Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3353: Seven emperors

Everyone was shocked to the scalp. Updates are fast and no ads.

A strong-minded person was defeated.

Hong Tianbu is too strong, too bad!

Depressed, deserved.

Hey, Hong Tianbu took a shot, and the monkey was turned out to be shot. All the way to the countless trees, just happened to come to the top of the mountain, slamming and falling in front of the monsters.

The demon people were silent and could not speak at all.

I could not find a hint of excuses.

This lost to the inscription, what can you say?

The monkey has not suffered too much injury. The demon skin is thick and fleshy. His body is particularly tyrannical. If he is defeated, he will be defeated. He has no thick face and rushes to fight again.

"I lost!" He gritted his teeth.

When I heard this sentence, the demons were all sad.

Their prince lost to a human race, too shameful.

And Feng Ruoxian is a pretty change, and it’s amazingly white, which is too far from what she expected.

When she wants to come, it should be that the monkeys are victorious to win the battle, to suppress the Xuanbei country by one's own strength. After the return of Xuanbei, she could mix better with the relationship of monkeys.

After all, she is now a female count, but she has no real power.

But now?

The monkeys did not say that they swept the Xuanbei country, and even the Hongtianbu had not been able to beat the inscriptions and harvested a fiasco.

Obviously, then the monkeys can only go back to the dying, so what should she do?

If you stay, you must be cast aside. Oh, you Laozi wants to guard the city of Huyu, but you can be a daughter of the devil, and who will be able to afford it?

But she is so anxious to lean on, isn't it a time lag? Otherwise, when everyone is in the crowd, her value will be greatly reduced.

Who can think, who can think, who can think of it!

Naturally no one sympathizes with her, and it is entirely self-defeating.

"Go!" The monkey slammed and slammed, and the first one jumped on the empty ship. How can he still have a face to stay?

The demon people have boarded the empty ship, and Feng Ruoxian is extremely sturdy. Is she not on it?

The empty ship slowly lifted off, then went to the distance, did not return to the emperor, but left the Xuanbei country directly.

If Feng Ruxian did not go along with her, if she was alone in the territory of the beast, what good results would it have?

No one took a look at her, this woman is over.

Hong Tianbu walked back to the hills. Suddenly, many people cast awe.

This is a strong person who has the ambition to cultivate, and is stronger than Hong Taishi and Yang Bai. At least it can also be called the second master of Xuanbei.



"Yang our country!"


Everyone praised it, and now even if it is an exaggerated word, no one will feel numb.

Hong Tianbu was faint. He looked at Ling Han and said: "You seem to owe something like Hong."

"Oh?" Ling Han also had a light expression. "How can I not print?"

"It is the gourd at your waist." Hong Tianbu said, "No one can owe me something from the Hong family. You can't do it, no one can do it!"

Ling Han laughed: "The first time I saw someone who said that the strong grab was so strong!"

Hong Tianbu did not care, strode forward, and forced the past to Ling Han.

He has just defeated the prestige of the demon king, completely blocking the murder, and the Buddha blocked the Buddha. Who dares to stop him?

But someone really stood up.

Seven Emperors, Chen Taiqing.

"Hong Tianbu, you have passed." He faintly said.

"Seven princes." Hong Tianbu arched his hand, and it was a ritual. "Please let me go."

"Lonely King has been hearing about your name in recent years, and seems to have a posture above the father." Chen Taiqing said faintly.

Hong Tianbu shook his head: "Don't dare to shoulder."

"Oh, that is under the father, are you the first person?" Chen Taiqing followed.

This is a double-sided blade. If Hong Tianbu is sure to answer it, it is equal to challenging all the strong people in Xuanbei, except for the Holy Emperor! But if Hong Tianbu is modest, then the reputation he just built will definitely be greatly reduced.

Hong Tianbu looked at Chen Taiqing with more eyes and only said: "Besides His Majesty, I really didn't find out, who can match me!"

Hey, he dare to say.

Chen Wenhua and Chen Wenbin are all smiling, seemingly amiable, but they have obviously been provoked.

Chen Taiqing laughed and said: "That will let the Lone King come to teach."

"Please!" Hong Tianbu stretched out his hand.

Chen Taiqing was very casual. He lifted a palm and took a picture toward Hong Tianbu.

Huh, the palm of the hand whistling, and the power is entwined with the special energy of the fire red, turned into the essence, burning.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

With one palm shot, the power to turn into a house is amazing enough, but it can still burn, which is even more amazing.

Hong Tianbu was amazed. While raising his hand and welcoming, he said: "The original seven halls have already entered the embarrassing situation!"

Hey, the seven emperors are actually opening the border!

"Beyond the big brother and the second brother," Chen Taiqing said faintly, "The Lone King was only broken four years ago, and the talent is dull."

Rely on, have all entered the embarrassing situation, but also ruthless? The four handsome men, Hong Taishi, they must not be stupid?

Both Chen Wenhua and Chen Wenbin flashed a surprise color, and it seems that they did not expect that the old seven actually stepped into the open environment.


The two strong men put together a fight, raised the mushroom-like energy, and went up to the sky.

This record is actually indistinguishable.

A strong Hong Tianbu!

Chen Taiqing nodded: "There is no name in the world."

"His Royal Highness is hidden!" Hong Tianbu laughed and started a rush.

Chen Taiqing retaliated, not showing weakness, and did not fall at all.

But soon Hong Tianbu gave up the trick of defeating the monkey Tianhua before, and the golden Buddha Buddha appeared again, swaying the golden energy and filming Chen Taiqing.

Chen Taiqing's eyes jerked brightly, oh, shooting two brilliances, sly, sly, and the golden Buddha was suddenly destroyed.


Everyone saw it as a slap in the face. Just now Hong Tianbu defeated the demon prince with this trick, but Chen Taiqing was easily cracked. What does this mean?

Chen Taiqing is stronger than the demon king!

Suddenly, everyone is excited, who said that the human race is weaker than the Yaozu?

You see, the same is the emperor, Chen Taiqing is stronger, and so on, it must be that the Holy Emperor is stronger than the demon.

Hong Tianbu did not attack again, but nodded and said: "The original reading power of the Seventh High was actually five-star level."

Five-star level?

Hey, isn't the mindfulness divided into elementary, intermediate, and advanced? How do you run out of a five-star class?

Chen Taiqing is a smile, said: "You are not bad, reached four stars."

Hong Tianbu thought for a moment and said: "Look at the face of His Royal Highness, I will not find him trouble today."

After that, he turned and left.

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