Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3383: Old eunuch


Ling Han’s fist has been smashed with Yu Wen’s iron palm, and suddenly he has provoked the horrible clouds, as if he had to shred the Tianyu.

It’s terrible, this is the power to open up the world!

Everyone was shaking their heads. They thought that Ling Han could still last for ten seconds, but after seeing the power of this attack, no one would have any luck.

How could this be an attack that can be smashed by blood exchange?


A blood sprayed in the air, I saw that Ling Han actually stood still, as if the javelin, Bi Ting quite.

What, he actually fell.

Yu Wen’s hands clenched his fists, and he understood in his heart that as long as he made another punch, Ling Han was sure to finish.

However, ten seconds have arrived.

As a demon genius, he naturally wants to face. How can he talk without counting?

Besides, if he wants to rely on the skin, then Ling Han can run the treasure suit again, and he can also block his attack.

He did not know that this cliff array was only made under the urgency of the cold. The power was limited. After ten seconds of attack, many of the formations collapsed on their own, losing the effect of swaying the world.

Therefore, the cliff array is not used.

But Ling Han is not without a card, he can still hide in the gourd.

Of course, the secret of not being able to expose the space implement is of course the best. This may make the Seven Emperors and others are heart-warming. After all, the space implements are rare, not to mention the ability to accommodate living things. Strengthen your spirit!

Yu Wen stared at Ling Han, and the other party’s boxing method at the end made him seem to see a demon!

It can be clearly stated that only the royal family of their demon family is the demon monkey family.

Very strange.

The same as he was shocked by the four demons of the demon family, he also stared at Ling Han, with strong greed in his eyes.

That is the demon monkey boxing, the real demon monkey boxing, not the missing version of their six-eared macaque family.

He is eager to get it.

"Little people, actually dare to steal my demon mystery!" He came out, Senran said, in any case, he must win the Ling Han, to seize the master monkey fist mastered.

Come again!

Before the demon five princes, this is also the case with the four emperors. It seems that the boxing method taught by the monkey brother is too strong, and always allows the demon to be greedy.

"Smelly shameless, what is the relationship between the aunt and my aunt's mastery?" The big baby immediately jumped out.

"Yes, what does it have to do with you!" The four baby and the five baby have the same kind of learning.

The five empire of the Yaozu did not care. He naturally dismissed the theory with a few baby babies. Although these babies were so powerful, they were not qualified to be regarded as opponents.

In front of the demon monkey, everything can be ignored.

Ling Han faint smile: "Little monkey, here is the Terran Emperor, you dare to be fierce?"

"What about that?" The four queens of the Yaozu said with disdain that the strongest person here is only a dilemma. Like him, he has to forcefully take away one person. Who can stop him?

"Is it?" An old voice sounded, and I saw an old man dressed in **** costume strolling over.


That must have come out of the palace, but what role can a **** play?

The four emperors of the Yaozu looked at the old eunuch, and the brows were slightly wrinkled. This old **** gave him a feeling of unfathomable feeling, which made him dare not let go.

"Who are you?" he asked.

The old **** is full of wrinkles, and he doesn't know how old it is. His eyes are not open, and he seems to be dying at any time. He said: "An old slave next to you."

The four queens of the Yaozu do not give up, said: "Is there a name?"

"Oh, the old slave Zhu Qi, this name has not been used for many years." The old **** said.

Zhu Qi?

The four queens of the Yaozu repeated in the heart, but he believed that he had never heard of the name.

It’s all about him, and so is everyone else. I don’t know what this old **** is.

You see, a few emperors are also full of stunned faces, and may not have seen this before.

"Dare to ask Zhu's predecessors, what is it?" The four emperors of the Yaozu decided to pay tribute to the soldiers. He really couldn't see the old man's cultivation.

"This, this is the emperor's emperor, the round is not the demon of the demon." Zhu Qi pointed to Ling Han, and said, "The old slaves have the same feeling, decided to move the old bones, ask the four emperors for love, don't be embarrassed This kid."

The four queens of the Yaozu stared at Zhu Qi and slowly said: "If the Emperor did not agree?"

Zhu Qi did not speak, but the original waist was suddenly straightened up. For a moment, he exuded a terrible momentum, as if an ancient demon suddenly came alive.

The four queens of the Yaozu could not help but pale, but fortunately, he was originally a monkey face, furry, and this change is not obvious.

He did not say anything, turned and left.

The remaining Yaozu see the boss have gone, and quickly keep up.

"Oh." Zhu Qi has restored the appearance of the old-fashioned dragon clock. "There are still many good people under the sun, and everything is more harmonious."

He turned and walked.

Don't look at his slow progress step by step, but the speed is amazing, and it has disappeared in a few steps.

“Is this a shrinking inch?” said the man who knew the goods.

"Fairy law!"

"No, it's just a little bit of shrinking, but one step is a hundred miles."

"Even so, this is too horrible!"

"No wonder you can scare away the demon king."

Everyone said, all of them are very curious, and there is such a great power hidden in the palace?

Ling Han was also surprised. I didn't expect that in addition to Chen Fengyan, the emperor actually had such a powerful master. It is no wonder that the emperor dared to resolutely and resolutely retreat. It was really going to happen. The **** will come forward to solve it.

He put away the treasures of life on the ground, and the most urgent task is to restore the Taoist base and make up the source of life consumed as much as possible.

However, the enthusiastic and excited people are all around, this time Ling Han is a great hero, once again defending the dignity of the Terran.


On the empty ship.

The four princes of the Yaozu are silent and have a rock.

"His Highness, where are we going now?" asked one of the Yaozu boldly.

"Back to the DPRK!" The four kings of the Yaozu spit out two words.

"But my Highness, you have made a strict order, let us marry the prestige of the Terran, so if I go back, I am afraid that I will be punished, and my Highness will lose my heart," said a close minister.

"Crap!" The four emperors of the Yaozu snorted. "The old **** is looking for a secret, how can he?"


The Yaozu people are all shocked, looking for a secret? how can that be possible?

Doesn't it mean that the strongest people in the human race will open up the dilemma? How come suddenly find a secret search.

Isn't that the next level?

"The strength of the Terran is far stronger than we think. We must inform the Father as soon as possible to change the previous strategy."

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