Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3414: Cruelty (four more)

Yu Wenzhao added another fruit.

Losing him is a demon genius, or it is impossible to hold a metamorphosis under the premise that he has already been transformed.

Although he is very angry, but think again, anyway, he will win, need to care?

Yu Wenzhao does not care about what kind of bets are placed on Ling Han. Anyway, his goal is to smother the cold. It is best to abolish this human race.

"Can you?" he asked quietly.

Ling Han grinned and hooked his finger: "Come on."

Yu Wenzhao strode toward Ling Han, and he released his complete imposing manner. From the exchange of blood and the bones to the inscription, he has experienced three huge levels of life, which is far more than Ling in essence. cold.

Especially in the Ming dynasty, depicting the heaven and earth in the organs of the body, you can absorb and motivate the power of the heavens and the earth, and the leaps of the power are extremely terrifying.

He is able to promote his own strength. Once he is shot, he will be defeated by the thunder and will not give the other party a chance.

"It’s just a human race." He disdained.

This sentence makes everyone's face change, revealing annoyance, do you dare to speak out of the country?

In the mind, in addition to Hong Tianbu, who else can resist him?

The Yaozu is really strong under the fairy path, and this must be acknowledged.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "I will cry you when I rush you."

"Daydreaming!" Yu Wenzhao walked closer and closer, the body is clear and slender and not burly, but the body seems to hide a big dragon, exuding the majestic atmosphere.

"Now, the dream should wake up." He leaps over and punches into the cold.

Ling Hanxin thought of a move, absolutely fair and immediately launched.

Hey, a supreme force is moving, and within the ten-foot area, everything is fair.

"What!" Yu Wenyi could not help but exclaimed, because he found that his cultivation was actually falling straight, but it fell to the sixth step of the extreme bones.

Yes, he also broke the limit in the extreme bones, otherwise how can he be enchanted to the point of challenge to Hong Tianbu?

He immediately calmed down, and how the sixth level of the polar bones, he still occupies a great advantage, far surpassing Ling Han at the level of life.

He screamed and rushed, still punching the past.

"what's the situation?"

“How did Yu Wen’s momentum suddenly fall a lot?”

Everyone is weird, and the master like the Three Emperors is the eyes immediately smashed up, they saw more things, and the Princess of the Tourmaid is even more beautiful, she has guessed the reason.

"Give me a roll!" Ling Han violently screamed, and he also shuddered and greeted Yu Wen.

The two forces collided together and suddenly caused a fierce collision. Yu Wenqi’s boxing force immediately collapsed, and Ling Han pushed the punching force to crush it. He slammed and Yu Wenxi was immediately shaken out.

Ling Han stepped and chased, absolutely fair and bound by the regional restrictions, he can not let Yu Wenqi out of his own ten feet away, otherwise the other party's repair will be restored.

Hey, under the high speed of three times the speed of sound, Ling Han has caught up with Yu Wenzhao, and it is a punch.

Yu Wenying met, but under the superposition of the fifty-power of the demon monkey, how could he stop it?

Hey, he took off again.

Ling Han chasing, double fists and non-stop.

Hey, Yu Wenzhen suddenly has only a violent share.

In the same battle, the invincibility of Ling Han is not necessary.

What about Yu Wenzhao? What about the five small realms that are still higher?

This is just a one-sided cruelty.

Everyone is stunned, who can think of this?

Is it that Ling Hanqiang has already been against the sky and can be invincible across two major realms?

"Look at his body, there is a radiant movement." Someone said, telling the truth, "That is the treasure, there is a formation on the top, and the hard life will bring Yu Wenzhao's cultivation to the extreme bones."

"That is to say, this is a fair battle for extreme bones."

"No, Yu Wenzhao still has an advantage. He is not a bone now, but a five bone."

"Despite this, he is still not good?"

"This... still can only explain that Ling Hanqiang is against the sky!"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn’t speak.

Yu Wenzhao wants to challenge Hong Tianbu. Both of them are inscriptions. You can see how confident Yuwen is.

But now?

Ling Han and Yu Wenzhao are extremely bones, and Yu Wenzhao also takes advantage of several small realms, but it is not an opponent of Ling Han. What kind of genius is this?

No one knows that Ling Han has broken through seven changes, which even ignited the vision of heaven and earth.

Even the heavens and the earth have been alarmed, showing how terrible this step is.

This makes Ling Han have absolute confidence, the same level of war, without any preconditions, he is absolutely invincible.

that's the truth.

The cold pursuit, the double-fisted sway, the power of terror surging, it is how Yu Wenxuan, it is only a slap.

Ten minutes is enough for him to make this opponent a slag.

In fact, at most five minutes, Princess Tourmaline called for a stop, and Dai Yuwen confessed.

I really can't bear to watch it. It is completely unilaterally ruthless.

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao, sweeping the demon family, faintly said: "Who else want to challenge me?"

At this time, he easily defeated Yu Wenzhao's momentum, as if he were a big demon god, and everyone was so heavy in his heart that he could not breathe.

"Oh." Ling Han took the bamboo on the stone table and transformed the fruit, and went away.

No one knows that ten minutes is coming, and if there is a strong challenge to Ling Han, absolutely fairness will not work.

However, although Ling Han left, the heavy bomb that can be thrown away is to make everyone boiling.

"This person can actually pull the realm of others to the same level as him."

"He has the same level of combat power, who can match?"

"Is this not invincible?"

"How can there be such a formation, is it not to let other people's hardships become a bubble?"

You have worked hard to cultivate to a high level, but people have taken a battle to knock down the bottom of the valley. Who can accept this?

Princess Bisin Shen Shen said: "This is 'absolute fairness', a simplified version of the repressed realm array method, originally a large-scale array used by ancient sects to select excellent disciples, but a talented and brilliant singer will Simplified, can be attached to clothing, affecting nearby people."

“However, the area of ​​influence is limited, and the time of action is limited, it should be less than half an hour.”

Although she is not completely accurate, she can already be called erudition.

"It’s a princess, it’s too erudite."

"It turned out that this group's formation method lasted for a limited time. It is no wonder that I ran away after throwing a sentence, because if someone challenges him, the formation will not be able to take off."

"Rely, I was caught by this guy!"

All the demon people are regretting.

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