Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3317: First battle bone

This stone is a big one in this pile of stones, but it is obviously impossible to attract the attention of the cold. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones.

He stared at it and always felt that the stone was not right.

Hey, he snapped his fingers and hit it with a force, hitting the stone.

In a muffled sound, the stone actually "stationed" up, like the same beast, the height is not high, only to the shoulders of Ling Han, the length is about one foot, the proportion seems very uncoordinated.

It has a crocodile-like head with a triangular shape, and the mouth is particularly pointed and slightly squinted, revealing black teeth, as if it were cast by graystone.

What kind of creature is this?

Ling Han did not dare to care, this monster exudes a breath that exceeds the blood exchange, giving him great pressure.

Is this good luck, and once I have encountered the monster of the head bones.

The stone beast stares at Ling Han, its eyes are small, and the eyeballs are gray-black, matching the body, just so squatting, it is difficult to identify it with squinting.

The monsters of the extreme bones are not open to wisdom. This stone beast is holding his head. It seems strange. This human being is just a **** change, and dare to run here.

However, the meat of the blood exchange should be delicious.

It immediately moved, and the four feet made a force, and he rushed toward Ling Han.

Don't look at it. It has four small short legs. The speed of the explosion is not slow. The sound explosion is formed behind it. Hey, driving in all directions, the small stones are all flying.

Double the speed of sound!

Ling Han running the shuttle step, the figure instantly accelerated, hey, he also reached twice the speed of sound, removed to the left, and then punched out, hit the stone beast.


In the force of the bombardment, the stone beast was only a slight tremor, and turned around and continued to collide with Ling Han.

Extreme bones, even if there is a bone of five million pounds of strength, and the monster is thick and thick, Ling Han has not broken out now, almost four million pounds of force hit the top is to let it slow down A slow, want to hurt it?

At least one punch is not enough.

The stone beast waved his front paws, and suddenly a terrible force turned into a substance that slammed into the cold.

After Ling Han let a few times, he has mastered the attacking pulse of the stone beast. He runs the demon monkey boxing and hits the frequency attack.

Hey, after seventeen strong forces, the attack of the stone beast was finally resolved, and there were three energies that continued to smash toward the stone beast, but it only made a muffled sound on its skin.

It is shaped like a stone and its defense is very high.

Ling Han’s heart is already affirmed. The strength of this stone beast has reached 6 million kilograms. Unless it is boiling, it must be crushed.

Although his frequency attack can resolve stronger forces, there is a ceiling, and secondly, it requires multiple forces and consumes too much.

If you want to resolve the lethal attack or hit a critical strike, you can use the frequency attack, otherwise you should not waste the secret.

Ling Han body shape, to dodge, mainly observe the attack mode of this monster, by the way let it consume the power.


Outside the hunting ground, the square.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Fengyan, Hong Taishi, Yang Bai and other big men to stay here for three days. After the start of hunting, they will each turn around. When the game is over, they will come over.

But there are still many people here who use the light brain connection platform to watch the progress of the game.

There is a lot of monitoring in the hunting ground, and almost everyone's actions can be captured. But if others look at it, of course, it is impossible to grab all of them. You can only choose one.

The platform provides a total of thirteen perspectives, ten of which are the top ten of the current scores, and the other three are random perspectives. Which monitor is the one that is cut, and the characters are constantly changing.

"Hang Tianquan, is this a chicken blood? Now it’s already in the standings."

"I didn't expect that a two change can be so fierce!"

"It’s the younger brother of that person!"

"Oh, not that he is excellent, but that his brother is too bad, and he gave him such a creation."

"Hey, I want to have such a brother."

Most of the people are locked in the top-ranking picture. Hong Tianquan has also killed a blood-changing monster, and the second-placed Xuanyuan Le Shui has already opened a full score of one-third.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Someone suddenly exclaimed, “Look at the second picture of the random channel!”

"What are you doing, what a fuss?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let you see it!"

"I rely!" The man who saw it immediately jumped up.

"What's wrong?" Someone asked on the side.

"Look at the random channel, there is a fierce!"

"What a fierce man?"

"Playing in the third zone, are you saying that you are not fierce?"

"Rely, really?"

One pass ten, ten pass hundred, suddenly many people switched the picture, saw a body like a gray stone monster is fighting a human.

"That is the limestone beast. It is said that after the adulthood, it is the existence of the extreme bones." Someone recognized the origin of the monster.

"Hey, isn't that cold?" Another person who recognized the other side of the battle.

"Yes, that guy, the momentum is very strong recently, even Hu Yang has defeated."

"Hey, Hu Yang didn't come this time, is it because I don't want to bump into Ling Han?" Someone laughed.

"Who said that Hu Yang didn't come? It's just that people are relatively low-key and have no big fanfare, so you didn't find it."

"Oh, that's it."

"Strange, Ling Han is not a change of blood, even if you have the power of five changes, you can win the Populus, but you should have no chance of winning the upper limit."

"It is true that the five masters are boiling blood, the power is similar to the extreme bones, but the extreme bones can also boil blood, and the defense of the extreme bones is thicker, and the five changes will also be the time of the outbreak. It can be compared with the extreme bones, and it is just a bone."

"So, this limestone beast must have not yet grown up."

"Well, although the third area is a region of extreme bones, it is not without blood exchange."

"Damn, this person and a beast are too fast, and they can't see it at all."

"There is no way, after all, the monitor is not the naked eye."

After everyone analyzed this, the previous shock quickly dissipated, but I felt that Ling Han was bold and dared to go to the third area.

However, some people are curious, always staring at the light brain, and the people who look at the lens seem to be more interested in Ling Han, actually did not cut the picture, so that those people can continue to watch.

Just beyond the speed of sound, the monitor can only capture the afterimage, only when one person and one beast are at rest, they can get a clear picture, let everyone call it an itch.

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