Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3381: Fancy against ten seconds

Are you losing money?

The four queens of the Yaozu took out five life treasures again and placed them in the jade plate. He endured.

This time, Ling Han personally went into battle, and unlike the small pigs and the baby, there will be variables.

Therefore, as long as you can bear it again, Yu Wenzhao can swear this trick, no, kill this trick.

Little change of blood, no accidents can happen, even if he defeated the cat son.

Yu Wenzhao also glanced back and said, "Can you fight?"

Ling Han waved, hey, the floor suddenly had thirty-three bases: "Come on."

Array method?

Yu Wenzhao sneered, he had already known about it. Nowadays, the Terran Array Division is at most the so-called master level, and the arrays that are arranged are at most hitting the Ming Dynasty.

Yes, he is also an inscription, but the combat power is at the embarrassing level.

What method can block him?

Hey, he can break the formation as soon as he shoots, and then defeated the cold with the ravages... The bombardment, he said in his heart, he was played several times by Ling Han, and he has already raised his will.

He rushed out, and he wanted to smash the array in the most domineering manner and crush the cold into slag.

But when he rushed into the formation, he immediately found something wrong.

A terrible force, his speed immediately slowed down, and then the waist could not help but bend down.

Yu Wenzhao couldn't help but change his face. This power is too horrible.

You know, this array is used to suppress King Kong's coach, and what is the biggest feature of King Kong's coach?

Cross-practice King Kong, defense has no solution.

Therefore, since this thirty-three gold diamond array is used for the vajra commander, the destructive power must be achieved.

Yu Wenzhao broke out with all his strength and immediately resisted the oppression of the formation.

His combat power is at the embarrassing level. This formation does give him pressure, but he wants to suppress him.

boom! boom! boom!

He constantly shot, the violent force impact, just a few times, all the bases are shaking, and then one flies up, and suddenly, the power of the array disappears instantly.

Yu Wenyu rushed out and punched Ling Han.

"Twenty-four seconds." Ling Han said faintly, and did not dodge.

Yu Wenzhao stopped, and in twenty-four seconds, he took twenty-four seconds to break the formation. That is to say, Ling Han stopped him for ten seconds, and he turned over many times.

He is very depressed, which is of course not the result of Ling Han’s fighting power, which makes him feel very embarrassed.

"Thank you." Ling Han walked over and collected the five life treasures again.

He has already eaten a fruit of life, and now he is working, and his vitality is flowing in his body, repairing his track.

"I still can't play?" Ling Han smiled.

Seeing Yu Wenzhao and the demon four emperors are all sullen, he smiled: "I promise not to arrange."

"Come on!" said the four emperors of the Yaozu, if they stopped here, it would be a shame to be thrown home.

He once again threw out five life treasures, and he did not believe it. What else can Ling Han have?

Yu Wenzhao’s face is a bit untenable, and he has been out of work three times.

He took a deep breath and looked at Ling Han for a while. This time he suddenly shot and took a shot toward Ling Han.

Ling Han’s hands are standing, and there is no meaning of dodging or parry.

Looking for death!

Yu Wenxi sneered, and if he let go of the bombardment, it would be that he couldn’t hold back his tricks. Do you think that you are looking for a mystery?

Boom, a palm shot.


“How can this be worthwhile?”

"Is the cold cold looking for a dead end?"

Everyone is shaking their heads, and this is really too much.


In the next moment, everyone was wide open because of surprise.

I saw that the body of Ling Han had a golden radiance, turned into a shield, and protected him in it, and the life stunned the attack of Yu Wenzhao.

How is this possible?

Ling Han is not only a blood exchange, look at the **** decline, hair gray appearance, apparently consumes too much life source, so he will need life treasure.

This kind of **** state under the weak state can actually catch the attack that is strong enough to open the border?

How do you believe it!

"Baojia!" Yu Wenqi gritted his teeth, he was the party, naturally clear, this golden light is not from the body of Ling Han, but on his clothes.

Originally it looked ordinary, but it is different now, and there are mysterious lines.

This is a cliff!

How to draw?

Ling Han uses his own blood, can be regarded as the "ink" of the extreme bone level, although this still can not compete against the power of the open environment, but only ten seconds, but more than enough.

The preparations he made in these days are precisely the production of the cliff.

"One, two, three, four..." Ling Han is still reading the second.

Yu Wenxi screamed and slammed into the cold, and saw that the shield formed by Jinguang had a crack in the moment, but it did not collapse at a time, but could persist for a while.

"Seven, eight, nine, ten!" Ling Han counted, even if he counted ten, Jinguang shield is still not broken, although it is fast.

But he did last for ten seconds.

The cliffs are literally true.

Yu Wenqi stopped his hand and there were 10,000 rushes in his heart.

There is something like this?

This is what breaks the opponent, does not tell you the strength at all, first use the array method, then use the treasure suit, although it can only temporarily hold him, but who let him let go, as long as the cold Ten seconds is enough?

This is called self-restraint.

Ling Hanhe smiled: "Admit it."

Let your sister!

Yu Wenxuan vomits in his heart, but he is the imprint of the world. Is it a good idea to call a blood exchange and let him go?

Is this still shameless?

Ling Han first put away the treasure, and then looked at the four queens of the Yaozu, saying: "Would you like to play again?"

The four queens of the Yaozu face are stinking black. He now knows that Ling Han is to lie to the treasure of life. If he promises, this guy will definitely make another weird trick.

Are you really a big man?

Ling Hanhe smiled and said: "This way, this time I promise to use only my own strength, how? No need to use the law, no treasure, no external force."

"Really?" asked the four emperors of the Yaozu, he was really reluctant to be so many times.

"Of course." Ling Han smiled. "However, this time the bet is going to be bigger. You have to press on all the remaining treasures. If I fail, I will give back all the things I won before." you."

The four queens of the Yaozu were somewhat hesitant, because Ling Han was too confident.

"Four princes, promised him!" Yu Wenzhao is a socket, he does not believe, without the help of external forces, Ling Han can hold him ten seconds.

"Good!" The four kings of the Yaozu slowly nodded.

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