Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3434: Great changes in the world

"Hey, how come there is a gourd?" Those who guarded the passage found the nourishing gourd.

"There are many plants in the palace. It is normal to grow a gourd." Some people don't care.

"Oh, maybe it’s a baby." Someone said, but he smiled, apparently he was only joking.

"Maybe it’s really embarrassing." A man in grey coat came over and reached for the gourd.


Ling Han thought of a move, it was already outside, and a punch hit the man.

Hey, that person is just a very bone, how could it be the enemy of Linghan?

Fortunately, Ling Han did not kill, but he was shot. Otherwise, with the strength of Ling Han, he must have hung up.

The man fell heavily on the ground, while the other guards were stunned.

Under what circumstances, this person will be invisible?

It was not until the cold and the legs started to run, they suddenly realized that they quickly sounded the alarm.

Just for a while, the birdman appeared. He screamed to the guards and learned that after the passage, he was amazed: "A gourd is rolling, a big living person appears out of thin air?"

"That should be a spacecraft, and it can still contain living things."

"This kind of treasure can only be raised by nature."

"This seat is not very concerned, but people ran out of the Aotian Palace, but it is the face of this seat!"

"Hey, the little donkey under the path of the fairy, where can you go?"

The bird man vacated and chased in the direction of Ling Hanyuan. While searching, his eyesight was extremely sharp, and he could penetrate layers of leaves and see the grass and trees in the forest.

Only he was disappointed, and they all caught up for half an hour, but found nothing.

He doesn't think that the speed of Ling Han can reach ten times the speed of sound, so the other party must have hid.

"Damn!" The birdman flew back and gave up the pursuit.

However, a small character, ran and ran, and when he conquered the world in the future, this kid still has to fall into the palm of his hand and become his food.


After Ling Han fled into the forest, he dug a pit for the first time and buried the Yangyuan gourd. He himself entered it, and the follow-up work was completed by Liuwa.

When it was completely safe, Liuwa dug up the gourd.

Ling Hanyuan, until after leaving the underground palace for thousands of miles, he was relieved and rushed to the emperor.

A few days later, he returned to the Imperial Capital.

At this time, the emperor was flying a chicken and a dog.

Before the world began a second upheaval, there were new monuments everywhere, and it also triggered the trend of people looking for opportunities. However, the situation like the Aotian Palace is not a case, but is widespread.

There are soy-like creatures everywhere, most of them are very violent, and those who go into the expedition will either eat, kill, or accept the servant, only a few words to talk, let go.

As if overnight, the whole world has changed, so many immortal creatures have emerged, standing on the top of the world of Wu, overlooking the world.

There are new masters in the mountains. The original Xuanbei Kingdom has been divided and fragmented, and there is no situation in the demon family. It is estimated that it will not be good.

The blood red Luo has already rushed back, but the Princess of the Beatitude is still in the emperor.

There are many people who have been trapped this time. There are even descendants of the four great men, Hong Taishi, Yang Bai and other big men. The emperors and grandchildren have also fallen a lot, causing the anger of many big people.

They decided to send troops immediately, but there are so many historical sites that are appearing now. Which one is going to play everywhere?

Everyone is selfish. Of course, I hope to attack the monuments that my descendants have lost. But the four great men are many of their descendants. They are trapped in different places. Even they themselves have to think about which descendant to save first.

In addition, what is happening in the ancient monuments is the strongman of the Xiantu level, how to save it?

The Holy Emperor does not come out, who can match the Xiantu strong?

Everyone is entangled, but the Holy Emperor is still in retreat, no one can take the idea.

Ling Han did not mean to insert a foot, in front of the Xiantu strong, his strength is not enough to see, go is also busy.

Early the next morning, Ling Han began to practice as usual, but he was surprised to find that the power of heaven and earth was actually rich and strong.

The dramatic changes in the world are not only the birth of many monuments, but also the environment itself.

Practice in such an environment, half the effort.

And this may be just the beginning, and the future world environment will become more suitable for cultivation.

Ling Hansi, in such an environment, the saplings will naturally grow rapidly, providing a large number of treasures, thus promoting the strength of the military to be more rapid.

Within a few days, there was an alarming news that Zihong Zongzong was driving the emperor and asked to meet Chen Fengyan.

What is this purple rainbow?

It used to be a monument, just born, and was occupied by a strong man. Now, with a handful of hands he has just taken down, he has to go down with the Emperor, and he wants to discuss martial arts with Chen Fengyan.

It is a fake, and it is true that the throne of Chen Fengyan is chosen.

Ling Han went to inquire about it, only to know that this Zihong Zongzong was called Cui Zhenhai, and there was no such thing as a monster in his body. It should be a full ten people.

Probably the same is true, this Cui Zhenhai will sway to the imperial capital, the same as the human race, it is much easier for him to take advantage of the nest.

A Xiantu strongman appeared, naturally it was shocking to the emperor.

That is a fairy, beyond the scope of human beings, can not be tried.

Although there have been rumors before, Chen Fengyan once killed the Xiantu strong, but it is only a rumor, most people have not witnessed it, but Cui Zhenhai is a genuine and powerful powerhouse, Yang Bai is in his Under the momentum, it will go straight down. In the Imperial Capital, who can compete with him?

This Cui Zhenhai's men are not all the men he just received, but also with a pair of children, his son is Cui Changyun, his daughter is Cui Xiaoxiao, all of which are in the level of Ming.

Cui Zhenhai was very low-key. After he came to the Imperial Capital, he lived in a simple way, but his sons and daughters were very arrogant. He was rampant in the imperial capital and left a lot of trouble.

But once they are the inscriptions, there are only a handful of people who can suppress them. Secondly, their father is a strong man, so no one dares to provoke them.


The door broke open and I saw a figure flying in and flew in and fell heavily on the ground.

Ling Han jumped out and saw that there was a person lying in the courtyard. Who is Xuanyuan’s country?

This guy was very miserable. He was beaten up by people, and he was hurt everywhere. He was lying still.

Ling Han immediately looked out of the door. There was a young man holding his chest in his hands and looking at him with a playful look.

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