Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3189: Digging, squatting

Pan Hu was shocked, is this cold to go to do things?

This is the head of the city's adult, and it is the birthday party of Feng Ruoxian. If the atmosphere is destroyed at this time, will the city owner swear by him?

Even if you are favored now, you can't be so waved.

No matter what kind of talent you have on Dandao, you need to be attached to the strong, and you must not forget it.

He quickly chased the past, but his legs were long, hey, his legs were taken, and he couldn’t catch up.

"Yan brother!" Ling Han stopped, just in front of Yan Jun.

Yan Jun couldn't help but blink, and looked at Ling Han's eyes full of anger.

The day before yesterday, he was smashed by the Hell organization, and even threatened to kill him, because he also gave false information.

- Ling Han, what is the ten veins, but the twelve veins, and even have the strength to match the blood.

To tell the truth, Yan Jun does not believe it, even if it is a hundred years of hard-to-find arrogance, it is also unable to match the blood, and Ling Han, a vice captain of Xuan Qingqi, and He Dehe?

But he can't think of any reason why the **** organization deceives himself. Therefore, he believes that there is a master around Ling Han, even even Xue Rong, and if the three strong players are secretly shooting, it is indeed possible to keep Ling cold.

With this in mind, he naturally has to burn more in the fire.

Now, this guy actually dazzled in front of himself?

"Oh." He just smiled and smiled. In the public, especially today, he still takes care of the image.

"Ling Han, what do you want to do?" Yang Ziqing stepped forward.

"Talk to your master, what mouth do you insert?" Ling Han smiled, and pressed and pushed on his shoulder, Yang Ziqing could not help but retreat to the side.

Ling Han will swear Yan Jun and said: "Come, let's talk."

Who is talking to you? What is good to talk about?

Yan Jun wants to break free, but his accomplishments in the formation are not low, and he is very talented. But in the martial arts, it is just general. The repair of the twelve veins is indeed not low, but the strength is better than that of Ling Han. How far can you earn off?

But others don't know, see Yan Jun, although pushing and pushing, but obviously want to refuse to welcome, otherwise there may be reasons to push it?

You are twelve, well, everyone knows.

Good friends, come here and never forget to show love.

Pan Hu is also abruptly stopped, and his heart is leaping: "Rely, cold and really like chrysanthemums!"

Ling Han lowered his voice and said: "Yan Jun, no matter how you toss, it is only a waste of effort! Even the flag owner is not at all you can climb high."

This sentence made Yan Jun irritated. This is his most concerned thing. However, he thought that the goal of solving it well was to accidentally get it, so that he is now in the mud, and he is so annoying to die. Ling Han is so ironic, he is naturally more angry.

He couldn't help but push hard against Ling Han.

This is a subconscious reaction, and the power of Ling Han is so big, it should have been futile. But who can think of this pile, Ling Han actually went down to the ground.

He glanced, what is the situation?

"Yan Jun, you are too embarrassed to start!" Ling Han immediately climbed up and pointed at his nose. "I am going to talk to you, you actually took the opportunity to give me a black hand, shameless!"

Everyone is amazed. In this situation, the two people have just adjusted the oil in the honey, and they show their feelings in public, but now they suddenly turned their faces?

They looked at the scores clearly. It was indeed that Yan Jun was not prepared. He pushed a cold and forced the person to fall to the ground.

Hey, how can Jun Jun get out of control? He is the leader of the younger generation. The most promising strategist, how can he not even cultivate this point?

This is Feng Ruoxian’s birthday party. Are you afraid of offending the city owner?

"It is forbearable, you can't bear it!" Ling Han strode over, and Yan Jun was a slap in the face.

Ling Han’s shot, how is Yan Jun blocked?


This slap in the face is so crisp and extremely drawn on Yan Jun's face.


Ling Han said in his heart, telling you to buy me and kill me, well, let me sing out.

Hey, Ling Han has a mad rush, and Jun Jun has only a hard-to-eat meal. Where can I hide?

"Now I know guilty, why did you push me?" Ling Han said while pumping.

Who is guilty, who is he?

Yan Jun is now eating people's hearts. He finally understands why Ling Han will be pushed down by himself, and he has dug a hole for himself.

From the beginning to say hello, then whispering, and then being pushed down, creating the illusion that he suddenly turned his face.

"I didn't expect Yan Jun to be very modest, and he was beaten by people."

"No way, who let this pick him up, this is the city government, if he dares to fight back, then once he is pursued by the urban master, then he is the main responsibility."

"In this way, Yan Jun really deserves to live. I know so, why are you going to push each other?"

"Hey, who is this person, it seems that I have not seen it."

Everyone was talking about it, and this was passed to Yan Jun’s ear, and he really wanted to scream out loudly: "Whoever he deserves, I am pitted."

It is a pity that he was so full of Ling Han. He didn't even have a chance to speak. He would definitely put a punch on his mouth and beat him with two eyes. He couldn't speak.

"I said this, is almost enough?" said a young man. He is a family member, and he is also known for his accompaniment. He is also a 12-pulse repairer. He has a good relationship with Yan Jun.

When Ling Han stopped, everyone thought he was listening, but he saw Ling Hanyu squatting with the wind and said: "Which is your onion? I am teaching my grandson, need you to manage?"


Hey, many people are laughing out. No matter how to solve this matter today, Yan Jun is sure to become a joke.

Yan Jun even wants to kill, and his heart is even more screaming that the **** organization is useless. He also said that there is no goal that can't be done. By relying on it, Ling Han has already escaped two assassinations, and he has also beaten and humiliated him.

戚 A cold face with the wind, said: "You are too much, this is Miss Feng's birthday party, when do you want to make trouble?"

He jumped out and then explored his hand and grabbed it toward Ling Han’s wrist.

Ling Han smiled, but he slammed Yan Jun, and he grabbed it on Yan Jun’s ass.

Yan Jun suddenly had a stiff body and was caught by a man. What kind of experience is this?

The wind is also a glimpse of the wind, how the action of Ling Han will be so fast, he actually did not see how Yan Jun was smashed up, otherwise, he will certainly close in time.

He snorted and quickly closed his hand. It was going to spread out. He was holding a man's buttocks, and he was really arguing.

He is not good at this!

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