The seven emperors took the initiative to recruit, who can refuse such a good intention?

For others, this may be an irresistible temptation. For Ling Han, how can he be a servant?

Now he is in the Xuanbei country. Although he is nominally emperor-pressed, he is only a grass-roots. As long as he is under the Imperial Law, he is completely free. This can be different if you follow the words of the Seven Emperors.

Ling Han smiled slightly and said: "Thank you for your fault of your Highness, but now you are only changing the blood. When you are practicing, you are not planning to leave the college for the time being."

"Well, then when you come out of the college, remember to look for the lonely king in the first time. The door of the lonely king will always be open for you." Chen Taiqing said, there is no anger, and his face still has a faint smile. demeanor.

It is said that the first few sons of Chen Fengyan are outstanding, not to mention the cultivation and strength. It is just that this kind of temperament is not within the reach of Chen Jingye.

Ling Han nodded: "The embarrassment of His Royal Highness."

Chen Taiqing thought for a moment and said: "I heard that you are good at using boxing. I have a ‘Lei Guang Boxing’ here, and I will give it to you. It is your first gift to win the hunting contest.”

He took out a booklet and handed it to Ling Han.

After the light brain, the exercises, martial arts, Danfang, etc. can be stored in it. In this year, paper is used as a carrier.

Ling Han could not help but see.

These seven emperors will indeed be human, obviously did not recruit success, but still sent a big gift, who is going to be moved? In this way, it will be much easier to recruit again next time.

However, Ling Han is destined to be unsuccessful.

Do not accept?

When people sent it out in public, they didn't accept it too much.

Well, I will return this person in the future.

Ling Han did not feel bad, and the book was collected and said: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

Chen Taiqing smiled again, turned and left, not dragging the water.

"Hey, you can have a cow here." Xuanyuan Dingguo arched the arch cold, "Seven princes are one of the most likely to be the king of the throne. I didn't expect him to value you so quickly. See what lei martial arts is. ""

Ling Han couldn't help but smile. "Why are you so excited?"

"Is this not curious?"

Ling Han opened the boxing spectrum, Xuanyuan Dingguo is very consciously not to go too far, did not aim at a glance.

The characteristics of Lei Guang Quan are fast, not only fast, but also the power is released. As the martial arts description says, it is like a thunderous light. It makes people see the attack, but they can't stop it.

Moreover, Lei Guang Quan can also work with the high-level energy of the Ray attribute, so that the speed will be faster, with the thunder of the thunder, become the real sense of Lei Guang.

Hey, the Seven Emperors are really big.

Ling Han saw that this Lei Guang Quan can also superimpose power, the highest is forty-five weights, although far less than the demon monkey boxing, it is the strongest boxing method besides the demon monkey boxing.

The first time I met, I sent out such a grand ceremony. I can only say that the seven emperors were rich in money.

This person is not small.

Ling Han has an idea. Will there be a spiritual map of the thunder property in the hands of the seven emperors?

After learning Lei Guangquan, I will definitely be eager for the spiritual map of Ray's property. When the Seven Emperors are a little bit of a mouthful, will they make people go over?

If this is the case, then the heart of the seven emperors is really deep.

The problem is that before the cold, I have never seen the Seven Emperors, this shot is so generous, always makes Ling Han feel weird.

He is not a hairy boy who has just debuted, but a stranger who has not been known for many years in the Yuan world. How could it be naive to be a generous for the Seven Emperors?

Ling Han heart smiled, if the Seven Emperors are willing to exchange the spirit map of Ray's property with him, then he will definitely send a precious remedy, even owe the other person a favor, but if the other party has to let him go, then I can only be sorry. It is.

He didn't believe it. Under the circumstances, only Chen Taiqing had mastered the magic of the mine.

Ling Han turned quickly, and once again, he almost remembered the boxing method, and then read it again, and added some missing details. Then he closed his eyes and made a push in his mind. .

For his former Tianzun, this is a small meaning.

"The demon is coming!" After a while, I saw Xuanyuan Dingguo suddenly said.

Ling Han opened his eyes and saw an old empty ship driving over. He slowly came to the top of the mountain. The flag of the bow was inserted with a golden six-eared macaque. It was just a painting, but it was given to people. A strong sense of oppression seems to be able to break away from the picture and turn it into reality.

On the deck, there is a famous demon family looking down, there are sheep heads with wolf heads and lizards heads, all kinds of things.

When an empty ship falls, such a huge thing has been suspended in the air, it needs to consume a lot of jade seeds, and naturally there is no need to squander it.

When the empty ship stopped, it saw many demon people jumping down. Finally, like the stars, they were surrounded by a tall demon.

This is a... monkey?

This demon is dressed in a golden armor, with a flamboyant head, a furry head, and a pointed monkey, which is clearly so, but still gives a sense of arrogance.

This is a kind of gas field, the style of the strong, letting people subconsciously ignore his appearance.

Ling Han immediately compared him with the monkey brother, then shook his head, although the monkey brother was suppressed under the mountain, but this guy is far from enough to compare with the monkey brother.

It’s just a monkey. Does he have any relationship with Monkey?

Or does it mean that the Yue Dynasty has nothing to do with the monkey brother?

"Hey!" Xuanyuan decided to send out amazement, suddenly a finger, "Look!"

Ling Han followed the past and could not help but also revealed the color of surprise, because he saw Feng Ruoxian.

It’s no surprise that Feng Ruoxian came to watch the battle, but the strange thing is that she actually appeared in the camp of the Yaozu.

Before, she also went to the empty ship with the Yaozu.

This woman has not just been enshrined as the Earl by the Holy Emperor, how to blink with the Yaozu mixed together, but also a look of friendship, and the demon of the Emperor is talking and laughing.

The demon monkey must be the demon prince, because the demon prince named the monkey, and always thought that the monkey is waiting, but after seeing so many sheep and werewolves, you can guess that it is a monkey.

Ling Han could not help but sneer, this Feng Ruoxian is really a social flower. Before the Chen Jingye and other emperors were confused, they actually turned into the camp of the Yaozu.

However, now that the Yaozu is not good, this woman still wants to go to the right and left, even watching the Yaozu strong to rely on, this move...wrong.

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