Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3191: Hit the muzzle

Pig, really a pig!

Yan Jun shouted in his heart. Although you said that you missed your mouth, you could just bite and say something wrong. There is no evidence. What can Linghan do?

But now, to say this, it is equal to recognition.

Stupid, how can there be such an idiot!

But he did not know that this second ancestor did not experience any setbacks. In such an environment, the will easily collapsed. I also hope that Yang Ziqing calmly thinks?

impossible things.

"The blood is spurting, there is nothing in the middle!" Yan Jun said coldly, a look of justice.

Ling Han looked at Yang Ziqing, and said: "You said that Yan Jun let you buy a fierce, can there be evidence?"


There is evidence, everything is in operation, Yan Jun is just moving his mouth, and most of the money is from him.

He is really stupid, doing things for others, but also scolding for others!

Yang Ziqing lost his soul, and he thought of why Jun Jun had arranged so many things for himself. It turned out that in order to make an accident, he could launch himself.

"Yan Jun, how are you! Oh!" He gnawed his teeth.

"Since there is no evidence, then I will send you on the road." Ling Hansen said, as the vice captain of the Xuanqing Banner, he has the power to kill, as long as the other party really violated the imperial death penalty.

"Oh!" A young man walked out and laughed. "Is Vice Captain Ling? Is it Yang Xiaocheng of Yang Family? Here is the city's main house and Miss Feng's birthday party. It is very inappropriate to kill people here! This person is the child of my Yang family, so let me bring it back, I will definitely be the vice captain of Ling, and give everyone a confession."

When Yang Ziqing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he can return to the family, then he will not die, how can Yang family allow the sectarians to be executed in public?

Ling Han is also a smile: "The little Cheng Cheng, now the evidence has been conclusive, the suspects have personally admitted to buy murderous people, like I am so hateful, how can you turn a blind eye? Rest assured, I am very murderous, to ensure that no blood will be seen. ”

Rely on, this is not a question of seeing blood and blood, and who is Xiao Chengcheng?

Yang Xiaocheng's face is cold, he and Yang Ziqing are not brothers, and the usual relationship is not so good, but if the Yang family is slaughtered, it is the face of everyone in the Yang family.

This is absolutely impossible.

"Ling vice captain, don't overdo it!" He stood up.

"I am doing law enforcement now, you dare to stop me, it is tantamount to treason." Ling Han just glanced at him, yo, "Do you want me to kill you even with you?"


Yang Xiaocheng couldn’t help but the crime was really big. If you really want to buckle this hat, don’t say him, that is, Yang’s family will suffer.

"Pulse away!" Ling Han's voice was cold and continued to walk toward Yang Ziqing.

"Ling Han, do you really want to be right with my Yang family?" Yang Xiaocheng said, he must make the final effort.

"Is your Yang family thinking about doing the right thing with Sheng Sheng?" Ling Han took a bigger pot.

Yang Xiaocheng said nothing. In Xuanbei, today is a god. It was the establishment of the dynasty, the expulsion of the beast, the spread of the martial arts, and the re-casting of order. This is a merit, and everyone is respected from the heart.

If he is told that he is not respected, he will be killed and alive.

"No, no, no!" Yang Ziqing collapsed. He fell to the ground, tears and noses flowed out. "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

"Nobody wants to die, but you do evil, he is not evil!" Ling cold said coldly, of course he could not have any sympathy, the other party bought him to murder him!

He is not the Virgin.

He explored his hand and grabbed the past toward Yang Ziqing.

Under the pressure of desperation, Yang Ziqing broke out of the desire to survive, and he began to escape, and the direction of escape... actually to the depths of the city.

Everyone was a glimpse first, but they all nodded.

If he ran outside, would he be too cold?

On the contrary, if you run into the city's main house, will Ling Han really dare to chase it?

Take a step back and say, even if Ling Han dare to chase, but Yang Ziqing just hit the city owner and the like, Ling Han dare to do it?

The urban master is not a cold, he will consider the balance, consider the strength of each family, like this is only a unilateral confession can be overthrown.

Hey, in such a short period of time, I can think of so much, Yang Ziqing is really not stupid.

This will let Yang Ziqing know, and I will definitely get rid of it, because he thinks of it, he is completely flustered.

He ran, the people in front of them were letting go, and everyone was unwilling to tie up with him. Secondly, they were not willing to be enemies with Yang.

Yang Ziqing has a smooth road, but there is a woman suddenly appearing in front of him. At most, he is seventeen or eighty years old. It looks so beautiful and beautiful. The skin is white like milk, and the hair is black and shiny. The whole person is beautiful. Have to bubble.

To change the time, he will definitely be pleased, and hope to win the favor of the beauty, but now he is only full of life plans, so he shot at the girl, to the girl, to throw her to the cold, to win a line for himself The opportunity to escape.

"Looking for death!" He had just shot, and there was an icy voice in his ear, and then there was no more.

Yang Ziqing, dead!

He was pinched by his neck and instantly shattered the bones of his body and died.

"If the fairy sister!" Wen people in April, Zhao Zhishu, Li Haoyue greeted the girl who just came out, and then saluted to an old man on her side, look very respectful.

Just this old man shot, one hand pinched Yang Ziqing.

This is Feng Ruoxian?

Most of the people here don't recognize Feng Ruoxian, and they hear people saying hello in April.

"See Miss Feng!" The crowd is also busy with the ceremony, this is the big lady of the city's main house, not to say that it will become a king, even the queen!

They are not eccentric, and Yang Ziqing is really unlucky enough to actually hit Feng Ruoxian, and dare to shoot! However, who is this old man, the shot is too decisive, and directly kills people.

This makes Ling Han a pity, he actually wants to kill Yang Ziqing.

It’s just that the old man is too powerful to look at, but don’t be as good as his “theory”.

"I have seen Mu Guanjia!" Wenzhong said in April at the same time.

Everyone can't help but know that there is an old housekeeper in the city government. It is said that he was rescued by the lord of the city when he was chased, so he was willing to be a slave to the city.

This is a very strong bone!

"I have seen Mu Guanjia." Others have also saluted. This is a big man who must be respectful and right. There are several strong people in the whole city.

The old butler did not pay attention to anyone, squinting at his eyes, as if he was invincible.

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