Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3443: Hong Tianquan lost again

Luo Jintang hooked his finger: "Get it."

Hong Tianquan took a deep breath, and the bones in his body were shining slightly. He curled his body slightly and seemed to be turned into a beast.

"It's a bit interesting." Luo Jintang showed a stunned color. "Is this... the spirit of the beast?"

Hong Tianquan couldn't help but change his face: "You actually recognize my practice!"

This is what Hong Tianbu passed to him. It was obtained from the monuments. Why did this person recognize it?

"Oh, it is not an ancient trick, do you know what is so strange?" Luo Jintang does not mean tunneling.

Hong Tianquan snorted: "I can't help you, I let you know the price of madness."

He murdered and then slammed into Luo Jintang with a punch.

A strange scene appeared, the earth was twisted. In the back of Luo Jintang, a stone man broke out and waved his fist toward Luo Jintang.

This stone man is going to be much taller. It is ten feet high. One fist is bigger than Luo Jintang. It also communicates with high-level energy. The whole fist is wrapped in black and faint light.

Luo Jintang smiled faintly and slammed into the rear with a punch. Hey, the force hit, and the stone man immediately collapsed.

At this time, Hong Tianquan had already been killed. Luo Jintang kicked out and hit the door of Hong Tianquan.

Very obvious humiliation.

He clearly can use the foot to resolve the attack of the stone man, and then use the fist to deal with Hong Tianquan, but he is the opposite, this humiliation is very obvious.

Hong Tianquan screamed and his fist fell.


The fist and the foot hit each other, and suddenly a wave of energy was triggered, and it was driven to the direction of all directions. Then, seeing Hong Tianquan squatting backwards, he took a full step back and took it.

"This is the power of your three bones?" Hong Tianquan was full of surprise.

"Not bad." Luo Jintang nodded.

Hong Tianquan’s face is awe-inspiring, and his three bones are three bones. He is not in power. It means that the other party’s foundation is playing better than himself. However, he does not fight, although strength is the most important part of the combat power, but not all.

"Come back!" He launched an attack again, and slammed it out in a fist. There were frequent stone people in the earth, and he slammed the giant boxing to Luo Jintang.

This has to be guarded, because the stone man's fist is entangled with high-level energy, and if he is punched, it is not a joke.

However, at this time, Luo Jintang's power can be seen. He broke the stone man with a single punch, and even shouted, the sound power is terrible, and the stone man can also be broken.

After he stopped a few moves, he began to fight back.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Don't look at his body is very slender, but the offensive is full of hegemony, as if a cow is rampant.

His power, Hong Tianquan immediately fell into the wind, but a hundred strokes, he was hit by a punch.

If he is a life-and-death battle, he can of course continue to fight, but if he only learns from it, he is already losing.

His face was lost and lost, but he had to say: "I lost."

At the beginning, there was only one Hongtian step on his head. Later, there was another chill. Although the genius of the Yaozu was rich, it was a foreigner after all, and everyone knows that the Yaozu is very powerful under the path of Xian. Very normal, anyway, come to Japan.

But now I actually ran out of a Luo Jintang, and he was defeated very easily.

This seriously stabbed his heart.

Hong Tianliang’s nerves are already very strong. They have survived the attack of Hong Tianbu, and they have survived the blow of Ling Han. However, this incident has caused his fighting spirit to fall completely.

He turned and left, and lost his soul.

Luo Jintang smiled a little and did not care.

He sat down again and again, as if nothing had happened.


"This Luo Jintang is really unfathomable. Hong Tianliang actually failed to force his real strength." The thirteen emperor brows slightly wrinkled.

"His Royal Highness, since the strength of the other side is unpredictable, don't be rash. If you win, if you win, if you lose, it will be a big blow to your prestige." The aides at the side said.

The thirteen emperor shook his head: "At the beginning, Cui Changyun was arrogant, and the Lonely King also cherished the feathers without shooting. The result was that he missed a chance. This is the test of the father and the emperor. Even if he lost, at least he said that the Lonely King has the courage. The war will greatly increase the points in the heart of the father."

"Thousands of machines, you don't understand, the crown of the father is absolutely unique, as long as he says that the lonely king will inherit the throne, the lonely king is an idiot, and he can sit still and be safe!"

"His Royal Highness!" The scene was quickly flattering.

The thirteen emperor made up his mind and immediately strode out and went to Luo Jintang.

"Thirteen emperors moved!"

"Do he want to challenge Luo Jintang?"

"This is the son of the Holy Emperor, and the strength is absolutely extraordinary."

"The 13th Royal Highness Yingwu!"

After the crowd whispered for a while, they immediately cheered for the thirteen emperors.

Thirteen emperors with a smile on their faces, nodded to the people around them, seemingly calm.

Ling Han is also interested. He only knows that the Great Emperor is a god. Now he has entered the secret search, and the Seven Emperors are good at mental strength and have reached the so-called Dacheng realm. Now there is another top prince who wants to He shot, let him have a bit of anticipation.

He launched the scorpion technique and saw that the bones of the thirteen princes were colorful, while the chest had five inscriptions.

The inscription of the five bones breaks through the peaks.

Ling Han said in his heart that the thirteen emperors have not yet entered the embarrassing situation. Otherwise, he will have the light of the acupoints around him, and now he can't see it in one place.

"When the emperor?" Luo Jintang opened his eyes, but did not get up and asked the 13th emperor.

The thirteen emperors smiled faintly: "The lonely king Chen Wangxiang, ranked thirteen."

"It turned out to be His 13th." Luo Jintang finally stood up. "The son of the Holy Emperor, I don't know how powerful the power is."

"Lonely king five-grain." Thirteen emperors said.

Luo Jintang nodded: "In the next four patterns, you don't have to suppress it, just have a fight."



After the two sides called each other, they immediately shot and started a fierce battle.

As the holy emperor, the thirteen emperor, and ranked high, naturally inherits the blood of Chen Fengyan, the battle is very powerful, and he is completely different from the seven emperors, he is good at close combat, punch, elbow, The knee arch, the attack is ever-changing, as if every part of the body can be turned into a weapon.

Luo Jintang has made a set of palms, and the middle is peaceful, but it is stable.

When the two sides tried each other for a while, they made a unique move and the battle became fierce.

Ling Han looked at it with gusto. The strength of these two people is not weak, and they are all in the same way, with unique fighting methods.

Still worth learning.

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