Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3254: Long-haired teenager

What tips should I have?

Ling Han thought, otherwise even if there are six or seventy thousand people, even if there are ten days, there may be only a few people who find Red Cloud.

He didn't have the intention to go to Red Cloud, but he was ready to rob.

"Since this is a battle, I will study it."

Ling Han is free to do it, but so far, he has not found any surprises in the formation, everything is as usual.

"Ah" came in front of the exclaimed, the woods moved, and soon saw eight people screaming incomparably, and then saw a tiger appear, five feet long, very staggering.

The tiger was so fast that he quickly caught up with the last person. He bit his foot as soon as he bowed his head. Then he brushed it and the man was thrown out. Hey, he hit a tree and directly That big tree was broken.

Brush, it caught up with another person, this time is a paw, the person was suddenly shot and flew out, also broke a big tree to stop, painful to rely on, look like, as if the arm is broken .

This has not begun to look for red clouds, it has already lost its helmet.

Ling Han can clearly see that the strength of this tiger should exceed 12 pulses, but it has not yet reached the thirteen veins. For most people, this is indeed a terrible existence.

However, if there are two or three 12-pulse players, it should be able to solve it, but these people only care about escape, just thinking that they can escape from the tiger's mouth, it can only make this tiger raging.

The eight people soon became five people. When they ran to Ling Han, there were only two people left. They rushed past Ling Han’s side. They didn’t want to go to participate in this screening. Escape.

The tiger rushed over and Ling Han was the first to bear the brunt.

"Ang!" The tiger screamed, and a paw swung past Ling Han.

Boom, a giant claw descended from the sky.

"Young Master!" Seeing Ling Han does not hide or not, calling snow to quickly exclaim, "咕" small pink pig screams, it was thrown out of the snow, crossed a curve in the air.

Calling the snow to kill, a palm banged to the giant claws.

Ling Han shook his head, calling snow is not the opponent of this tiger, although her progress is very fast, it is now eleven.

He punches and blasts up.

The strength reached the speed of sound, and a series of sound blasts turned into a very obvious punch, which was followed by a spurt on the giant claw.

Hey, the tiger suddenly burst into tears.

How powerful is it?

Hey, Ling Han discovered that although the tiger had burst, but there was no flesh and blood splashing, it turned into a flash of light and shadow, and a red stone fell from the sky.

Red marble!

It turns out that the red marble can still be hidden in the body of the "beast", and this tiger is actually a derivative of the law, not an entity.

Interestingly, can the red marble be in the same grass?

Ling Han put away the red marble, put the meat directly, and immediately began to extract the essence of the stone.

He found that if Ren Hongyun had its own effect, the effect would be one, but after he did not work, the effect reached ten, and the increase was amazing.


Ling Han sensory, his cell is strengthening, which can not be seen in the appearance, but the change is real.

"Little pig!" Calling the snow, I thought about it. I was so eager to lose the small color pig, and quickly ran over and hugged.

The little-colored pig snorted, it was very angry, and it was abandoned. It was a shameful shame on it. Is it so cute, who can bear it?

Although he was robbed of snow, he groaned and screamed very well. After being called by the snow, his so-called dignity was immediately thrown into the clouds and began to enjoy.

Ling Han forward, the little maid is quickly following.

The two turned over a mountain, and there was a lake in front of it, which was very big. However, it was far away from them. Looking far away, the lake was like a mirror.

"Let's rest at the lake tonight." Ling Han said, they brought dry food, but did not bring water.

Calling snow certainly won't object, just nod.

They walked and a wild boar appeared.

The wild boar was quite normal, but it was very fierce. When they found the two, they immediately launched an assault on them.

Oh, this is really an ordinary wild boar.

Ling Han slammed a force at random, and the wild boar screamed to the ground.

"Haha, there is pork in the evening," he said.

“Hey!” The little pink pig said that he was very angry. In fact, he said that he had to eat pork in the face of it, and it was too daring.

"You don't have the ability to eat." Ling Han said to the little pink pig.

The little pink pig is proud, it is a principle pig.

The two continued to move forward. Some of the beasts appearing here are illusionary, while others are true, but they are true and false. If you don't do it, you can't see it.

When they turned over the mountain and came to the foot of the mountain, they had not walked out of the jungle, but they heard footsteps from behind.

Ling Han turned around and saw that there was a young man coming from behind. It might look like he was sixteen or seven years old, a little handsome.

Seeing Ling Hanwang, the boy smiled at Ling Han, revealing two rows of white teeth.

Hey, he is very fast and soon surpassed the past.

Seeing that he was going out of the jungle, he saw a slamming sound, and he was all trapped in the ground.

what's the situation?

Ling Han was amazed, there was a trap there, and a large pit with a depth of four or five feet was dug up.

If you want to change it to an ordinary person, you can only be trapped in it, waiting for someone to save, but if you can't jump out of the military, you can use your hands to horrify, you can make a hole in the pit wall and climb slowly. Go up.

However, since someone has dug a pit here, it is definitely not limited to this.

Hey, three young men flew down the tree and stood by the pit.

"Hey, hello, what do you mean by this?" asked the boy in the pit.

"Hand over the red marble, let you out." Above, a young man in black said.

"I just came in, where is the red cloud!" said the young boy.

"The guy who doesn't have long hair, wants to lie to your family, Haiye?" The young man in black snorted.

"No hair?" The teenager underneath made a motion that made people squirt. He untied the belt, then took the trousers and his underwear together to the knees, and then proudly said, "Look, long hair?"

Suddenly, the three young people above are petrified. How can there be such a person?

Ling Han is also silent for a while. What is the head of this boy doing?

The teenager slammed his pants and shouted: "Hurry up to apologize to me!"

What apologize, because you are wrong, are you actually long-haired?

"Nerve." The three young people above shook their heads and felt that the boy had a problem with his brain, or he should not waste time on him.

After the live broadcast of the mixed-race female anchor, I forgot to turn off the camera private _ life video was exposed! Online:

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