Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3279: One trick down

The decisive battle was carried out in the training field.

In order to be safe, the college also dispatched a senior coach named Tu Yun, which is the cultivation of the extreme bones.

As soon as Hu Yang arrived, he was already impatient, and he urgently needed to be famous for himself in front of the public.

After waiting for a long time, Ling Han finally came with a little maid.

"Ling Han!" Xu Youliang first jumped out, "Hello big shelf!"

Ling Han fanned the fan: "The time for the final battle is morning, and there is no agreement. It is your business to love you early. I am a natural person who likes to sleep late."

"You" Xu Youliang angered Ling cold, almost wanted to pounce on.

But today is not his battle today. Secondly, even if he shot, the possibility of defeat is higher, or don't be disgusting.

"Go and go, do you want to represent your master?" Ling Han scolded.

Although Xu Youliang is mad, he only has to retreat to one side.

Hu Yang was calm down. He was the boss of the Hu family. How could he lose his grace in the public? He said faintly: "Since people are coming, let's get started."

"Slow!" Ling Han stretched his hand. He let the little maid come forward and put a parcel on the ground. "My bet is here, what about you?"

Hu Yang snorted, do you think that this can scare me?

"There is light." He turned his head.

Xu Youliang came out and used the light brain to connect to the college network, injecting up to five million yuan of Xuanbei coins.

This is kept by the college. If it wins, it will be directly allocated to Ling Han by the college.

In this case, Ling Han also handed the parcel to Tu Yun, and the college first identified the authenticity of the drug.

This took some time. After all, there are hundreds of medicinal herbs brought by Ling Han. It is certainly not a matter of wave-handling to identify the true and false ones.

However, after ten minutes, everything is ready.

"Ling Han, don't you think you have taken a wrong move?" Hu Yang said faintly.

"Where is it wrong?" asked Ling Han.

Hu Yang shook his head: "This time, I will not give you any chance. I will defeat you with a thunderous situation. Any conspiracy of yours is like a cloud in front of me, because what you have to face will be absolute strength. Pressure."

Ling Han couldn't help but laugh, saying: "You don't talk about cross talk, it's a big loss in the funny world!"

Hu Yang’s face is hard to look at. Who is he?

The descendants of the Hu family, the future is destined to be an official in the court. Do you actually compare me to ordinary people?

This is licking him in front of him!

"In this case, it is only the men who see the real chapter!" He said coldly, then looked at Tu Yun, said, "Coach, can you start?"

Tu Yunzheng looked at the two people and said: "This duel, do not ban any instruments, soldiers, you voluntarily duel, I will try my best to protect your safety, but there is still a sparse, there may still be injuries or even You can be clear about the risk of death and death."



Ling Han and Populus are nodding.

"Okay, the duel begins!" Tu Yun nodded.

Hu Yang has no nonsense, immediately boiled, he wants to suppress the cold for the first time, to prove to the people with the strongest attitude, Ling Han is not the second Hong Tianbu, and he is not likely to be a stepping stone for Ling Han.

Hey, he killed it, and it was so fast.

Break the claws!

In the first place, he made all the tricks. In addition to not using the soldiers and the implements, he really rushed to the extreme.

Ling Han smiled slightly, locked the Populus euphratica with a sense of God, and then injected the leaves of the soldiers with my secret power, and the leaves suddenly glowed.

He waved his hand and threw the leaves to Populus.

Obviously it was just a leaf. After it was thrown out, it turned into a big sword with a long length and smashed toward the Populus.

"The instrument!"

"No, it's a soldier!"

Everyone shouted, only to feel that their own eyesight could not capture the trajectory of the soldier.

"Two times the speed of sound!"

Just when everyone was exclaimed, the big sword was already in front of Hu Yang.

Too fast, Hu Yang could not dodge at all, only to rise up the strength of the whole body, and to go to the fallen sword.


A **** flower blooms, and Populus euphratica is already on the street.

The big sword is again, this is a soldier. As long as the energy is not exhausted, it will continue to squat.

How does Hu Yang block? He has slammed down the street.

Tu Yun shouted and killed him from the side, fighting the sword.

He is extremely boned, and he is still on the second step. His combat power is similar to that of the soldiers. He is a little bit worse. This makes him very passive and is very embarrassed.

Because people are critical, they will be hurt, they will die, and there will be no soldiers.

Fight with the soldiers, that is the fighter in the fool.

In order to protect Populus euphratica, Tu Yun must also do such a fighter, and try his best to fight with the soldiers. Because the target of the battle is locked by Populus, as long as Tu Yun retreats, Fu Bing will get rid of Populus.

"Ling Han!" Tu Yun said, "I don't want to stop!"

Ling Han shrugged and said: "I have no way. This is a special soldier. If you use it, you can't get it back."

Tu Yun gas is screaming, but there is no way, only to fight the old life to stop the soldiers, while asking people to move Hu Yang, otherwise he can not continue to do so.

The audience was silent.

Prior to this, most people thought that Ling Han will be defeated, and Hu Yang is indeed crushing the cold in all aspects.

Intrigues can be won once, but never twice. After all, Populus is not stupid.

But now it is Hu Yang directly hit the street.

Who can think that Ling Han actually has such a powerful Fu Bing, so that Hu Yang even has no reaction, and directly flutters.

This kind of ending is beyond anyone's expectations.

Even if someone once guessed that Ling Han will win, it is not the case.

Black, very dark!

Everyone thought in their hearts. For the first time, this guy was letting Hu Yang’s **** air and air consumption. This time, he directly took Fu Bing’s hegemony to let Hu Yang have no chance to shoot.

Hu Yang lost twice, but which time is not a question of strength, they are all chilled.

Everyone is looking at Ling Han. If the heart is in conflict with this guy in the future, be careful and be careful not to dig holes.

You see, Hu Yang not only loses, but also loses his face in public, but also lost five million Xuanbei coins.

Although this is only a small meaning for Hu, but it is also five million, and no one's money is blown by the wind.

"Hit a fight, so tired!" Ling Han stretched a lazy waist and said to the little maid, "Go, go home and rest."

"Yes, young master!" Huan Xue quickly went to take back the parcels they had brought back, the money does not have to worry, the matter of transferring accounts, the college will not hang this little money.

What are you tired of? But just lost a soldier!

Everyone is voicing in the heart.

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