Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3283: Positive name

The more retreat is Ling Han. After all, his original strength is to be inferior to Hu Yang, but it is only a weak difference.

The whole game was silent first, but it was only a moment, and there was a huge uproar.

With such a punch, they were really scared.

Ling Han has entered the blood exchange, and also has the strength to face the five changes!

It should be known that although Hu Yang is out of great ugliness, his popularity and prestige have all fallen to the bottom of the valley, but he cannot deny his power. He is a genius. He once cultivated the existence of the 20 veins in Tongjing.

But Ling Han is still changing, but it can match.

How does this make people believe?

Is it that Ling Han has already boiled blood?

Impossible, boiling blood has no obvious characteristics, and Ling Han is not like this.


Of course, Hu Yang himself was even more shocked. He knew why Ling Han dared to accept the challenge for the second time.

This time there was no conspiracy, no pits, and it was a positive one.

Others are aware of it, but they all have a strong unfamiliarity, not rushing to resist the cold, just positive? It’s awkward and unacceptable.

After the shock, Hu Yang calmed down.

There are limits to the context, up to the second limit, is also a million kilograms of secret power, a million kilograms of physical strength, after entering the blood exchange, the secret force will appear a big increase, so Ling Han now has two million The original strength of Jin is not thin.

The second limit.

His heart was so mad that only one person had reached it before. It is reasonable to say that there is absolutely no second Hongtian step, but now, I have to believe that there is another enchanting.

However, this kid has a secret power of 1.5 million jins. After the blood is boiling, it can reach the strength of four million jins, and the physical strength is up to five million jin.

And what about him?

Seven million pounds.

This is still rolling.

Hu Yang nodded. He didn't expect to beat Ling Han in the normal state.

That goes directly to the strongest matchup.

He screamed, bloody, crystal-like breath shrouded him, as if jumping.

"Come on!" He screamed and shattered his claws. It was enough to tear the steel plate.

Ling Han snorted, and also boiled blood, the blood suddenly flowed in the body at a speed of ten times, and no powerful force was shaken to the whole body.

He still started the demon monkey boxing and greeted the claw of Populus euphratica.


The boxing fist hit each other again. This time, the fist still blocked the paw.


Hu Yang's face is unacceptable, he is very accurate, the explosive power of Ling Han should be far less than himself, but this claw goes down, Ling Han has not been smashed by him, and his hand has not suffered any injuries.

How is this possible?

Not to mention the power, he has been practicing the broken claws for more than 20 years, and now there is no way to smash the other's skin?

Not only Hu Yang, but everyone else.

They clearly saw that Populus euphratica used blood, but why is Ling Han not not inferior, but can still rival it?

Simple, Ling Han caught the attack frequency of the other party. The rhythm of the fifteen-power force was not ingenious, and the power played by Hu Yang was completely resolved.

This is named as the frequency technique by Ling Han. As long as he catches the frequency pulsation, he can weaken and weaken. Of course, this strength also has limits.

"Hu Yang, I don't know you, but you are the first to take advantage of the qualifications. I ran to the new area and stepped on me. After I was rushed back, I even ignored the big bully and made a battle with me. I was taught a meal. I haven’t learned yet, now I’m coming again?” Ling Han said.

It was another punch, oh, Hu Yang was arrogant, his face was white, not being smashed, but the words of Ling Han poked his pain.

"You are really embarrassed, do you want me to cool? Are you?" Ling Han constantly punches.


"Okay, fulfill you!"


"You can't kill you, you are a bastard!"


Ling Han said a punch, a punch and a punch, such as thunder like a storm.

The more he said the anger, the more he came to this strange world, the Queens, they could only lie in his body, and did not know when it would come out. He had a stomach fire, but Populus had to provoke him twice. .

Ok, there is a place for anger to vent.

Hey, Ling Han's attack speed is getting faster and faster, that is, most of the blood exchange can only see his fist flying in the sky, it seems that all the sky is his fist.

They can't help but feel like this kind of attack?

Hu Yang is more and more flustered. He feels that his strength is the wind, but the other's strength is not solid. It seems that his attack is a mud mountain, and he is easily bombarded by a stone fist. There is no way to cause a little damage.

He regretted it again, knowing that he should not limit the use of the instrument and the squadron, because he also has a very bone level of the soldiers, but his father refining.

Is this self-restraint?

When his strength was dominant, he was beaten by the squad of the cold, and it was good to wait for the use of the soldiers. The strength of Ling Han was coming, enough to match him, and even faintly suppress his trend.

How is he so tragic?

Ling Han shouted and continued to improve his combat power.

Can the fifteen-fold power stack be uncertain? That is twenty.

Ling Han stunned, oh, under the attack, Hu Yang was suddenly shaken out.

He can also play fifteen-fold strength. Before that, he just had a tie with Ling Han. Now that Ling Han has added strength, he naturally loses.


Ling Han Yu Sheng chased, but also a punch.

Hu Yang reluctantly parry, but it was once again bombarded by this punch.

"Silly!" Ling Han chased a step, almost burst into two speeds of sound, so that people can straighten their eyes.

With twice the speed of sound, it is the extreme bones that can reach high speed, but it is seen in a person who has entered the blood.

You must know that most of the blood exchanges must reach the speed of sound when they change to the third. It is mainly because the body can't eat, and when the speed of sound reaches the speed, it will let the body fall apart.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hu Yang became a sandbag and was bombarded by Ling Han.

He resolved most of Ling Han’s attacks, but he still had the strength to lie on his body, let him suffer, and even injured, seriously injured in the long run, and finally died.

Everyone can see clearly, although Hu Yang is still supporting, but he has already lost, but he has not admitted it.

This time, no one doubts the strength of Ling Han.

This guy is not only shameless, digging a sinister, the real strength is also strong against the sky.

Ling Han, the name of a battle!

Hu Yang was miserable, and was defeated by Ling Han. Both wisdom and strength were all rolled up and destined to become a big joke.

"Stop!" Tu Yun said, he can't stand it. This is not a decisive battle, but a unilateral abuse.

Everyone looked at Ling Han with a complicated look, and a new star was born and could not be suppressed.


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