Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3363: Killed and how

"Ha ha ha ha, do you dare to kill me?" Yu Yi laughed, just this smile, his mouth squirting blood.

"I am the city owner of the Xuanbei Kingdom. If you kill me, you will be no different from the treason!" He continued to spurt and laugh. "There are so many witnesses here, are you going to kill people?"

This sentence says that everyone can't help but step back.

"Even if you kill them, it's useless. There are still many people outside!" Yu Yi coughed. "Don't you kill the people?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Ling Han slammed a punch and would be able to kill.

Do you not kill if you have scruples?

Oh, he has already recorded the pictures of his five people who have repeatedly humiliated him. There is such evidence, he is completely confident.

Senior strategist and senior Dan Shi, can you be insulted?

As for the battle with Yu Yi, hey, the battle will inevitably lead to casualties, and Yu Yi will revenge for his wife and his wife. If you don’t want to die, you will die.

Of course, killing the imperial city owner, Ling Han must still be punished, but it will never be too serious.

He made another punch and will be killed in the sea.

The people around them are all trembled, and the Lord will not kill sex. He really has to kill them.

Ling Han smiled faintly: "You don't provoke me, I will not kill you naturally."

The people nodded quickly, but their faces were full of unbelief.

"Big brother, I suddenly have something, it is better to open this battle, I will go first." Someone said.

"Ah, right, I have to go beforehand." Someone immediately attached.

There are one and two, everyone said that they all have urgent needs to deal with, request to open the array and let them go out.

Ling Han knows that these people are still afraid of killing themselves.

He smiled and threw out the block and opened the gap again. Everyone was like a thirsty horse drinking spring, rushing out.

Just for a while, everyone ran out of the light, while no one outside entered.

This is naturally scary, Ling Han's combat power is too horrible, and it is extremely invincible, who dares to grab the treasure with him?

Alas, the force that prevented the array from resisting the battle was quickly collapsed.

Ling Han turned back, he can be no matter what others think, looking for treasure is important. Moreover, under the sun, there is more than one of his squadrons. Maybe someone will come over with the squad soon, and break into the ban.

Have to hurry.

The medicinal garden is amazingly large. It can be imagined that this Hengyue teaching was definitely very powerful. It planted countless treasure trees and cultivated a group of powerful disciples.

But now, most of the area here is left with weeds.

Ling Han looked for a while and found the first Baoshu.

Bloody silver scales.

This tree is very tall, and it has about ten feet, but the fruit on it is very pitiful, only nine.

When Ling Han looked down, most of the nine fruits were not mature, otherwise they would smell the enticing fruit when standing below.

Staying is not staying?

Ling Han thought about it, or climbed the tree and took nine fruits.

It’s better to stay alone than to buy other people. It’s better to pick it up. Although the effect will be much weaker, it will always bring him some benefits.

He started looking for it again, but his luck was really bad this time. Although he found a few treasure trees, the fruits he produced were not mature, and the greens were very incomparable. It may take two or three years to mature.

After half a day, he finally got the harvest.

He has collected four mature fireworks, which, like the red-haired fruit, can also be upgraded.

In this case, after breaking through the five changes, you can quickly reach the end of the five changes.

The goal of Ling Han is of course not only five changes, but six changes, so that the level of life breaks through the limits.

He continued to search and gradually came to the center of the drug garden.

"Hey!" The fat pig screamed dissatisfiedly, you are a trick, want to starve your grandfather.

"Food, can you make a little bit of interest?" Ling Han smiled.

The fat pig has a small tail, and for greed it is never considered a disadvantage.

"Well, eat first." Ling Han took out the ingredients and began to cook.

Speaking of it, he is also a little hungry.

After one person and one pig had a full meal, the pig immediately fell to sleep and gave a big snoring.

Ling Han sighed, can eat and sleep, not a pig.

He took the pig and walked for a while, only to see a room in front of him.

It occupies a large area and there are also lines on the wall.

Hey, this medicine garden itself has a law of protection. Why is there a method on this room?

Is there a rare drug in it?

Ling Han couldn’t help but excitement. The road to martial arts is long. The search for secrets and raw conditions may not be the end. The treasures he has now are all for blood transfusion and extreme bones. For the sake of reason, there must be high-level treasures. .

Will it be here?

A meal that makes his life level change dramatically?

He began to crack the array, but this is a killing, just to sense the power, let Ling Han give birth to a strong chill.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous.

Well, the color pig finally came in handy.

Ling Han’s right hand slammed, oh, the color pig flew out.

The array method was triggered, and a sword light suddenly smashed toward the colored pigs. Hey, the sword is strong, but the color pig's defense is also strong and speechless. This sword light did not cause any harm.

"Hey!" But the color pig is waking up, and it dances in four hooves, which he wants to fall.

Hey, the color pig fell to the ground, and the law was constantly launched, smashing the past to the colored pigs, oh, the sword is as bright as the sky.

Ling Han is watching the eyes, he is watching the array.

Although the fat pig is not afraid of the blow, it is obviously uncomfortable to be bombarded by Jianguang. It struggles to move the short legs and tries to run out. It is only the sword light, it is flying.

Poor baby, no, poor pig.

Ling Han silently mourned in his heart, but he observed it more carefully.

The array method only borrows the world and the earth, so no one can not be cracked.

But to break the battle, you need to test your life. Who else is willing to block the knife for you?

The color pig is perfectly playing this role. It is invulnerable and has no solution. It can completely illuminate the power of the array and let Ling Han observe it in detail.

After a few minutes, he was shocked. If he tried it himself, it would have died at least a few hundred times.

Well, this time I really didn't bring the wrong color pig out.

After at least ten minutes, the color pig was able to climb out, facing the cold, and wished to give him a lively swallow.

"Don't be angry, anyway, your skin is thick and thick." Ling Han smiled. "It's a big deal, please eat delicious at night!"

The fat pig wants to behave a little harder, but the delicious water is involuntarily flowing out. It sadly finds that being too greedy is not a good thing, even angry is not enough.


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