Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3115: Little maid

The whole audience was amazed.

Who can think that a maid will suddenly shoot, but also blocked Zhang Baichuan's fist?

Unbelievable, incredible.

Naturally, someone recognizes Zhang Baichuan and knows that he is a repair of the second pulse, and even if he does not recognize it, as long as he sees his shot, he can naturally judge the repair.

Even if you can't see anything, you can know that Zhang Baichuan is a disciple of Zongmen, which means that he has opened up the meridians and has the power to transcend ordinary people.

His attack, is it a maid who can stop it?

Is this maid a warrior?

Seeing that her figure is so delicate, it is not the kind of brute force. It can only be said that she has cultivated a "secret force" and can fight against Zhang Baichuan.

It's no wonder that Ling Han's stance is so high, and he does not bother to fight with Zhang Baichuan. You see, even the maids of others are not sure.

Looking back, this maid is a famous warrior. The identity is naturally much higher than what is "small beauty". Is it that Zhang Baichuan and Xiaomei can be humiliated?

The warrior surpasses ordinary people and naturally cannot be slow.

The heart of the current snow is suddenly leaping, she did not think about anything, just saw Zhang Baichuan "sneak attack" Ling Han, she is afraid of Ling Han injured, can not help but jumped out.

It wasn't until the fist hit that she knew what she was doing. The tension and excitement filled her heart and made her feel a little trembling.

But only for a moment, she fixed her beliefs.

This kind of garbage does not need to be shot by the cold, it will dirty the hands of the young master, she will solve it.

Zhang Baichuan is also a big mouth, completely unbelievable.

This woman is a warrior?

This maid?


Is it fun, deliberately dressed as a maid to fool people.

Otherwise, if he knows that Snow is a warrior, how can he ridicule it?

He did not reflect at all, and felt that it was the fault of chilling and calling snow, playing pigs and eating tigers, deliberately playing people.

"Drink!" He screamed and slammed forward.

The snow is also squeaky, and there is no fear to meet.

Hey, the two are on the bang, there are few tricks, and the snow is very passive.

No way, she has just cultivated, and there is any actual combat experience. When I got up, I forgot everything about the move, only knowing that I was waving my fist and fighting.

This is naturally flawed and consumes a lot of energy.

Ling Han said, "When you are practicing boxing, what kind of **** is good to care about."

When I heard the snow, I suddenly decided to calm down. In her heart, Ling Han is a god.

Since her **** said that this is just slag, what else is it nervous?

Her punches were quite satisfactory, and there was no obvious flaw.

Zhang Baichuan was half-dead, and was actually **** by Ling Han. He wanted to eliminate the two, and he would solve the problem immediately, but he found that this was just a good idea.

Once the snow is calmed down, the attack power is quite terrible.

Don't look at her as a woman, but her willpower is tough, she is not afraid of being against Zhang Baichuan, even if her fingers are broken, she only wants this finger is not her.

Zhang Baichuan was not so embarrassed about himself. With more and more injuries on his body, he couldn’t help himself. He quickly jumped out of the battle and wanted to fight.

Can call snow but do not agree, you dare to attack my young master, how can you get out so easily?

She chased and her fists kept going.

Zhang Baichuan can only run, not dare to pick up.

Seeing this scene, everyone is very emotional.

"Is that person cold?" Someone recognized Ling Han. After all, when Ling Han was born, many people used to see him. This is a jump out of the stone. Who can not be curious?

"Well, that's him."

"It’s only been more than a month. He seems to be very good."

"No way, don't you know that the Sovereign Master gave him a pulse?"

"Is it two good?"

"Oh, it’s three."

"No wonder he can beat Zhang Baichuan. It turned out to be a second pulse."

"Well, as long as you can sense the meridians and move into two steps, one month is enough."

"People are more mad than people. I can get a pulse in four or five years."

"And, the Sovereign Master actually sent a two-pulse disciple to be the maid of the cold?"

"It's a preference!"

Everyone is feeling, they certainly do not believe that calling snow is a maid, but which is a sect, who was sent to protect the cold.

"Call the snow, come back." Ling Han said, such a small person like Zhang Baichuan really does not need to waste time.

Calling snow immediately stopped, and retreated to Ling Han.

"Stretch your hand." Ling Han said.

Calling snow extended his hand, and three fingers were beaten off.

Ling Han pressed a finger back and Kakaka rang.

Calling the snow to bite his teeth, no sound, just a painful cold sweat.

Fortunately, it’s just dislocation, and it’s okay to pick it up.

"Let's go." Ling Han strode forward, calling snow to keep up.

Watching the two disappeared around the corner, everyone looked at each other and there was a kind of incitement that was shocked.

"However, Ling Han's cultivation time is too short, at most it is only three veins, and it is not enough to see in Zongmen."

"This time I heard that there are several veteran brothers and sisters who want to fix him. Today, it is bound to suffer."

"Hey, wait and see the show."

Everyone is following in, as for Zhang Baichuan and Xiaomei?

No one cares.

The world has never been a loser, the winner will take away all the attention, and the loser can only lick the wound.

Ling Han entered the hall and saw that it was really magnificent.

From the outside, this is an antique building, but the interior decoration is incomparably modern. It is a style that has not happened since more than a hundred years ago. The marble floor tiles are covered with thick carpets, and there is no point on the steps. Sound.

Oil paintings are everywhere around the walls, which are estimated to be fakes, because most of the authenticity should be ruined in the previous big mess.

Nondescript is that there is a huge photo hanging in the middle of the wall. It is a girl, looks very good, and is very arrogant.

This is the protagonist of today, He Miaoyin.

It seems that this girl is quite narcissistic.

In the hall, all of them are young people, holding high-altitude wine glasses in their hands, walking around, and there are also attendants in the crowd, holding plates in their hands, and holding wine glasses filled with wine. Take a cup.

There is music, but you can't see the musician. It is a kind of music player. You can store the sound and play it at any time. Of course, there are preconditions.

"Ling Shidi!" Li Changdan appeared. He was tall and long, and his temperament was extraordinary. He seemed to wear a halo on his head. No matter where he stood, he was so dazzling that he attracted countless people.

He was the sharp-eyed, and soon found the cold, and strode over.

Like the arch of the stars, Li Changdan was crowded by everyone, and completely suppressed the cold in the scene.

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