Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3454: Kill a clean

Lu Jia’s six-member group was shocked. Although they said that they had dispatched six people, the purpose was to force out the absolute fairness of Ling Han. As long as this array of methods went, no matter how enchanting talent Ling Han had, only A dead end.

It is clear that the distance from the cold is more than ten feet, how is it affected?

Besides, even if Ling Han took off the absolute fairness and put it somewhere, it would only affect one person, but they opened up enough distance.

So, I can't figure it out!

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao, said: "You are pitted by the old goods of Jin Sanyin."

Was it pitted?

The six people looked at each other and looked very awkward.

Ling Han said: "I also slaughtered Jin Shaohuang and Jin Shaojian. The old goods know clearly, but they don't have their own shots. What is the idea? You still don't understand?"

"What means did you use?" The second-high masked man exclaimed, apparently did not listen to Ling Han's words.

Ling Han Zhan Yan smiled: "I feel absolutely fair. There are too many shortcomings in this method. The duration is short and the scope is very limited. Therefore, I have improved it."

Fuck, so the scope that can be shrouded is getting bigger? Hey, the duration will not grow longer, right?

The six masked people are all shocked. If this is the case, then their plans are wrong and wrong.

This guy is too perverted, obviously only twenty years old, why is the martial arts talent so high, the strength is so strong, but it is still a squad!

Do you still let others live?

"However, you don't have to worry about it. The person I hate most is that others are yin, so you should take a step first. It will not take long for me to slaughter the old goods and send him to reunite with you." Ling Han said.

"Go!" The highest masked man took the opportunity to make a decision. He already felt that his cultivation had been cut to five bones. I am afraid it is not the enemy of Linghan.

Hey, six people suddenly fled.

The seven gourd dolls were full of enthusiasm and immediately smothered and trapped people.

Ling Han is free to do: "I am a very kind person, so there is always someone who wants to ride on my head? Well, today I will kill a good time, let people know that it is necessary to pay for my site." The cost of bleeding!"

Hey, he punched out and a masked man was slammed his head.

"Hey, Auntie is cruel!"

"The picture is too violent and will teach bad children."

"Poor us so pure heart!"

The seven baby babies are all squinting, but they can sew their fingers but they are old and open.

These seven babies are born as problem children.

Ling Han did not accept surrender, only three or two, and the six-person group was completely destroyed.

In the same battle, in addition to Hong Tianbu, who else can stop him from punching?

Maybe Princess Bismuth can, maybe the big prince can do it, but it is just a matter of blocking a few punches, and ultimately it is impossible to be his opponent.

He threw out the bodies of six people, just outside the gate, to deter.

When he threw out people, far away from the high-rise buildings outside Baizhang, Jin Sanyin could not help but squat, and gave birth to a strong chill.

Although the Lujia six have become headless bodies, he clearly knows that these six people are all dilemmas.

Six people shot, not only failed to kill the cold, but was completely destroyed by the other party in such a short period of time?

Lu Jia these people should not be so stupid, knowing that Ling Han is absolutely fair, but also mastered a lot of information, but still rushed.

This is exactly the case, and let Jin Sanyin dispel the impulse to shoot.

Among the Ling family, there must be another flaw.

How is this good?

The Lujia group of six people was completely destroyed, and before they had an accident, they had met with them again. Presumably, this matter could not be stopped. Lujia would inevitably find him trouble.

How could this be?

Jin Sanyin has a feeling of madness. This is the result he never imagined, so that he does not know what to do.


This night, the body outside the Ling family naturally caused a sensation.

The Guards were all dispatched. Please take out the cold and do some research.

Of course, with the strength and status of Ling Han, the Guards are very polite, a master.

Ling Han tells the truth, he really is just self-defense.

After the Guards examined the body, it was awkward.

These six people are all open to the world!

Before I put it, Xuanbeiguo had only one strong-minded person, that is, their holy emperor. Now, although the Xiantu strongmen are all raging, the emperor is still very calm, and ran out of six openings in one breath. Of course it’s amazing.

What's even more amazing is that these six strong players have actually been killed by Ling Han!

Hey, what is the strength of this young man?

The news came out that the entire emperor was a sensation.

For a time, the debate about Hong Tianbu and Ling Han who is weak and strong is renewed.

Before the two people "fair" a battle, the result was both defeated, it was a tie, everyone also thinks that their talent is quite, can be said to be peerless enchanting, but now the record of Ling Han, naturally people start to doubt, Hong Can Tianbu be strong enough to get this?

Hong Tianbu did not respond at all, it seemed to be disdainful.

Ling Han did not care at all, he worked hard to cultivate.

The world is changing dramatically. Every day, the environment will change greatly, and the speed of cultivation is skyrocketing.

At this time, it shows that the monkey brother's practice is arrogant.

He also got the practice method at the Imperial College, and compared it with the monkey brother's method. The speed of cultivation between the two was about ten times, but now it is up to fifteen times.

Moreover, the more powerful the world, the bigger the gap will be.

It turns out that good exercises must be accompanied by an environment, otherwise the power of the exercises cannot be fully demonstrated.

Just then, an amazing news came.

Kowloon trials are about to begin!

Ling Han did not pay attention to it at first, but after seeing the news sent by Xuanyuan Dingguo, he became interested.

According to circulated information, this Kowloon trial has been in the civilization of the previous generation and has been circulated.

Under the path of the fairy, anyone can enter it, and then through the layers of screening, only one person can stand out and get huge benefits.

How big is this benefit?

In the civilization of the previous generation, the saints and saints of the great religions deliberately suppressed the cultivation, and went in before the march into the path of the fairy, in order to seize the great creation.

Ling Han took the initiative to go, go, must go.

However, it is not only him who is trying to practice his ideas in Kowloon.

According to reliable sources, the top ranked princes have already been dispatched, and the demon princess is said to be preparing for the journey, and more are the descendants of the sacred pathmasters who occupy the ancient ancestral gates and ancient secrets. Genius may appear in the trials in Kowloon.

The world is enchanting.

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