Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3449: Both lose

Hong Tianbu obviously understands the law of absolute fairness. After resisting the attack of Ling Han, he simply did not launch another big move, which is to make the battle stalemate.

Because he knows that as long as the power of the array is gone, he can recover his strength. When he is relaxed, he can suppress Ling Han.

Need a pressure box card?

Ling Han used his own tricks all over again, but he could not suppress Hong Tianbu.

You must know that this is also a genius who can fight across the big realm. In theory, the opponent's combat power can still reach the opening situation, exceeding the limit of Ling Han. If his suffocation is too strong, he has been defeated by Hong Tianbu. Many times.

However, Ling Han has only three minutes left.

Want to beat Hong Tianbu in three minutes?

How can it be done?

Ling Han’s right hand was in his hands, and there was already a hammer in his hand.

This is a one-star implement, which he called a dry thunder hammer. Although he still has a two-star implement, his current strength, in fact, there is no difference between one star and two stars, and he can't show his strength anyway.

Moreover, you can also hide it with a star instrument, after all, there is an old monster above the fairy path.

Sure enough, when he sacrificed a dry thunder hammer, the old man looked tight and showed a greedy color.

He was previously locked in prison, how could he possibly have a device?

You should know that the instrument is always a precious thing. A warrior who wants to buy his own applicator usually needs to go bankrupt.

Therefore, he naturally became jealous.

"Well?" Hong Tianbu looked at him and he felt the pressure from the hammer.

If you pick it up with bare hands, you will get hurt.

He decisively took out a long gun, exuding the ancient atmosphere, the gun body has a road, when the hand touches up, a piece of land shines.

"Kill!" Ling Han left with a hammer, forced to shake, hey, the air rang loudly thunder, the hammer has a grain of light, then saw a white lightning hit out, heading for Hong Tianbu.

Although this seems to be lightning, but the speed can not be compared with the real lightning, or it will be played out at the speed of light. Who can parry or dodge at this stage?

Hong Tianbu gave a light drink and waved a long gun to pick up the lightning.


When the tip of the gun hit the lightning, the current immediately passed down the gun body. The electric torrent was straight and numb, and the black hair was vertical.

This hit, Ling Hansheng, and Hong Tianbu suffered a big loss.

Hong Tianbu quickly retired, his brow wrinkled, said: "I did not expect you to get the fairy level instrument!"

The gun in his hand is also from the ancient monuments, but only to find the level of the secret, although only one level is different from the one-star implement, but the gap at the first level is as great as the world.

"I can't let luck let you go?" Ling Han waved the dry thunder hammer and attacked the past. The right hand clenched his fist, but there was a stone hidden in his palm, but now he did not fight it, but he continued to bombard.

Hong Tianbu constantly evades, even if Ling Han can not fully display the power of a star instrument, but this is the instrument above the fairy path, as long as there is a trace of power to overflow out is very amazing.

The AIDS and the current are chaotic, and Hong Tianbu is forced to retreat.

There was flashing anger in his eyes, which he could not bear.

Because he is Hong Tianbu, invincible and enchanting.

He snorted, and there was a horrible breath in his right hand. Even if he was absolutely fair, he could not suppress his cultivation. In the chest, the inscription of annihilation was shining, and his strength began to increase rapidly.

He used the eyes of the ancient beast.

Ling Han and so on is this moment, he screamed, the right hand one, hehe, Tianyu jade immediately hit out.

Nine times the speed of sound.

Hong Tianbu’s reaction was astonishingly fast. He quickly picked up the gun and picked it up. Hey, this piece of the secret-level weapon was swept away by the sky, and suddenly it blossomed like an umbrella, and the sky jade was gone. Stopped, still hitting the past toward Hong Tianbu.


Hong Tianbu was attacked by the whole person, but was blocked by a long gun in his hand. In addition, his repairs also returned to the six-level level. This blow only caused his chest to explode, but there was no Killed him.

Ling Han is also a snoring, the whole person flies out of thin air.

Hong Tianbu also launched a counterattack, hitting a broken star, and also hit him.

Hey, hey, the two young Tianjiao fell to the ground at the same time, they were all bleeding, and no one could stand up for a while.

Both lose.

No one expected such a result, neither Hong Tianbu crushed the cold, monopolized the enchanting position, nor was it the Ling Han later, and turned over the old strong.

I really want to get a deeper look. Hong Tianbu is a shackle, and there are also Ming dynasty in the battle. So who is more enchanting?

"Auntie!" The seven gourd dolls all rushed out, still the six baby took the sky jade back, while the other milk dolls were guarded around the cold, one by one is murderous.

Hong Tianbu is not a lonely man. He has conquered a lot of powerful men, and now he has robbed him and protected him.

For a while, Ling Han and Hong Tianbu were barely climbing. Although the injury was very serious, the eyes of both of them were full of war.

"Go." Hong Tianbu whispered, and under the help of several men, he quickly went away.

Ling Han also wants to go, but the old man who was in the past greeted him with a smile. He said: "Children, can you cut the hammer to the old man? Well, if you can, the old man wants to buy the jade."

The seven gourd dolls are like the enemy, this is the strongman above the fairy road, even if it is just building the foundation.

Ling Han smiled and said: "Sorry, these two things are still useful."

"Oh." The old man nodded, but did not move.

He is engaged in a fierce ideological struggle, and whether he wants to grab it.

If he shot, Ling Han could not stop it, but this is the imperial capital. If he took the opportunity to seize a junior, it would inevitably lead to the suppression of Chen Fengyan.

Do not say anything else, it is not the spirit of the Green Dragon array that he can match.

He has some friendship with Cui Zhenhai, and the two have often studied together before, and their strengths are very different.

However, if he gets a one-star implement, the strength will inevitably skyrocket, and it will not be difficult to double the combat power. Can it match the spirit?

He is hesitating to measure gains and losses, because once he fails, he will serve his sentence in the emperor like Cui Zhenhai.

Do you have a sentence on the mortal site?

Isn't this a big joke?

After hesitating for a long time, the old man finally pressed the impulse and greed in his heart, smiled at Ling Han, and turned away.

Luo Jintang quickly kept up, and soon disappeared as soon as he was old and young.

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