Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3412: Absolutely fair

Xuanyuan decided to leave the country soon. Updates are fast and no ads.

But he had just left his forefoot, but he came back with a man.

This is an old man dressed in **** costumes. It comes quietly, like a ghost, so it appears quietly. Let the seven gourd dolls be the enemy, they are all ready to shoot.

"It turned out to be Zhu's predecessor." Ling Han arched his hand. This is the old eunuch, Zhu Qi, who is looking for a strong secret. No one knows how many years he spent in the palace. No one even knew his existence before.

Looking for a secret, now can be said to be the strongest under Chen Fengyan, actually willing to abolish that eunuch?


Zhu Qi first looked at the seven, in fact, he saw six gourd dolls, and smiled: "Young people, you are really rich, and the natural luck you have been met."

Ling Han is just a smile, you don't know how to raise your baby, the seven little devils are so good to serve, it is simply the little devil.

However, if you really want to say it, wouldn’t it hurt the other person’s pain?

So Ling Han is very funny and just smiles, or he must be beaten.

"The old slave came from the command of his majesty, and gave you something." Zhu Qi said, he reached out and smeared at the table. It was already a piece of jade slip out of thin air. At first glance, it was a few years old, revealing an ancient atmosphere. .

"What is your gift?" Ling Han was surprised, is this holy emperor not in retreat?

"Oh, the squatting of the martial arts, although people are retreating, but the thoughts are omnipresent and omnipresent." Zhu Qi said, his face is full of respected colors.

You will not be obsessed with Chen Fengyan, so since you are cutting the chicken, enter the palace, and stay with Chen Fengyan?

Ling Han could not help but fight a cold war. This picture is a bit too beautiful. He dare not think about it anymore.

"What is this?" he asked.

"One line of law." Zhu Qi said, "Your Majesty said, you can enlighten yourself, no one can help you. However, there are some materials for making the foundation, and some big blood, as long as you can thoroughly penetrate this door. The formation method can be made."

He took out a piece of metal of the size of a human head, and a jade can, even if it was covered, you can still see the horrible blood transpiration.

Making the array method, the material and ink of the base are also necessary.

The higher the array method is, the higher the material is needed. The ink must also use the blood at a high level. It can be said that the basic body is extremely expensive, and the production method fails once, and the waste is huge. .

"Thank you, my mother, thank you Zhu." Ling Han quickly said.

Zhu Qi nodded and said: "Your Majesty really looks at you differently. This jar contains the blood of the demon. If you take it, it will make your life level increase. Your Majesty has no reward for his children, but it is I am giving you a refining base, and I am obviously looking forward to you."

Ling Han was amazed, this is actually the blood of the demon?

It seems that the demon emperor did not discuss with Chen Fengyan, was beaten so simple, but was miserable, and was forced to bleed.

Yeah, otherwise, how can the demon king surrender?

"I know." Ling Han nodded.

Zhu Qi looked at Ling Han deeply. He actually didn't understand why Chen Fengyan looked at Ling Han so much. Ming Hong Tian is more excellent in martial arts, and his realm is higher. Shouldn't he cultivate Hong Tianbu?

"Your Majesty said that if you act, but you want to be innocent, you can let go." He also narrated.

Ling Han smiled, Chen Fengyan's character is really his heart.

"Yeah." He nodded again.

Zhu Qi coughed and said: "The old slave left, don't need to send." He did not let Ling Han send, his body shape changed, and he went out.

The old **** stood on the treetop and glanced at his eyes and muttered: "Weird, where the congenital body was in the end, it has been checked for so long, but it still could not be found."

He would never have thought that the congenital deity of his heart was actually under his nose, but it was not a newborn baby, but an adult man!

Killing him will not think about Ling Han.


After Zhu Qi left, Ling Han began to study the jade slip.

"Auntie, this blood is so sweet!" The seven gourd dolls climbed onto the table, and they all sniffed with their noses.

By relying on, blood can smell the incense? Are you a vampire?

Ling Han quickly took the jar up. Since Chen Fengyan could see him so much, he certainly had to make this formation. To appreciate the appreciation of others, you can not let the seven milk dolls drink.

"It must be on the way to Xianxian, otherwise the blood can not remove all the smell, like the Avenue Joan brew." Dawa commented.

The second baby is launching the scorpion, and after reading it for a while, he said: "Well, there are so many vital factors in the blood, and there is a hint of immortality. It really jumped over Xianmen."

Down, in front of these milk dolls, what secrets can be hidden?

Ling Han sighed and said: "This is the material for making the foundation. You can't make an idea."

"Oh, auntie." The seven milk-milk are all dejected.

Ling Han is very relieved, although the seven dolls are very skinny, but one is one, don't worry about their yin and yang.

"And, no matter how precious this blood is, after all, it is blood, and it is not allowed to remember in the future." He warned.

"Know it, Auntie." Seven gourd dolls nodded again.

Ling Han is reassured that the world is so delicious, is it staring at the blood?

He let the seven baby girls play by themselves and then began to study jade.

This is recorded on the array, called "absolute fairness."

Quite simply, after the formation of the formation, the realm of everyone in the formation will be drawn to the same level.

This kind of formation is not unusual. Before the ancient Taoist sect had such an ancient method, but the existing ones are only the base, no one knows how to make it, and this array is very large.

However, the "absolute fairness" of this jade record is different. Although it requires a total of forty-nine bases, the base is very small and can be placed on the clothes. Once launched, the creatures within the range of ten feet can be All pulled to the same realm.

The standard is low.

Therefore, this is "absolutely fair" and it is completely equal to the same level.

Of course, the array method is limited by the upper limit, but it is as high as the search for secrets, and there are restrictions on the use time. It can only last for ten minutes. After one use, it takes up to one day to recharge.

"Ten minutes of words... Who is the same level? I am not flat?" Ling Han smiled. "As long as I made this formation, I could fight Yu Wenyu."

He devoted himself to studying the array method. This is very complicated. It not only has a pattern that transcends extreme effects, but also requires an incomparably complex combination of various patterns. It is impossible for ordinary people to remember.

This mentality is too high.

Ling Han was tireless, and his interest was hoisted and completely invested.

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