Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3006: World War I became a **** (four more finished)

The crowd was shocked, and the frenzied army actually killed it!

This is too sudden, and their walls have been destroyed, the defenses have been greatly reduced, and the monsters in the wild army have been updated to add a monster, which will blew at any time and hit the seven-step peak level of destructive power, both for people and the environment. It will cause terrible damage.

To deal with this kind of monster, you must find it in a far-flung place, and then use a long-range blow to make it self-destructive. This monster has amazing destructive power, but its own defense is extremely weak, that is, two steps and three steps can be very Kill easily.

Therefore, if you find and explode in advance, then this monster will explode in the frenzied army, but it will cause great damage to the frenzied army.

The problem is that it is too difficult to find, and this monster is still hidden in the sea-like frenzy, and it is almost impossible to break it in advance.

Now, the soldiers are coming down the city.

"Welcome the enemy!" Lin Yufu, Xin Qihu and others have issued orders.

The wind is indefinitely looking at Ling Han, and sighs: "Look at what you have done, hey, even if you are a seven-step force, you can't do anything you want!"

He has to desperately add to the crime of Ling Han. Otherwise, the seven-step combat power is almost invincible, and naturally he must do everything possible to preserve it and resist the frenzy.

Therefore, it is now necessary to give Ling Han a crime that even if he makes a great contribution, he cannot be excused.

For example, in this case, if there are countless days of death due to the cold, then it is Lin Luo and Zhou Heng who want to keep the mouth open. Otherwise, it is not enough to die.

Ling Han smiled faintly: "I certainly did a good thing, and brought all the mad arms over and destroyed them together."

"You really are crazy people!" The wind is indefinitely biting, this crime is big, once it is determined that Ling Han is a frantic man, then all seven steps will do his best to kill him.

"Slag, dog **** all day long!" Ling Han said with a sigh, "Well, I will solve the ugly guys outside, and then take your head."

Hey, he killed it.

Ling Han does not need to worry about anything now, it is the seven steps to jointly suppress him without fear, but he is not without the bottom line, right and wrong.

Of course, the wind is determined to kill, but it is impossible to let the entire barrier be buried for him.

No hurry, anyway, the wind is uncertain and can't run.

He faced the frenzied army and is now killing like a tsunami.

Before that, he smashed at least 90% of the frenzied army with a plane, but even if only 10% remained, the number was amazing, overwhelming and black.

Ling Han calmly calmed down, his right hand extended, hehe, a force condensed, turned into a light ball, flashing strange light, like a wave of water generally moving.

"Go!" He waved the ball of light.

The ball of light was shot, and it was so fast that it was already hit by the mad army. Those monsters want to slap their claws, but the light ball seems to grow like an eye, and it jumps agilely and cannot be intercepted.

When I went straight to the depths of the Frenzy, the ball of light stopped.

"Explosion." Ling Han gently said, bang, suddenly, the ball of light burst open, terrible energy explosion, and rolled away in all directions.

Hey, when the energy storm surged, the frenzied army was dying out, and the six-step level was completely unbearable.

Ling Han’s hands are constantly moving, and the light **** are thrown out. This is the power that condenses all his planes. It is equivalent to the bombardment of a small-scale world. The power is of course terrible.

boom! boom! boom!

The Frenzy Army was instantly devastated, especially one of the lightballs also smashed an explosion monster, which caused the monster to break out with the destructive power of seven steps. The two seven-step peak energy storms collided with each other. , or annihilation, or enhancement, resulting in more terrible damage.

When Ling Han waved hundreds of light balls, the entire frenzied army actually had less than a thousand.

After being killed by Ling Han, one finger will kill one, and all of them will fall from the sky in an instant.

At this point, the frenzied army was completely destroyed, and even did not rush to the city.

For a time, the audience was silent, only knowing to look at Ling Han with a shocked look.

Who is the hero of the world?

One person only, between the gestures, the hundreds of millions of mad soldiers will be smouldering, and there will be a pinnacle of the sea god, not moving the mountain.

As long as he is there, do you need a city wall?

One person, comparable to a thousand horses!

Different from the seven-step supreme, if you fight here, the seven steps are to break the rules, and it will cause damage to the heavens and the earth. It is equivalent to helping the frenzied busy. Therefore, in this battlefield, Lin is pitiful and windless. Waiting for seven steps is more practical than the real seven steps, even if their strength is not enough.

And Ling Han is even more powerful, and one person has solved a big army. It really is no one.

Ling Han turned around and faced the people in the city wall, Tsing Yi fluttering, as if to go from the wind.

There is silence, no one can say anything, and the soul is captured.

"Ling Han, you are even"

Boom, the wind is uncertain, just want to open the reprimand, but the audience is bursting out with a thunderous cheer, everyone seems crazy, looking at Ling Han with avid eyes.

At this moment, they all regarded Ling Han as a **** only and could save his god.

One person stands proudly and accepts the cheers of thousands of days.

In contrast, whether it is Lin Pity, Wu Yuyang, or Xin Qiang, the wind is uncertain, white rice, are eclipsed.

This is like a stone in the Baoyu, you can tell at a glance who is shining.

On the border, there is a cold person, enough!

The wind is uncertain, and the infinite embarrassment rises inevitably.

He is the son of destiny, he is!

Now accepting the thousands of people cheering and admiring, it should be him, not Ling Han.

Not only are the people of the Yuan Dynasty in this generation full of enthusiasm for Ling Han, but the seeds of the previous generation are the same, and they don’t take a look at him.

He hated to bite his teeth, and all the eyes burst into flames.

With such a great contribution, there is such a great role, and who will agree to kill the cold?

Is it necessary to have such a mountain across his head for the rest of his life?

Is he always living in the shadow of the cold?

He wants to kill! kill! kill!

Ling Han pressed the hand, suddenly, everyone's voice is gone, do not look up at him, the eyes are full of fanaticism, as if as soon as the cold is under the order, they are willing to take the cold for the city, even Counterattacks and frenzied camps are fearless.

This makes the wind seem uncertain and almost mad, relying on the identity of the son of the destiny, plus five seven-step supreme prestige, but also let the seeds of the previous generation of the world unite around him, listen to his orders.

You can look at Ling Han, just a war, it has become the undisputed leader.

(End of this chapter)

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