Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3396: 枭雄 essence (four more finished)

The Seven Emperors Shen Shen, said: "If the father can not go out in time, this battle will be defeated, but I will not fight hard, so the human race will really die. m. Mobile phone is the most economical, no advertising Site. So, I need to save some power."

Ling Han is amazed, what do you mean by this?

"At the time of the war, you left with the Lonely King. The Lonely King has already been arranged, and can rise in the chaos." The Seven Emperors said again.

Do you mean to be a deserter?

Ling Han has widened his eyes and watched the seven emperors not talking.

The Seven Emperors smiled slightly: "Become a big event, no matter what the bar. The lonely king does not want to see the creatures smearing, but if it is inevitable, it must not know that it must die and still follow."

Ling Han instantly understood.

This seven emperors are ambitious and capable, but he is not a benevolent, but a male.

As soon as he is ruined, he cares only about his own emperor. As for how many sacrifices will be made on this road, he will not care at all.

To do things or cooperate with such people, in fact, you really need to be careful, who knows if it will be sold suddenly.

In the eyes of the Seven Emperors, people are ranked by value. If you have no value, you will be sacrificed or sacrificed for greater value.

For a moment, Ling Han decided to keep a distance from the Seven Emperors, otherwise it would be possible to be pitted one day.

"I believe... the situation will not deteriorate to such a degree," he said.

"Optimism is a good thing, but blindly optimistic may kill yourself." The seven emperors patted Ling Han's shoulder. "You think about it, Lonely King is still looking forward to cooperating with you and seeking a great cause."

Ling Han smiled, he did not want to tear the face with the seven emperors, but it is impossible to have deep cooperation.

He now feels more and more that the Seven Emperors are terrible. If they go too close, they may be dragged down.

Different road non-phase plan.

"The lonely king went back first, you think about it." The seven emperors turned and left.

Two times in a row, let Ling Han think about it, indicating that he is still very concerned about Ling Han, but unfortunately, Ling Han has seen through his essence.

Ling Han smiled and watched the seven emperors leave.

He is now under house arrest, and no one can see him at all. It is the light brain that can't connect to the Internet. It can be said that he has completely lost contact with the outside world, and only a big man like the Seven Emperors can enter this place.

"If I really want to go out, can I stop me?" Ling Han shook his head.

Time passed by, and the atmosphere of the Imperial City was tense day by day.

The deadline for the Yaozu is getting closer and closer, but those big men have yet to make the final decision. The Holy Emperor has been retreating. What about the demon army’s pressure?

The timid people are already preparing to move their homes. They are big and big, but they don’t know where to move. If they run away, they may not be hit by the Yaozu.

The hearts of the people, the Holy Emperor does not come out, everyone feels that there is no vertebrae, no emboldened.

Ling Han is calm and calm, practice every day, study the law and Dan Dao, the days are full and full.

In this way, eight days passed.

The big men held another meeting. This time they did not call Ling Han. It is said that only a few top-ranking emperors insisted on fighting, and the military and the chairman of the parliament tried their best to oppose it.

In the early morning of the next day, the decision was finally formed.


Ling Han didn't know how the four great masters and the chairman of the board were persuaded. Maybe the emperors used the force. At least several emperors should have reached the embarrassing situation. It is certainly not difficult to "convincing" the four great men. .

Since you decided to go to war, you should mobilize it in full swing to meet the invasion of the Yaozu.

Ling Han was also informed that he wanted to join the army and take the lead.

For this, Ling Han did not care, although he did not make a mistake, but after all, it is the fuse of this war, the top is not over the top.

He was a little excited and wanted to teach the demon.

The Emperor's ancestors and ancestors were also mobilized. Most of them were students of the Imperial College. They had already graduated. The Yaozu was too strong. They needed the ultimate fighting power to confront them. They were the backbone.

Most people are pessimistic, but they also hold a glimmer of hope, that is, their holy emperor is going out and turning things around with one's own power, otherwise... this is really just to die, even if it can hold the demon for ten days, one What about the month?

After all, the sky will still collapse.

These aristocrats gathered in the square, the four coaches will mobilize, and then go to the front.

When Ling Han arrived, he immediately received a lot of hateful eyes.

For most people, it is completely wrong to stand here, and once they get on the battlefield, more than half of them will probably not come back.

Who wants to die? In particular, these two ancestors lived in the emperor's days, and the war was a far-reaching thing for them, but now they have to face it all at once, leaving them at a loss.

Ling Han did not speak, he even told these people, even if there is no reason for himself, the Yaozu will still launch aggression, but the time may be a few days in the evening.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, everyone arrived, and the late arrival was directly executed according to the crime of conviction. This is a war. There is no exception. No one can play big cards.

The four great coaches started to talk about Ba La Ba, and said something that made people feel excited. On the battlefield, morale is very important.

If the morale is weak, you may only be able to play 30% of the combat power. If the morale is high, you may be able to play at a super level.

"Okay, let's go!"

After all the four handsome men said it, Yang Bai stood up and waved.

Everyone just wanted to go, but they suddenly saw a black shadow cast in the sky.

"What is that?" Someone has a sharp eye.


"How can our empty ship be in that position?"

Everyone is curious, because this battle will also launch all the empty ships, and it will be a surprise to appear in that position.

"It's an empty ship of the Yaozu!" When the shadow was near, everyone saw it clearly, and he didn't exclaim.

The Yaozu is coming?

How can I pick this time?

Today, I don’t hand over Ling Han, then the next is war.

Can it be said that the Yaozu is full of confidence and believes that the Terran will definitely bow, so send an empty ship to bring the cold directly back?

It’s so arrogant.

The empty ship was big, but the speed was not slow. Soon it came to the top of the square and cast a huge shadow.

Hey, the length of this empty ship is about two hundred feet, and the width is eighty feet. It can be said that it is a giant. Such a large individual can't land on the square, only hovering.

There was a giant eagle flying out on the empty ship, and it fell to the bottom.

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