Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3366: Milk baby is proud (four more finished)

The big baby rushed out, and the speed was so fast that it was too ridiculous, but Ling Han did not think that he could not catch it. Updates are fast and no ads.


A mushroom cloud appeared behind the big baby, and then there was a sound of a popping sound. At this time, the little baby had already been killed by Park Xing, and the small white fist was smashed.

Even Ling Han did not think that the explosive power of the big baby would be so terrible, let alone the three people.

Indeed, who can think of a small baby girl so powerful?

Park Star is as stupid, and he was slammed on the face by the big baby, and then the whole person flew out.

The heads of the green and white clothes followed the figure of Park Xing and watched as he knocked down several big trees before falling down.

Oh, this should hurt.

"Hey, it's that I wanted to hit the point home further strength Edie, weak burst!" Big baby shaking his head, an expression of contempt unbearable.

Ling Han was surprised that the speed of Da Wa had just reached twice the speed of sound.

This milk baby is actually the existence of extreme bones?

Ling Han was shocked. He knew that the big baby was born in the heavens and the earth. There are many extraordinary things, but it is extremely boney in life. Is this too exaggerated?

I think that he is also born naturally, born from the stone, but not from the mortal?

This is too unfair.

"Hell!" The white and green clothes looked at each other and they were shocked.

This is amazing, it is too unimaginable.

A milk baby is actually a strong bones?

I must be dreaming myself!

"You two are not good people!" Da Wa stared at the green and white clothes, and the fists were clenched with fists, showing the expression of eagerness to try, very excited.

Ling Han is able to understand it. This girl is in the name of giving him a vent, and actually wants to fight and enjoy.

The white man snorted and waved his hands, and the ground suddenly added a base.


When Ling Han’s eyes swept, he shook his head. The white man was smashed by the seven wolves and belonged to the middle class.

It is very difficult for such a young man to be able to lay down the intermediate formation method. However, if the upper pole is in the upper limit, this method will not be enough.

Waiting for the law, the green man is a big heart, and there is a law to assist him, so that his confidence is greatly increased.

"I am coming!" Dawa shouted excitedly, then rushed over, oh, her figure accelerated and attacked the formation.

Oh, she is all there in an instant, the whole person is like an ancient monster, and the whole formation is broken in an instant.

The white and green clothes were shocked, but they had not waited for them to return to the soul. The big baby was smashed in the past. Hey, the white man was immediately blasted. She once again waved the white fist, 嘭The green man also flew out.


What does not tell you the truth, is to harden in the most rude state, directly crushed.

Big baby seems to be playing, and looking back at Ling Han, it seems that even Ling Han wants to fight.

This little violent madness.

Ling cold mouth, the other six will not be like this.

It’s terrible to think about it. The seven milky dolls seem to be harmless to humans and animals, and they are also powdery, white and cute, but they can be rushed out. It’s called a murderous, violent madness.

No, it is necessary to educate in the future and not be so violent.

"Big baby, let's go." Ling Han smiled and waved.

"Good aunt." Big baby restored the appearance of the porcelain doll, how cute the meat was.

Even the fat pigs are shaking their heads and vomiting. I don't know how many people will be deceived by the appearance of this little baby.

Ling Han did not go to Park Star three. Since the three did not intend to kill people, he would not have rushed to kill, but he still searched the three, but he did not have a treasure, which made him very disappointed.

"Poor ghost." He dropped a sentence, holding the baby in one hand, holding the pig in one hand, and going away.

The three people of Park Star are ashamed to die. They are robbed as victims, and they are also suspected of being poor. There is no such humiliation!

Ling Han continued to look for treasures. He saw it outside. The treasures here are not only the ones he harvested.

"Da Wa, will you cultivate in the gourd?" he asked, full of curiosity.

Big baby smashed his eyes and said: "When in the gourd, I have been sleeping, until recently I wake up from time to time."

Rely on, strength is still born, no cultivation is so arrogant?

Ling Han envy and hate, why does he come out of the **** stone can not bring their own respect?

"How come you can talk?" he asked again.

Dawa squinted his head and looked strange: "It will be born."

Ling Han heart, big baby this expression seems to look at a mental retardation.

Ling Han didn't want to ask, it was too shocking to people, but curiosity quickly rose again, and he said again: "Do you have any blood heritage, what is the best way to master it when you are born?"

"Nothing." Big baby shook his head.

Ling Han breathed a sigh of relief and finally found a sense of balance.

"However, we don't need to cultivate. As long as we grow up, our strength will be improved and our power will be self-sufficient, because our life level is far more than the aunt." Dawa said, and mercilessly attacked Ling Han.


Ling Han is speechless, and the level of life is born to crush all sentient beings, so as long as the body grows, the power is self-contained, the magical power comes from itself, complete, unnecessary, and cultivation!

How come there is such a good thing?

Don't you think it's too unfair?

Ling Han knows that the essence of cultivation is to raise the level of life. But if people are born, the level of life is to open up the dilemma or even the birthplace. Do you still need to cultivate? It is to eat, drink, drink, sleep, and it can become a land and even a living environment.

Oh, forget it, no more than it, so as not to be mad.

After a long time of turning, Ling Han finally had another harvest, but the treasured fruit was not mature, and naturally it was inevitable that it was scorned by the big baby.

One day later, Ling Han returned to the "house" of the gourd, because the big baby said that the second baby will be born.

There was no wind, and the six gourds were constantly shaking. The orange gourd swayed the most intensely. After reaching a certain level, it slammed away from the vine and fell heavily on the ground.

"Two baby!" Big baby called.

Hey, the gourd broke open and jumped out of it with a powdered milk baby.

"Da Wa!" She greeted the big baby, and the two little ones suddenly came together.

Another gimmick.

Ling Han sighed, these seven baby will not be all women, right?

"Auntie!" After the two baby and the big baby were enough, they jumped into Ling Han’s arms and asked for hugs.

Ling Han hearted a move, said: "Da Wa, how big is your strength?"

Before he asked about the special strength of the big baby, the big baby only said that the strength was great. At that time, Ling Han did not pay attention to it, but now he does not think so.

"Hey, aunt, come and try it!" Dawa smiled, a little embarrassed.

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