This is a psychedelic array, very simple, only for the context of the pulse, to achieve the exchange of blood, a punch can be affected by the world, thus breaking the line.

The formation method is to motivate and change the world.

"This requires the use of thirty-six basic formations, which are branded on nine bases. When depicting the formations, it is necessary to inject mental power. Otherwise, it is just a dead line."

"Try it first with ordinary wood carvings."

These thirty-six patterns are all learned by Ling Han, but because all the patterns will slowly fade in the mind, so before he writes the pattern, he will carefully review the corresponding patterns.

Then he motivated his mind and portrayed it on the wood.

After one, two, three... after painting nine lines, he was able to recover from the mental power that he recovered. He could only stop and rest.

In the evening, a soldier came over and informed Ling Han that he would report to the camp of Xuan Qingqi tomorrow morning.

Ling Han thought about it and decided to take a good rest.

The next day, the camp of Xuan Qingqi, the seventh squad.

The eight players looked at the entrance to the camp, as if they were expecting someone to come over.

"The new vice captain is coming today."

"Hey, look at how handsome this guy is, actually confusing our flaglord."

"I must give him a horse, let him know and retreat, there is no real strength, let alone be our captain, that is, Xuan Qingqi is not eligible to join."

"Not bad!"

A 35-year-old brawny nodded: "Xiao Zhang, wait for you to challenge this vice captain!"

"Good!" A young man from the age of 20 nodded, while others held their arms. I believe that Zhang Honglang’s shot is enough.

At this time, a young man appeared at the entrance of the camp, it was the cold.

"Is that kid?"

"It should be, never seen, and also in line with the description, a boy who looks like eighteen or nineteen years old."

"Well, wait for him to come."

The people of the seventh squad are all gearing up, waiting for the cold.

The camp of Xuanqing Banner is very large. Although there are only a hundred people in the entire military camp, and there are no more than two hundred logistics personnel, the camp is almost the size of ten mu.

Because this is outside the city, the open space is casually picked.

Ling Han strode and walked to the place where the seventh squad was located. There is no need to worry about finding a place, because every squad is in a flag with a "first squad". "Second detachment" and so on.

"You are Ling Han?" I saw eight men of different ages ushered in.

Ling Han glanced at it and said faintly: "If I have not guessed wrong, you are the team members of the seventh team. And if I remember correctly, it is just your vice captain."

He paused and said: "You just greeted the vice captain?"

"Oh, want to be our vice captain, we need to get our approval first, otherwise, you are just a fart in front of us." A 30-year-old brawny said.

"That is, this vice captain should let our Liu Ge come!" said Zhang Honglang, the youngest boy.

This Liu Ge is called Liu Jing, and the eleventh vein has been repaired. He has been in the seventh team for nearly ten years, his qualifications are very old, and he is very loyal to the people, so he naturally gets support from other players.

"Oh, then, are you going to give me a horse?" Ling Han smiled.

"This is not called Ma Wei, we just want to learn from the vice captain." Liu Jing laughed, he was very unconvinced, their former vice captain sacrificed in the recent beastly action, he is of course very sad.

However, it is up to him to be the vice captain of the seniority, not the young man who does not know where to come from.

Ling Han looked at it. The captain of the seventh squad was Tang Hai. He knew it as early as Fengshan, but Tanghai did not appear. What does this mean?

The other party must know that the person under the hand will target the cold, but deliberately avoid it, obviously making it clear that Ling Han himself to solve this problem.

To win the respect of these fighters, there is only one way, strength.

Therefore, even if Tanghai appeared, it would be the "rebellion" for Ling Han, but these people are not making trouble now, after that? Will you serve Ling Han?

Ling Han smiled lightly, and if so, then come to war.

"Who is the first to shoot?" He looked at the eight people.

"I!" Zhang Honglang came out.

"Since I am the vice captain, let you have one hand." Ling Han left his right hand behind him.

Zhang Honglang suddenly became angry and loudly said: "I don't need you to let!"

"Oh, let's take it." Ling Han hooked his finger to his opponent with his left hand.

Zhang Honglang hesitated and immediately strengthened his belief: "This is what you are looking for."

Hey, he slammed his feet and rushed toward Ling Han.

He is a ten-pulse, people have not arrived, the attack has arrived, turned into a month of blade attack to Ling Han.

Ling Han punches and greets each other.

Hey, punching each other, suddenly formed a shock wave, swaying around.

The strike, the two men put together a tie.

"Hey, can this kid actually tie up with Xiao Zhang?"

"Not as weak as the legend."

"However, Xiao Zhang has not made an overlap. Once used, the kid is definitely not an opponent."

"After all, it’s just out of the backcountry."

All the people in Tanghai said that they absolutely do not believe that Ling Han can defeat Zhang Honglang, even if it is just a tie.

Zhang Honglang's offense is very exciting, both fists and feet are used, and recruiting is a technique of killing people.

This is normal. The warrior does not repair the man, then what is it?

Ling Han responded at will, since he was his own soldier in the future, he decided to release the water and not let the other party lose too ugly.

The two were playing lively, and suddenly they heard a noisy voice at the entrance of the camp, and many people ran there.

what happened?

"Xiao Zhang, stop first." Liu Jing said.

Zhang Honglang stopped by his hand and asked back: "Liu Ge, what happened?"

"It seems to be an accident!" Liu Jing waved his hand. "Go and see."

La la la, for a moment, all eight people ran to the gate of the camp.


Ling Han touched his chin, this is a bit awkward, he was so dried up?

He also walked to the gate of the camp and just walked there. He saw a figure falling from the sky, and he just fell to his feet.

"Ha ha ha ha, Xuan Qingqi is really brought out by a woman, a group of goods that are not planted!" A voice passed over, suddenly let the dozens of soldiers at the entrance of the camp all exposed the color of anger.

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