Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3173: Negotiate

Ling Han stopped and did not look back.

When Pan Hu saw a play, he continued to squat and did not dare to stop.

This made his face burning at the beginning, when the street gave people a squat, how much hurt his face? But he is not really a big man, how many people know him?

Now everyone is watching the fun, and maybe forget it in a few days.

For people like him, face is of course important, but compared with the actual benefits, it is insignificant.

"Please forgive me, I am wrong, I really have to know that it is wrong." He smashed his head and broke his scalp. The **** one went down the cheeks, and there was an unspeakable misery.

"Where are you wrong?" Ling Han turned back and said lightly.

"I shouldn't have no eyes, I shouldn't be jealous, I shouldn't look at people with low eyes..." Pan Hu constantly introspected himself and described himself as the world's most shameless and morally corrupt person.

Ling Han just wants to punish this person, or want to do business with the Cixin Pharmacy. After all, this is the largest pharmacy in Hulu City, and the sales are also the best.

So, seeing Pan Hu’s nose and tears, he thinks it can be stopped.

"Okay, get up," he said.

"Thank you, thank you!" Pan Hu cautiously climbed up.

People like him are the most bully and hard, and once they are suppressed, they are like dogs.

He ran around and said: "Yes, my uncle wants to see you."

"Lead the way." Ling Han said, the matter is important.

"Hey!" Pan Hu promised to go ahead.

Soon, they returned to the compassionate pharmacy.

"I am Mo Guohao." As soon as he entered the door, Mo Guohao greeted him and smiled. His hands stretched toward Ling Han, and he looked very enthusiastic. "I was really scornful, I will punish this kid."

"Ling Han." Ling Han reached out and shook hands with the other side. The Yuan world generally held a handful of gifts. It seems that he likes to use a handshake to chill. He smiled. "Whoever has nothing, change it."

Is this for yourself?

Pan Hu couldn’t help but even want to cry. Ling Han would actually say for himself, after he treated him like this!

"Ling Xiaoyou is really broad-minded!" Mo Guohao laughed. "Come, please come upstairs."


The two went upstairs, and the other guys certainly didn't dare to keep up. Pan Hu thought about it and went to the second floor.

Mo Guohao just looked at Pan Hu and did not drive him away, so Pan Hu’s heart was loose.

"Go, pour two cups of tea over." Mo Guohao greeted Ling Han after sitting down and told Pan Hu.

"Yes, yes." Pan Hu went quickly.

"Little friends, how much do you have such a remedy?" Mo Guohao asked, pointing to the bottle on the table, which was brought to the store before Ling Han.

He deducted a little bit of tasting, and with the strength of his intermediate Dan, of course, he can immediately determine what is the improvement of this new type of secret pill.

Therefore, he immediately rushed down with excitement.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "The supply of ten per day is not a problem."


Mo Guohao was shocked. He was not surprised by this number, but he could provide ten pieces every day. Is it so stable?

“Is it true that this is a refinement of Xiaoyou?” he asked, if not, how can there be such a guarantee?

Ling Han smiled slightly: "Not bad."

The squad and the sorcerer are both symbols of identity and synonymous with safety. He is now coming to the ground and needs certain protection.

Mo Guohao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, such a young Dan teacher?

If you want to be a junior teacher, you have to refine a dozen primary medicinal herbs, and at least one of them needs to use mental power to induce formation. In the process of refining, you also need to use the power. To control the flow of energy in the array method.

Therefore, at the beginning, this is very demanding on mental strength and needs to reach the primary level.

However, after this, Dan Dao has no high requirements for mental strength, but it is extremely insignificant. This is another direction of development.

However, in order to achieve primary mental strength, genius needs to be twenty-five years old, and the average person has to pass thirty.

If you refine your secret force pill, you must have a primary mentality. That is to say, this young man has such a condition.

It’s amazing.

"Little friend, you are really amazing." He was very impressed, knowing that he was a junior literary when he was twenty-four years old. This has been called a super genius, but compared with Ling Han. Ha ha.

Ling Han just smiled. He has always been modest and not proud.

"I don't know if Xiaoyou can sell the improved secret force Maru Dan?" Mo Guohao's eyes are burning.

Although the secret force pill can only be applied to Tongjing, it is too low for the entire martial level, but because it is the lowest level, it has the most extensive market.

If he can master this formula and vigorously promote the new version of the secret force pill, it will not only get huge wealth, but also make his history of the history of the entire national army will be greatly improved, because it is certainly the highest number of underlying fighters.

Ling Han shook his head: "No interest."

Mo Guohao could not help but be disappointed, but this is also expected. He can think of this. Can Ling Han not think of it?

Is it a fool to be able to do all the things that Dan’s teacher wants to do but does not do?

In fact, he is really wrong. Ling Han will not put this kind of primary Dan Fang in his eyes. However, he still needs to make money from the improved version of the secret force pill, which is of course the only supplier to push the price. Go up.

When he learns more Dan Fang, for example, he can improve the Dan Fang of the blood exchange, and then improve and improve, then naturally do not rely on the secret force pill to make money, then you can sell Dan Fang.

“Ten is a day?” Mo Guohao retreated to the next level. With the addition of the improved version of Mi Li Pill, the status of the leader of the Cixin Medicine Hall is unbreakable. Otherwise, it is like Xiyun Yaotang and Dakang Pharmacy. Nothing is worse than the compassionate pharmacy, and it may catch up at any time.

"Yeah." Ling Han nodded. "I will give you an address. You will send someone to pick it up every evening."

"Good." Mo Guohao nodded.

Ling Han took out another bottle, which was mostly done. He contained nine secret pills and placed them on the table.

“How is the price calculated?” he asked, which is naturally the core issue.

"Ordinary secret force pill, one sells two thousand. If this improved version, the effect will be more than doubled. The meaning is not so simple. So, I decided to price it at 5,000." Mo Guohao looked at Ling Han.

Ling Han nodded: "Divided?"

"You take four thousand." Mo Guohao said.

This split is really generous.

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