not hit him, but under the impact of the aftermath, he is still awkward.

He suddenly looked at Ling Han, this is definitely the intention of Ling Han.

Look at his surroundings, except that he still has a second person?

Is this guy going to death in despair?

Hate, he actually has many chances to kill Ling Han. In the case of Xianyu, naturally, there is no need to say that after he went to the frosty plane, he also has a lot of opportunities, just scruping Zhou Heng, he did not do it. Later, even more because of the news that Ling Han was "discarded", he even did not put Ling Han in his heart.

A lost, thousands of ancient hate.

The wind is definitely not killing at the end, he angered with both fists and slammed toward Ling Han.

Ling Han casually played against him, while he could also attack and fight against the seal, forcing the wind to constantly resolve.

The wind is definitely not the side of the attack, but he is in a hurry and looks very embarrassed.

Such a dragon fights naturally attracts everyone's attention. Seeing that the wind is uncertain, everyone is only stunned. Isn't the strength of Ling Han already determined? Is it so windless?

The people of the Wind League can no longer speak, but look at the seal.

Now he has become the key to the fight between the cold and the wind. One wants to kill, one wants to protect, and whoever is stronger depends on whether the seal is dead or alive.

In this regard, the seal naturally hates the mother.

Why do you want to take him as a sandbag?

Even if the wind is uncertain, every attack of Ling Han will be resolved. Under the impact of the aftermath, he is still hit hard. I am afraid that he will hang up.

How many, the two strong players fight, he is sandwiched in the middle, became cannon fodder, and he will leave an old joke when he dies.

He struggled to leave the whirlpool, but he just gathered up the remaining power. A wave of aftershocks was swept over. Hey, it shook his body, and a blood spurted out. His eyes were black and almost fainted. The past.

"Ling Han, have the ability to fight with me, what is this means?" The wind is uncertain, he thinks that if he let go, he will never lose to Ling Han.

The other party deliberately used the circumstances to contain himself, so that he could not perform his power on the attack.

He once thought about giving up his feelings and putting all his power on the offensive. Under the eyes of the public, he gave up his own people. Who will follow him after that?

Therefore, he only has the ability to protect the situation, although looking at this posture, the seal is destined to be finished.

Ling Han didn't pay attention to it. He didn't put the feelings in his eyes. Similarly, the wind was not fixed in his heart now, but the order was solved. He put the wind in the second. .

After a few rounds of fighting, the seal is already terrible, and the limbs have been wiped out by the power of terror.

Ling Han has no sympathy. At the beginning, because of the enthusiasm of the seal, the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and the Qinghuo’s own desires, how many people killed the Xianyu?


Is the seal worth it? Match?

"Ling brother, it is almost appropriate to stop." The soft voice sounded, Lin Yu pity appeared, and advised Ling Han.

Three people, namely, 咻, 咻, Xin Qiang, Wu Yuyang, and white rice, also appeared.

Four seven-step combat power!

Ling Han is only unheard of, and today no one can stop him from killing the seal and the wind is uncertain, no one, absolutely no!

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