Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3100: Big win (four more finishes)

In the Yuan world, people who know the light group in the sea have their own specialities.

For example, Ling Dan's talent is superb, Ning Haixin has a strong affinity, Wang Quanhe is super lucky, and all of this, after Ling Han got the power of the entire Yuan world and the whole void, these attributes are all for him.

The Yuan world and the void are all contained in the stone of God, and since it is called the **** stone, it should not be just to breed the cold?

Therefore, Ling Han guessed that his abilities should work.

Of course, he can't guarantee it, so he has to try it.

"Two thousand." He launched another chip.

As a result, he threw five points, and the beauty only had three points.

The gambling continues, no matter how good or bad the cold is, it can always be one or two points more than the other side.

It’s not easy, the beautiful woman threw out two six points, the banker passed the kill, but Ling Han suddenly dropped the bet, let her win more depressed than losing.

After fully demonstrating that he had a lucky attribute, Ling Han began to put on the golden chip.

Soon, the beautiful woman lost her hand.

Jade seeds, that is a valuable thing, a jade seed can buy her. Now, there are as many as 100 jade seeds lost in her hands. Can we keep her from sweating?

"Mengmeng, you should take a break first, I will come." Yang Jie appeared, she was pretty and smiling, but her eyes were murderous.

Well, this Zheng Tongfeng dared to lie to her!

This is what the young child is, just play the pig and eat the tiger, the gambling is not too clever.

Ling Han loses all the small money, can win big bets, to say that he is not a gambling master, who can believe it?

Zheng Tongfeng also followed in. He looked at the stack of chips in the face of Ling Han in amazement, and his heart suddenly ran for 10,000.

Me, rely on, what is the situation?

The staff of the casino can be professional and play a little younger?

Ling Han nodded and smiled: "Okay."

In fact, he does not have any gambling skills. He relies entirely on luck. The key is that his luck is so good that he can ignore anyone's point. There is no difference in whoever changes.

"How do we change a gambling method?" Yang sister laughed.

"Oh." Ling Han does not matter.

They changed the gambling card, and after a brief introduction to the rules, the gambling began.

And just after a while, Yang Jie’s white jade-like forehead had a cold sweat.

At first glance, they bet 10, the winners and losers of the two sides are five or five, but the losers are all small money, and each win is super earned. Therefore, the number of wins and losses is the same, but he is Won a few hundred jade seeds.

Yang sister can't hold it anymore. She knows that she has met a real master.

Absolutely, let her not even know how she lost, but only to the luck.

Luck, nothing, can you be serious?

Therefore, I can only say that Ling Han’s gambling is too high, and I can’t even see it.

"I am a little tired," she said. "Ling Shao is really a good gambling skill. It is better to stop here today. It is going to be brighter. I have to take a break. This woman, staying up late is too hurt."

Ling Han is not for himself. If you want to gamble, the entire casino may have to be paid for him. Then he can go out alive is a problem.

After all, he is too weak now.

He nodded and put away his chips. When he passed Zheng Tongfeng, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Zheng Zheng." Then he went away.


Yang sister looked at Zheng Tongfeng, her eyes were sharp and full of murder.

How much did the casino lose for the night?

Nearly seven hundred jade seeds, this is an amazing wealth!

All of this was recruited by Zheng Tongfeng. Actually, it was said that Ling Han was the head fat sheep and came to send money.

Send your sister's money!

Zheng Tongfeng, this thing is not so cheap.

Zheng Tongfeng is crying. How can he think that a person who has come out of the stone will not only bet, but also the gambling is so high that the casino is a big defeat?

He is not afraid of Yang Jie, although he has to be weak, but after all, it is a disciple of the ancient Taoist, forgive the other party does not dare to move rough, but the problem is that the real boss of this casino is the ancient soup!

Who is the ancient soup, the three elders of the ancient Taoist!

Offended the ancient soup, then he would really die without knowing.

He didn't know how he got out. He sat down on the street and sweated coldly.

Going back, going back, looking for Li Changdan to help, this is his idea, now something is wrong, naturally it is impossible to leave. Yes, hurry back, please Li Changdan to mediate.


When Zheng Tongfeng hurriedly asked Li Changdan to mediate, Ling Han had already exchanged chips and went back to Gu Daozong.

This is the first time he saw jade seeds, only the size of the soybeans, it seems to be a chopped jade.

A jade seed is of course small, but seven hundred tablets are added together. This amount is still very heavy.

Ling Han asked the casino to have a cloth bag, like a hard work, and took a little effort to move back.

This power... is too weak.

Ling Han just took a short break and the sun came out.

He quickly went to practice boxing, and the first meridian was once again dredged a lot. According to Sun Jianfang, the meridians were also opened up, and there was a lenient statement.

In the case of digitization, one person's meridian width is one, and the other is one hundred. That is also full of strength. How big is the difference between the two?

This is the foundation.

Ling Han naturally wants to open the meridian to the extreme, and then will open up the second article. Otherwise, the progress of greed will only make him regret later.

After half an hour, Ling Han stopped, the cultivation time has passed, and refining has no meaning.

This time, he also discharged some impurities, but compared to the previous few days, this will be much less.

This shows that his physique has improved a lot, so it will not be so fierce.

"I really want to thank Zheng Tongfeng. When I was short of money, he sent it to me." Ling Han smiled and waited for his strength to improve, he would definitely "thank you" for the other party.

"Now, I can build a three-element array and refine the veins."

Money, since this biggest problem has been solved, Ling Han decided to do some better foundations. He did not want to use the refining pulse as a hammer.

The material for the matrix is ​​the best of the geochemical iron, which is the most solid material known at present, with excellent toughness and fire resistance.

This kind of material is very expensive. It used to be used on warships. Now it is used to build cold weapons. In the hands of warriors, this can exert a terrible power.

Ling Han went to the town to buy, the ternary array is very simple, only need three bases, so he needs few geochemical irons.

He bought this material in the weapons shop, and spent only 30 jade seeds in his fist size.

Very expensive.


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