Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3401: Break through the bones

Ling Han accepted the invitation and began to attack the extreme bones. m.

Through the context, through the body meridians, this is the secret storage and passage of the channel, for the foundation of martial arts, without this step, naturally talk about martial arts.

The next step is to change the blood, which really involves the improvement of the level of life.

After changing the blood, it is the bone.

This is essentially an improvement of the level of life, and the specific performance is the evolution of the bones in the body, breaking up and discharging the bone residue again and again, and finally turning into a fine gold, so that the military has a strong defense.

Like Ling Han, the fighting power in the blood exchange is incredible, but if it is hit on the bones of the extreme bones, then the other party can rely on the hard bones to eat this attack.

Therefore, unless the power is crushed, if you are playing the bones, you must find a gap in the bones.

In this way, the extreme bones undoubtedly make the military less important, the relatively fragile body has a strong bone protection, and the defense is greatly enhanced.

Ling Han took a life treasure and began to break through.

Hum, his body suddenly set off a storm, the level of life began to leap.

In theory, as long as the cultivation is in the ascension, the level of life is improving, but when the realm breaks through, it is undoubtedly a leap, especially in a big realm.

Ling Han immediately felt the emptiness of the body, even if he had taken a life treasure, it was not enough.

The higher the realm, the higher the order of life treasures that need to be used in the breakthrough.

Ling Han just eat Changhong fruit, this is not a problem to break through the small realm, but the big realm is somewhat reluctant, not to mention the enchanting temperament of the cold, the vitality of life is even more amazing.

It is no wonder that the four great coaches and other strong players have been stuck in the inscriptions, there is no corresponding life treasure, and how dare to break through, purely looking for death.

The relationship between the heavens and the earth is too small.

From this point of view, the Yaozu is really unique, because they are all inclusive, the scope and difficulty of collecting drugs are completely different. In addition, the life level of the monster itself is high, and it needs to be used for breakthrough. The treasure of life can be properly reduced.

Therefore, the master of the Yaozu is more than the Terran, and the overall strength is also higher.

Fortunately, there was a Chen Fengyan who completely propped up the human race with his own strength.

If there is no Chen Fengyan, what is the fate of the Terran now?

This thought flashed in Ling Han's mind, and he licked a long rainbow fruit to continue to guide the body's evolution.

boom! boom! boom!

His body emits a horrible sound, but it is a matter of course to break through the realm. Therefore, there is no vision in the heavens and the earth.

By relying on, Ling Han found that a Changhong fruit did not work at all, he had to take the third.

This is the glass of water, the long rainbow fruit goes down, turns into the energy of life, but it is immediately consumed clean, almost no effect.

Soon, the rest of the Changhong fruit has been eaten clean, but the evolutionary path of Ling Han is only a quarter out.

He took out the treasure of life stolen from Princess Bis, and he picked it up without hesitation.

This is the level of the opening of the dilemma. It is just a bite to eat. Ling Han feels that Wang Yang-like energy is pouring into the body, so that he will be fully enriched in an instant.

If the four masters and Hong Taishi saw them, they would definitely be extravagant and extravagant. This treasure gave them enough words to break through the dilemma. Now Ling Han is only used to break through the extreme conditions. Waste, too wasteful.

Ling Han does not care, Baoguo can eat again, but the strength can be missed?

On the contrary, as long as the strength is enough, what treasures are not available?

Realm barrier, give me a drive!

Ling Han constantly tears the cockroaches in the body, until the opening of the shackles, the warriors are tearing open the body, but some people tear more, some people are less, this is the basis for climbing the fairy.

Some people can be stronger in the same stage, and some people can hit the peak of the road, because the foundation is stronger.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Every time Ling Han tears open a shackle, he feels a relaxed body and consumes a lot of life essence. After he tears open a full seventeen gongs, the fierce evolution finally slows down.

Ling Han took a few more treasures and continued to promote the entry into the country.

Hey, hey is still being shredded, but the speed is much slower and he has to stop.

This breakthrough of the realm, will tear a few 桎梏 is completely unfixed, in general, the small realm will tear open a shackle, the big realm torn open a five, most people are like this.

Ling Han has torn open twenty-seven gongs. In theory, it is already amazing, but he is not satisfied. From blood exchange to reclamation, there are only a few small realms in a few realms, and how many times can it be torn open? Opportunity?

He wants to pursue the strongest, and he must tear all the shackles before embarking on the path of the fairy, so he must do his best every step of the way.

Come again! Come again! Come again!

Ling Han spurred the effort to make his breakthrough as perfect as possible.

Hey, he ripped open the twenty-eighth.

Not enough, come back.

Hey, the twenty-ninth road is broken.

not enough.

Oh, the 30th 桎梏 is broken.

Can you come back?

Ling Han fought Yu Yong and went to the 31st, but his evolution has slowed down, just like the tide, completely blocked by the dam.

boom! boom! boom!

It has been hit nine times in a row, and it is all reactive.

It can only be this way?


Ling Han eats all the remaining half of the treasures, and then gathers all the power of life to launch an impact on this.

This is the last stroke. If it is not successful, it will not be next time.


The power of life has turned into a huge wave, and it has been hit **** the raft, and the dam has not stopped such a big wave of slamming.

Ling Hanton feels comfortable and comfortable, not only the body, but also psychological satisfaction.

He broke the limit.

This limit is of course for himself. If someone breaks six shackles, it can be called the breakthrough limit, but for him, this is the limit.

This is really the limit. With the break of the 31st turn, Ling Han feels physically turned into stagnant water, and can no longer pick up a little bit of waves.

Extremely boned.

Ling Han smiled, and the next step was to sculpt the bones and smash the bones out a little. This is a process of water mill, even if there is a treasure to improve, but it is still impossible to go where.

That is what he said, he took out the treasure for cultivation and ate it.

When the upper limit of the realm is opened, he naturally can enhance his secret power.

Until the evening, Ling Han stopped.

From the perspective of mystery, he has reached the middle of a bone, but now he has only two life treasures left in his hand, and the other treasures are already clean.

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