Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3344: Yaozu (five finishes)

The wolf's cloak exploded, and the real face was revealed, but it made everyone open their mouths.

What did they see?

Is this a person?

If the wolf is wearing a cloak, no one says that he is not like a human being, but once it is uncovered, the gap is big, because he actually has a wolf's head!

Not only that, but he is also furry, with five claws sharp and emitting cold light.

No wonder he was covered in a cloak before, and the person he was hurt was like being scratched by a claw, because this is the truth.

"What, it is actually a wolf!"

"How can a wolf talk?"

"And, he is like a person!"

Everyone exclaimed, who can think of a futuristic messenger who has a wolf...wolfman?

Ling Han is also amazed, you become a fine?

Although the **** beasts have experienced a huge level of life, they should not be able to stand up and talk about it.

He asked directly: "What medicine did you take, can you actually speak?"

"Hey, how do you know that I have eaten the fruit?" the werewolf asked strangely.

Ling Han smiled and said: "I don't know, you told me."

The werewolf touched the furry head and could not help but be annoyed by the face. It turned out that he said that he had missed his mouth.

Ling Han shook his head: "Although it looks like a person, IQ has not improved."

"Damn, don't think you won!" The werewolf screamed, and he began to swell, seemingly suffocating, and grew a full circle.

He was boiled and entered an explosive state.

It's really different.

Ling Han did not boil, he only had an opportunity to explode for ten minutes, and this werewolf obviously did not deserve his outbreak.

He unfolded his body shape, and the shuttle step unfolded, and the speed reached twice the speed of sound. Even if he had to dodge the attack of the extreme bones, it would not be difficult.

Both of them are extremely fast, and the lights are so hard that people's eyes are hard to catch.

Everyone looked at them, all of them were fascinated.

Before the werewolf did not boil, he was able to pass the attack of Man Hongsheng in the outbreak state, but now he broke out, but it is simply not able to hit the cold, such a contrast, you can show the power of Ling Han.

Hey, who is this mask man, too fierce, know that even Hong Tianquan is defeated by this man.

The werewolves have been unable to sneak into the cold, and they can't help but say: "Human, are you a mouse? How can you just run?"

Ling Han smiled lightly, and you can't meet the monster in the hunting ground. If you see this monster, you dare to say this, then I really respect you as a man.

He didn't pay attention to it. After pulling away the distance, he punched his fists.

Hey, the strength hit the werewolf, but even the hair did not knock down one.

"Stupid Terran, after I broke out, not only the strength and speed are skyrocketing, but the defense is also the same, so your blood is boiling and comparable?" The werewolf said proudly.

Everyone is not guilty. This wolf is not moving, "you, the people, the people," is completely magnifying the hatred.

"This big brother, quickly slaughtered this wolf, I invite you to drink." Someone called to Ling Han.

"I also invite you to drink."

"After that, you are my friend of Niu Kai."

"I introduced my sister to you."

Ling Han glanced at the man who wanted to be his brother-in-law. He couldn’t help but make a beggar. Please, you look like a big stone, it’s hard to imagine your sister’s appearance.

"Dead!" The werewolf waved his claws, and suddenly the black light was attached to the strength and swept toward Ling Han.

Attacks with high levels of energy are terrible.

Just, what is the use of not playing?

Ling Han snorted: "I will you?"

He also communicated with high-level energy in his mind, and immediately covered a layer of golden energy on his hands, banging, punching out, and the golden energy was slammed with strength.

The werewolves swayed their claws, oh, two energy hits, and the werewolf's hands immediately splattered with blood.

Seeing this scene, it is the tigers that are all showing a shock.

This means that the high-level energy ignited by Ling Han surpasses the werewolf.

How can this be?

How can the area be so strong?

Hong Tianquan also opened his mouth and was shocked to not.

Ling Han actually mastered the high level of energy? And still so arrogant?

This is his only pride, but now?

His pride was defeated again. What other points can he compare with Ling Han?

Ling Han shouted and punched.

Hey, the anger is raging, and the golden light is intertwined.

The Werewolf's current strength is more than Ling Han, but the speed is still more than double the speed of sound, not twice, which means that his attack can be easily escaped by the cold, but the attack of the cold?


Some of them have escaped, some of them can't hide, and the strength of the golden energy is invincible, and it is easy to tear open his defense. So only beating and hurting can't fight back, how awkward is it?

The werewolf roared, but this did not change his madness.

It’s just that his resilience is very strong. It seems to be a natural warrior. If he doesn’t fight to exhaustion, he won’t fall to the last drop of blood.

It was Ling Han who could not help but admire a few points of admiration, but he was unrelenting, and defeated the werewolf in a destructive way.

Hey, the werewolf flew out of the ring and lay on the ground, unable to stand up again.

This admiration is one thing, but the position is different, and Ling Han naturally has no reason to release water.


"Kill this!"

"Call you horizontal!"

Everyone was screaming. Before the werewolves fought repeatedly, they were all overwhelmed. Now, Ling Han defeated the werewolves, naturally let them cheer.

"Little Wolf!" The cloaks smashed out and lifted the werewolf back. They found that he was only suffering from some flesh wounds. After exhausting and fainting, they suddenly let go.

"Who are you?" A cloak jumped into the ring, "Uncover the mask!"

He did not give Ling cold a tongue, reached out and revealed that the cloak suddenly landed.

This is still not a human being, although the appearance looks very similar, but it is a sheep's head, and there are two small horns, emitting a metal-like cold.

Yue Chao... Is it a dynasty composed of monsters?

Ling Han immediately shook his head in the heart, how can the human beings, the spirit of all things, surrender to the beast?

"You can win me, naturally you can uncover my mask, come by the way!" he said faintly.

"The mad man!" The sheepman looked very angry, his feet slammed, hey, he broke out with amazing speed.

Hey, he obviously changed his blood. How did this speed reach twice the speed of sound?

Ling Han Chuanquan, rushed toward the other side.


The two of them clashed with each other, and they were not able to shake back.

"Come on again!" the sheepman groaned. He punched, no, and a hoof came over, shrouded in a layer of gray energy.

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