Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3267: Raising the tree (four more)

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Until Ling Han took out the red marble, Pan Tianyu knew why only 70 people got the red marble, and the number of each person is still so small.

This guy got more than a hundred pieces by himself.

By the way, is your kid a bad luck, or how many people have ransacked?

"Okay, very good, you have all passed." Pan Tianyu nodded. "From today, you are the official member of the Imperial College. Now go back and clean up and report it tomorrow morning."

When you hear this, everyone is very excited. The Imperial College is a martial arts holy place where every young man dreams of entering.

They left and fingerprinted again before leaving the gate, so their identity information was recorded in the college.

The Imperial College does not charge tuition fees. It is hosted by the Royal Family and generous.

Hong Tianliang looked at Ling Han's eyes a bit, and then he turned around and looked away. His eyes were very complicated and contained many words that he would say.

He is never able to give up the gourd, so now it is to be deposited in Ling Han, and one day he will take it.

He is very proud, disdain to use the name of the Hong family to suppress the cold, so he can get the way to raise the gourd can only surpass the cold in strength, and then defeat the opponent.

Therefore, he will continue to work hard to reach the first limit of a million pounds of strength as soon as possible, and then shock the exchange of blood, to press the cold with the advantage of the realm.

"Big brother!" Ge Qiuling walked over.

Ling Han is actually a little "fear" this guy, because he can't tell the truth or joke, it will definitely make a lot of noise.

Therefore, he just nodded slightly and quickly left with the snow.

After leaving for ten days, he had to go back and see, don't let people smash the empty door and steal the things in the room.

Fortunately, the hotel where he lived was quite high-end, and the law and order did not have to say that there was no shortage of things.

Ling Han let go of his heart, although the money is much more, but there is no white flower.

One night passed, he and the snow to check out, because they will not need it from today, they can live in the Imperial College.

He doesn't have to worry about finding Sun Jianfang. He has a light brain and can always contact.

While walking to the college, he looked for information on raising the gourd, but could not find a little bit of information. Instead, it was not difficult to check the strange tree, and there was a lot of relevant information.

That is called raising a tree, it will not be the result, the precious thing lies in the leaves.

Because the leaves can be used as a soldier!

The maintenance tree will have 999 leaves, and after each leaf is fully grown, it will be the top-level soldier in the present, and it can exert the power of the inscription.

The imprinting environment is the realm above the extreme bones.

However, the thirteen leaves in the hands of Ling Han are far from reaching the level of complete growth. I don’t know how much power I can play. I need to prove it in actual combat.

Ling Han can't dare to try it by himself. What if he attacks the extreme bones?

Looking for death.

Ling Han also learned about the martial arts level of the Imperial Capital, which represents the highest martial arts circle in the entire Xuanbei country.

Above the polar bones is the inscription, and above the inscription is the opening.

It is said that only one person in the entire Xuanbei country has reached the embarrassing situation, that is, today's holy emperor, proud of the peak of the martial arts, invincible.

Even so, the Holy Emperor often retreats, and is said to have hit the realm above the opening.

However, no one knows what the realm is above.

Wudao Chuxing, all the information comes from the civilization of the previous generation, but the information obtained now is too small. Even most people think that the opening of the border is the peak of the martial arts. ?

In this case, this is definitely the peak of the martial arts.

The Holy Emperor’s rule of martial arts, the world’s first, even his old man can only be repaired to open the border, then the opening of the dilemma is not the end of the martial arts and what?

Under the guise of the opening, there will be more powerful people in the Ming Dynasty.

For example, the older emperors of the Holy Emperor, such as the four sides of the town, the four masters of the Xuanbei Kingdom, such as the deputy governor of the government, such as Hong Taishi.

In addition, there are no other inscriptions on the strong, I don't know, but the number is certainly not much, maybe it will miss two or three.

Next, there are more strong bones, even if there are several in the Imperial College.

Emperor is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, you must know that the extreme bones of the strong out of the emperor, no matter which city you go to build a top giant.

Ling Han felt a bit, and he finally had a comprehensive understanding of the current martial arts.

Five realms, five to the king.

Ling Han also deliberately found the information of Hong Tianbu. This person is really very enchanting. At the age of seventeen, he changed his blood, and at the age of twenty, he entered the extreme bones. Now he is twenty-three years old. He is already standing on the extreme bones. On the fourth step.

Taking two more steps, he can become an inscription, one person, and ten thousand.

From the case that Hong Tianbu repaired two million pounds in Tongjing, it can be inferred that this person must have perfected every realm. Otherwise, it is estimated that he is not a quadruple now, but he has already stepped into the Ming Dynasty. Patterned.

"That is to say, this person's combat power must have reached the imprinting environment, the problem is that it can match the first few steps of the inscription."

"The pressure is great, such an opponent!"

Although he said that the pressure is great, his eyes are gleaming, so that he has the motivation.

The car soon arrived at the Imperial College, the two got off the bus and brushed the fingerprints through the college gate.

Naturally, there are people in the college who are responsible for arranging accommodations for them, explaining the rules in the college, summing up them very simply, fighting casually, not killing and maiming.

Therefore, it is not unusual for the college to fight and fight in groups.

Several grandsons like the four great coaches have formed their own forces. When they leave the college, they will naturally have four other handsome descendants to take over. This kind of inheritance in the college is not a year or two. It was only a few decades, and the sons of the four great emperors and Hong Taishi began.

The stragglers are the most disadvantaged. They are bullied by the powerful brothers and sisters, and there is nowhere to apply. Therefore, when the new students enter the college, they will find a hill as soon as possible.

For the aristocratic children, in fact, before they entered the college, they had already decided to rely on the mountains. Like the four handsome men, they certainly have a lot of fierce squats. The children of these fierce players will definitely follow the corresponding handsome descendants.

This year's situation is special, the college is also open to civilians, so these seventy-nine people need to find their own backing.

Hong Tianquan is an exception. At the beginning, Hong Tianbu raised the Hong family power to a height that people can only look up to. Now Hong Tianquan only needs to take over, and there is a strong brother and sister.

"It’s fun." Ling Han murmured, "Is there anyone who doesn't open his eyes to shoot at me?"

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