Under the blockade of Lian Xuerong, this frame was finally unable to fight.

Tuoba went to hate and hate, and gave Ling Han a contemptuous look. He will fix Ling Han sooner or later.

In his opinion, Ling Han is just a flash in the pan.

You see, he has already opened up all the 20 veins, and broke through the blood exchange, can it be cold? Still swaying through the veins.

You must know that the realm of the two people before is almost the same, they have opened three hidden veins.

The gap is already obvious.

Therefore, Tuobatian has not regarded Linghan as a competitor. What he wants is to defeat Ling Han at the same level and completely erase the original shame.

Ling Han smiled a little and didn't care.

However, he thought that it was difficult for the two to have another intersection. The result was that they actually lived in the same area!

This is really looking up and seeing it.

Forget it, if you can't make a big fight, you will be embarrassed when you hit it.


The college arranges the residence to be based on the time of entry, so living in a region has both a blood exchange and a vein.

Nanxin District, where the basics of living here are the old students who entered the college three years ago.

"Yang Ge, today's new students are stationed, are we rushing to absorb them into the gang?" asked a Tsing Yi man.

The object he asked was Hu Yang, the boss of Hu Jiabang, and this Hu family corresponds to Hu Yunfeng, one of the three imperial courts. Although it is not as powerful as the four great coaches, Hong Taishi and the chairman of the council, it is not as strong as theirs. But it belongs to the second echelon, and it should not be underestimated.

Therefore, the Hu family is also a self-contained faction. It does not depend on the four great coaches or the Hong Taishi. It has a strong ambition and will fight against these strong people in the future.

Hu Yang nodded and said: "Although this group of people has no background, they can enter the college, indicating that the martial arts talent is okay, and there are some future prospects."

"We are not as good as King Kong and Hengtian. After all, we don't consider quality. The expansion is the number one."

"Wait to go to the newcomers and let them down, frighten them, and then put them into the gang, no one should dare to say no."

"However, Yang Ge, there is a Hong family in the newcomer." Tsing Yi man reminded.

Populus euphratica also flashed a taboo color. He thought of the terrible guy. At the age of thirteen, he became a celebrity in the college. At the age of 19, he was already the college. A master, but also let the Hong family help to occupy the half of the college.

Fortunately, this enchanting hurriedly entered the extreme bones and left the college. Otherwise, the college is now the home of the Hong family, and no one wants to compete with it.

"No problem, we just need to move the amount of money," Hu Yang said.

He paused and said: "Call the brothers and set off."

Compared with the four great masters, Hong Taishi, and the chairman of the council, the Hu family can only be regarded as a new rising force. Hu Yunfeng is still at the fifth step of the extreme bones, and is working hard to attack the Ming dynasty and strive to enter the first echelon as soon as possible. .

Correspondingly, Hu Yang also strives to expand the influence of Hu in the college, because the disciples who come out in the future will play a role in every corner of the court. The role of the middle-level officials is very important.

Hu Yang soon gathered more than a dozen people, basically the existence of blood exchange, and Hu Yang himself is a change of blood.

He is now thirty-five years old. If he had tried his best to attack the extreme conditions, it is estimated that he has already broken through. However, after Hu’s family, he still has no people who can afford to raise the banner, so he will suspend the speed of the breakthrough and try to Stay in the college for a few more days.

A dozen people, led by him, swayed to Qingyun District.

This is where the new life lives. There will be many new students living here in the future until they are full.

"New people, all come out!" Tsing Yi man shouted loudly, he is Hu Yang's powerful man, called Xu Youliang, his father is also Hu Yunfeng's confidant, to be a little older than Hu Yang.

If Hu Yang can't hold back the realm and must break through, he will temporarily hold up the banner of Hu's help.

Xu Youliang is the repair of the three veins. This is a rumble, shaking the entire Qingyun District.

"Who!" The freshmen have come out, they think this is the college and they have to call them to open a meeting.

Ten, thirty, and seventy, there are more and more people coming out, most of them are very embarrassed, what happened?

Xu Youliang looked down, and did not wait for all of them to be together, and loudly said: "This is Hu Yang Yang Ge! Unclear people have listened carefully, Yang Ge's father is one of the three public Hu Yunfeng Hu Daren!"

When the words came out, everyone was shocked. They may not have heard the name of Populus euphratica, but Hu Yunfeng, one of the three publics, naturally cannot know.

This is the court's minister, or the strongest of the bones.

"New people, there are rules that must be observed in college!" Xu Youliang glanced around and saw everyone in the face of awe. He smiled and enjoyed this kind of awe.

"Give me a seat!" He suddenly yelled, the three changes of breath, suddenly let most people have a white face.

Everyone sat down by words, but there were also many thorns that did not obey.

For example, the extension of the wild, such as even Xuerong, is the exchange of blood is the same as the exchange of blood, who is afraid?

If you pass through the context, there will be only Hong Tianliang and Ge Qiuling, because Ling Han still practiced body skills in the house, only when he did not hear it. Instead, she called the snow to hold the small pink pig out, and of course her character would not resist.

Hong Tianliang showed a touch of disdain, Hu family and Hong family, the fart is not, and Hu Jiabang in front of the Hongjiabang is also like slag.

He turned and left.

Seeing that Hong Tianquan had gone, some people wanted to imitate, but they were immediately beaten back.

The man was not reconciled and said: "Why can he go, can't I?"

"Because he is Hong Tianquan!"

In one sentence, he plugged him back.

"Oh, my words don't seem to work, some people can't hear the ears!" Xu Youliang sneered, and he swept his face on the faces of even Xuerong, Tuoyu, and others, and he was not angry.

He is in need of a thorn to make a stand, so that after he has flattened these thorns, others will naturally have awe, and this power will be established.

"boring!" Tuoba sneered and sneered, turning his head.

Xu Youliang immediately jumped out of his body and rushed toward the top of the road. When he came to the other side, he opened his fingers and buckled to the other's shoulder.

"Roll!" Takuya was stunned by the cold, and he turned back and slammed, and the terrible power broke out. This palm was fast and fierce.


Xu Youliang was suddenly retreated back to the earthquake, and the extension of the sky is also a retrogression, even hit a few shackles.

"Hey?" Hu Yang couldn't help but look at it. He had every new student's information in his hand. It is not difficult to get it with his ability, so he knows that Takuya is just a change, and he has just broken through.

One change can match the three changes, which is not simple.


This talent, he has to be fixed.

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