Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3054: Escape from birth (four more)

Ling Han ran.

Of course, it was impossible for the frenzy to watch him come over and make a big mess. After causing great damage, he could pat the **** and leave, and immediately waved a tentacle and pulled it.

Boom, tentacles, and terrible power.

Ling Han ran fast, he did not fight with the frenzy, this is no future, it will only make him fall into the encirclement, if it is then smashed by the seven steps, it really can make him hit hard.

Brush, the tentacle crossed behind Ling Han, but only a little can hit him on the back.

"Entered my territory, you still want to run?" Furious sneer.

Boom, the ground in front of Ling Han immediately arched up, as if he had a life, turned into a wall.

This is a plane, also a frantic body, he can naturally change his body at will.

Hey, Ling Han directly hit the up, this wall immediately collapsed, but the speed of Ling Han could not help but slow down.

The frenzied attack has already hit, and it has hit the cold.

Ling Han turned to meet, the frenzied attack is terrible, even if his defense is so powerful, but he has to parry, even if it is impossible to break his defense, it is still necessary to prevent it.

Under the huge impact of the shock, Ling Han only felt that the two arms were straight and numb, and the whole person was also shot and flew out.

Rumble, the terrain here has changed dramatically, the ground is wrinkled, and the front path has disappeared, turning into a thick mountain.

This way back is no longer, or another way forward, or it is hard to kill the past.

Ling Han decisively chose to go forward, since the frenzy can change his way forward, of course, you can change any place, which is originally inside its body, how to change how to change.

He, 嘭, 嘭, he is like a **** who destroys God, and he has broken a path.

However, the earth here is extremely strong, and even the six-step attack can be blocked. Although the power of Ling Han is far beyond the six steps, the land is too thick, and the cold can punch a hundred. The deep hole in the depth, but what is the total thickness?

This greatly limits the speed of the cold, and the frenzied tentacles naturally catch up.

Ling Han turned and met, hey, the tentacle pumped over, and suddenly he flew, but with the power of the frenzy of this blow, Ling Hansheng shattered a large area behind.

His face was a little flushed, and this blow almost shattered his defense. This is so, his guilt was still shocked, making him a little uncomfortable.

But at this time, there is no time for him to adjust. He immediately restores the defensive layer and continues to kill.

Crazy all the way to chase, Ling Han is to take the road to run wild.

He also raised a feeling of wandering on the edge of life and death, let him realize the constant, such as the void.

He will be able to make great progress when he escapes from birth.

It feels like he hasn't experienced it for a long time. As his strength reaches the peak of seven steps of crushing, the only thing that can threaten his life in the world is frenzied.

He was constantly subjected to frenzied bombardment, and there was blood spilling in his mouth. On the second day, his skin was cracked, blood poured out, and his body was red.

The speed of this trip was too slow. It took only half a day to kill, but now it’s been a day, and he has only halfway through the road.

It will take another day.

Ling Han gritted his teeth, this is extremely difficult, but it is not dead or death. Under the threat of death, he will further tap the potential, and there will be infinite power in his body, supporting him to continue to persist.

Frenzy is also shocking. If Ling Han is seven steps, it can be considered that it is only six steps. There is no undead body. Why can it persist for such a long time under its mad bombing?

Such a person... can’t stay.

Its attack has become more and more violent. It used to be a tentacle, but now it has become two, and after half a day, it has been added to three.

This one tentacle is not only a change in quantity, but indeed, the power is also greatly increased, the three tentacles are mad, and the offensive is violent.


There is also a spiritual shock, which has become a spear, and stabbed the past toward Ling Han, to destroy his knowledge of the sea.

However, there are thousands of faces in the body of Ling Han, and each plane has evolved life, even if it is just ordinary birds and beasts, even plants, but after all, there is a sense of glimpse.

How do these sensitivities come together, but how powerful?

The frenzied spiritual shock hit, but it was caught by these conscious nets, a little disintegration, and when finally hitting Ling Han’s knowledge of the sea, it was already the end of the strong, and there was no destructive power.

Strong as frenzied, there are limits.

"Ha ha ha, frenzied, this account is first recorded, it will not take long, I will suppress you." Ling Han said, while going away.

"No next time!" said the wildly, and waved the fourth tentacle.

If you can't kill Ling Han this time, then when the other party stepped into the seven steps and achieved the undead body, it would be helpless.

Of course, if it can swallow the entire world of the Yuan, the power will reach a new height, and it is possible to kill seven steps.

Ling Han whistling, all the way to break through, there are crazy.


A channel is shown obliquely forward.

Strong as frenzied can not affect the two channels, and here, finally, it is a smooth road.

Ling Han is a sneer, not going to the passage at all, but continuing to move forward.

Not yet to the two boundaries.

Ling Han said in his heart that he has walked over and experienced many roads. His heart is clear and clear. Here are two channels?


Therefore, this must be false.

If Ling Han really has to change this passage, then it is not the mysterious face, but the inside of the frantic body, which may not come out for a lifetime.

This is the set of frenzied to him. Since it is a frenzied interior, it is too simple to create such an environment.

Just advance more than three hundred feet, there is a channel in front of Ling Han, and still two!

Ling Han hesitated a little, according to his calculations, the two boundaries should be here, but there are actually two?

One of them must be fake, it is madly forged, and if you walk into it, you may be unconsciously guided to the frenzied interior.

Which one is it?

If you take a walk, you will know that the space channel is so long. If you take a walk, you should be a mysterious plane. If you can't get the other one, you will immediately return.

He chose the channel on the right.

Hey, he jumped into the passage, just two or three steps, and there was a familiar sky in front of him, and a familiar force came to him.

This is the atmosphere that belongs to the Xuan Mo plane.

(End of this chapter)

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