This is a study room with a desk in addition to a row of bookshelves, and Hong Taishi is sitting behind the desk.

"Hong Taishi." Ling Han hugged his fist.

Hong Taishi looked up at Ling Han and said: "A few days ago, did you go to Hengyue?"

Ling Han’s heart suddenly came, and came.

He nodded and said, "Go."

Hong Taishi stared at him and said: "This seat has just received news that you have killed the capital of Jining City, but it is true?"

"Yes, it is true." Ling Han nodded again.

"Well, since you admit it, there is nothing to say, according to the Imperial Law, killing the Imperial officials, all executed!" said Hong Taishi Senran.

What is nothing to say?

Ling Han laughed and said: "Adult, there is something to say!"

"What to say? Want to go back?" Hong Taishi said faintly.

"The Imperial Law also said that in the adventures of the monuments, everyone is an ordinary treasure hunter, that is, the prince is also no different from the people." Ling Han faintly said, "I did kill Yu Yi, but at the time he was not Jining City. The city owner, but just an ordinary explorer."

"Again, I really want to ask me to sin. It seems that it should be the chairman of the House of Governors. The hand of Hong Daren is too long!"

Hong Taishi almost slammed the table. Who is he?

Before the demon family had not appeared, he was the most powerful existence under the Holy Emperor. He was able to compare with him, that is, the four great masters, the chairman of the board of directors, Yang Bai and so on.

Now the four great coaches and so on can still only be on an equal footing with him, but just a few top-ranked emperors seem to have skyrocketed at once, and their combat power has reached a dilemma.

Even so, is a small exchange of blood eligible to be released in front of him?

"Bold!" he snapped.

Hey, the door was pushed open, and the two officers held weapons and aimed at Ling Han.

Ling Han smiled lightly and said: "Adult, what am I wrong?"

"There is really no law enforcement power in this seat." Hong Taishi waved to the two officers and signaled them to go out. When the door was closed again, he said again. "However, this seat is an empire, so do you ask?" Not allowed?"

"The Taishi certainly asked, but the answer was very clear." Ling Han said, not humble.

"And... Hong Taihao, but you killed?" Hong Taishi was very gauzy.

Ling Han spread the staller: "What is Hong Tai?"

Hong Taishi stared at him, seemingly wanting to penetrate his body, straight to his heart: "No matter, put you into the dungeon, tortured, I believe you will say it!"

Ling Han’s heart suddenly raised a raging anger. You said that torture was tortured and tortured?

He opened his brain and released the ugly face of the family. Then he said, "I just put this image out."

"You!" Hong Taishi was furious, this kid actually dared to face his face!

He can see clearly that the Yuyi family is indeed too much, almost killing the cold and killing, who is it?

Among the monuments, there are no emperors and marshals, all of whom are ordinary adventurers. This is what the Holy Emperor said and wrote in the law.

He snorted and said: "Kill the Imperial City Lord, can you believe in your side? Come here"

The door was pushed open again and the two officers came in again.

"Put this person to the dungeon!" said Hong Taishi.

He knows that Ling Han’s strength is extremely strong. It’s not that these two officers can compete, but he is not worried. It’s best to let Ling Han really hurt and run away. The crime of Ling Han is big.

Ling Han smiled, don't think that he seems to be only about 20 years old, but it is a strange old man who has lived for countless years. How can he not see the intention of Hong Taishi?

He did not resist, followed the two officers, and this time he did not agree.

Hey, the door is closed again.

Hong Taishi showed a sense of killing. This young man was too enchanting and reached the point of threatening Hong Tianbu, and he absolutely did not allow such a thing to happen.

Take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of this young man.

Ling Han honestly went to the dungeon under the escorting of two officers.

"Hey, call you arrogant before!"

"Dare to be right with Hong Taishi, it’s a brain!"

Both officers are sneer.

Ling Hanxin thought about it, hey, a stone flew from the back and smashed toward the two officers.

"Hey!" The two officers were screaming. They changed their blood, but how could they prevent Ling Han from attacking the battle?

Hey, the two had a nap, but fortunately, Ling Han controlled the power, otherwise it would be a blunt stone, and it would be fatal to come over at high speed.

Who is attacking them?

Both of them stopped and looked to the rear, but the streets were cold and clear, and who else?


Ling Han couldn’t help but smile. These two people are foxes and tigers, don’t you learn how to do it?

"What are you laughing at?" The two couldn't find a sneak attacker. Under the anger, they shouted at Ling Han, but they didn't know that this person was the culprit.

Ling Hanyou said: "There are gods in the head, and I am disrespectful to me. I am disciplined by God."

"Hey, who do you think you are?" an officer sneered.

"I thought it was a great student at the Imperial College. You are just lucky. In the past, civilians like you were not qualified to enter the college!" Another officer also opened the scorn mode.

Ling Han shook his head, squatting, squatting, and two small stones flew out of the air, smashing toward the backs of the two officers.

Hey, hey, under the high-speed push, the impact of the two stones is so powerful, and suddenly the two officers were killed.

The two couldn’t help but be in the end who was shooting them?

Ling Han is absolutely impossible. Once they are face to face, how can they launch attacks from behind? Second, I did not see Ling Han hands.

Is it really a ghost?

If not, how can you explain such a strange thing?


They were horrified to find that the two stones on the ground floated out of thin air and then flew toward them.

Hey, hey, the two were tripped again, and they didn’t lose a few teeth.

If Xuanyuan Dingguo and others, then they will certainly guess that there are spiritual masters in the vicinity, and they can still use the power to exercise the real thing, but for the two officers, they know limited, how can they understand many?

They were so scared that they were trembling, something beyond common sense, and in their opinion it was naturally related to the devil.

"You, have you seen it?" asked the two men to Ling Han.

"What did you see?" Ling Han's pretense was amazed.

"The big stone is flying, you didn't see it?" The two are going crazy.

"What stone?" Ling Han felt that his acting was still very good.

There are ghosts, absolutely ghosts!

Otherwise, how could Ling Han not see it?

The two looked up at the sky. Is there a **** in the first three feet?

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