Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3206: Self-killing

It is understandable to say that a person has lost heart and madness.

But both of them are out of heart, and they are still in one place, one after another, which makes people unbelievable.

There is something here that affects and controls Zhang Honglang and Liu Jing. It may be the gas emitted by a certain plant, or it may be the monster, so it will be so quiet here, there is no insect, bird or beast.

"Damn, let us kill each other!" Yu Liren bites his teeth, but he can only pull away the distance, not with the willows, otherwise someone will be injured.

"What dog things, come out quickly, there is a kind of battle with me for three hundred rounds!" Ju Yongsi called.

But only the liu will put the knife in his hand to make the wind and the wind, and there is no big monster to jump out.

Ling Han shot, the tyrannical force shocked the blade of the willow, and then he cut a knife in the neck of the other side, stunned the willow.

This time, the Liu Jing is completely safe.

However, this is not the end. Tang Hai suddenly showed his hustle and bustle, and suddenly threw his hand in the face of Zhang Honglang, and then crossed the knife.


Ling Han quickly shot, but the distance is too far, where can he come?

Don't say that Zhang Honglang is now exhausted. Even if he doesn't, how can he be Tang Hai's opponent without any defense?

He can't stop it!

"Captain!" Everyone was exclaimed. Do you want to watch their teammates being killed by their own people?

Ling Han knew that the boxing power was too late. He lifted his mental strength and wanted to beat the knife in the hands of Tang Hai. However, he immediately rejected the idea.

Although his mental strength has advanced to the intermediate level, he can at most be the power to lift a few books. How can it affect a twelve pulse?


Ling Han turned his mind into a knife and rushed toward the sea of ​​Tanghai.

He believes that whether it is Zhang Honglang, Liu Jing or Tang Hai, it is affected by a mysterious force.

Since this is a spiritual level, then maybe he can also influence the Tanghai.

Boom, the impact of the spirit has no distance, no time, Ling Han has a thought to move, the mental power has penetrated the sea of ​​Tang Hai, but a gloomy, chaotic but incomparably strong will is immediately impacted by the cold go with.

Ling Han snorted, and his mind returned like a tide.

Brush, slash, blood splash.

Has it caused a tragedy?

Everyone was somewhat intolerant. They didn't want to see the tragedy of their comrades being killed, but they forced themselves to open their eyes.

Zhang Honglang... not dead!

Tang Hai’s knife was awkward, and he did not kneel on Zhang Honglang’s neck, but he still pulled Zhang Honglang’s left arm shoulder.

"Ah," Zhang Honglang screamed.

Ling Han snorted, and he can naturally conclude that there is a strong presence that controls Tang Hai and let him experience a nightmare.

In such a nightmare, perhaps Tang Hai is fighting hard to protect his teammates.


He punched another shot and Tang Hai was suddenly smashed by him.

"Hey!" Ju Yongsi issued a strange scream, as if he had changed a person, and crossed the sword around his neck. "I didn't expect to encounter someone who also cultivated spiritual power."

This is by no means a permanent thought, but someone controls his body and makes a sound.

"I am committing suicide now, can you stop it?"

Ling Han just wanted to shoot, but Ju Yongsi had already slashed his face. Hey, a **** splash, he was already a soft body and fell to the ground.

"Small home!" The rest of the people are roaring, and all the fires in their eyes are coming.

They want to kill people, but the enemy has not been able to hurt them, and they have died. They are not at one level.

Ling Han brow wrinkled, his body jumped out, hey, he punched a few punches, and everyone who was still awake was stunned.

Can you still control people?


Suddenly, an incomparably powerful mind rushed to Ling Han, wanting to flood into his sea of ​​knowledge and occupy his consciousness.

But at this moment, Ling Han’s chest is emitting purple light.

Suddenly, this ecstasy seemed to have encountered a flame, and it suddenly shrank back.

Ling Han does not need to look down and know that this is the pendant in the power.

Speaking of Li Changdan's luck is really good, got two treasures of pendant and jade color.

"I am coming to see you!" Ling Han said faintly, but it was unspeakable.

He took his legs and followed the traces of the road.

In a short time, the traces of crushing will come to an end. There is a tiger-like monster in front of him, which is hairless, but has a tentacle that is half a foot long and thick.

Now, these tentacles are still in the air.

Weird, what kind of monster is this?

"Death!" Ling Han rushed over.

Hey, it’s another impact force, but it’s still not touched the cold. The pendant on his chest is once again in the air. The purple light is just a shock, and the mind is bounced back.

Ling Han killed, the beast quickly waved his paws and swept toward Ling Han.

There is a kind of disdain in the eyes of this monster, which can only be revealed by intelligent creatures.


One person and one beast slammed and made a muffled sound. The chill and the beast were shaking at the same time. Hey, the trees around him fell down.

The face of the beast showed a distinctly shocking color, and it was really weird to see it from the face of a "beast".

It was full of jokes. This man thought that he could find himself and kill himself?

Wrong, it is not only superb mental strength, but also the strength of the flesh is not weak, reaching the blood exchange.

This kid has treasures to resist its spiritual control, but when this human finds that it is just running to death, the expression on his face will be very exciting.

It is very much looking forward to it, but it is not expected, but it is shocked.

How can a twelve pulse have such a powerful force?

Not reasonable.

After this attack, Ling Han’s confidence increased greatly.

The spirit of this monster is terrible, it can control the body of others, and even the things that speak out can be done.

But, however, its body is not very strong.

However, at the beginning of the change of blood, the strength of 200,000 jins supported the sky.

Ok, kill it!

Ling Han shouted, and the double fists flicked and slammed toward the monster.

Hey, his power can be up to three feet, which is longer than any weapon. The punches of the road exceed the speed of sound, almost bombarded in full screen.

In the eyes of the monster, it’s really full of screens, and it’s bombarded with it.

It showed a flustered color.

Its strengths are spiritual control, even if the realm is slightly higher than it is, there is a great possibility that it will control the mind, become a plaything, and how to toss how to toss.

Can never imagine that there is a treasure in Ling Han, actually can block its spiritual control, and, his beast, this kid is obviously twelve veins, but the power is comparable to a change of blood.

I have a long life.

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