Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3458: Completely crushed

"How dare you look down on me!" Jin Junsheng said angrily.

Ling Han is amazed, look at him? Oh, he understands, because he chose to reduce the other's cultivation to a pattern, not a polar bone, not even the same two bones.

Therefore, Jin Junsheng thinks that he has looked down on him.

Ling Han smiled and said: "Oh, you think that if I really can afford you, can you still get me a punch?"

Jin Junsheng's angry expression immediately fell off, showing his shame.

Indeed, he has the advantage of a big realm, and still has no advantage for Shang Linghan. If the repairs of the two are exactly the same, can he be the enemy of Ling Han?

He is still proud of his loss, what is the result?

"Damn guy!" He cursed, his eyes were full of fierce light.

He wants to kill and kill the cold!

Before, he was high above, and thought that Ling Han was only a fictional name. The name of the so-called genius was only touted, and the acceptance of such a person as a man, did not show his greatness?

Anyway, he and Jin Shaohuang, Jin Shaojian did not have any deep feelings. On the contrary, they had once broken their heads in order to cultivate resources. Therefore, when these two people died, they died. He did not care.

But now, he was humiliated, and naturally it is impossible to maintain that high mentality. There is only one thought, killing and venting anger.

Ling Han shook his head: "Who is damn, you?"

"After I personally kill you, the ground will be covered with blood." Jin Junsheng said coldly.

Ling Han shrugged and said: "The mouth is good, that is, the strength is too bad."

"Give me to death!" Jin Junsheng screamed and threw himself to death. The first time he boiled blood and turned into a group of demon clouds.

He snarled loudly and his voice shook like a thunder.

Ling Han just smiled and slammed it.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The two had a fierce confrontation. The power was definitely stronger than Jin Junsheng. However, after playing a few times, Ling Han also mastered the attack pulse of the other party. The frequency attack started. He could fight with each other without boiling blood.

However, it is necessary to blast four or fifty fists at a time. This is too much for the consumption of Ling Han's secret power, and certainly cannot remain in this state all the time.

The time when blood can be boiled is limited, and Jin Junsheng will soon withdraw from this state.

"You are really... enchanting!" Jin Junsheng said, he was boiling, but still unable to suppress the cold, which made him have to admit the other party's enchanting, he could not match.

"I will kill you and take all your secrets. Everything will be mine!"

Ling Han couldn't help but laugh: "You really love to dream, so you want so much strength? If you forget, I will send you on the road!"

"Do you dare to look down on me?" Jin Junsheng screamed, and he finally used the trick.

Hum, he vacated a **** fog in his body, and then turned into a leopard form. Suddenly, his momentum improved a lot, and there was also a bloodthirsty emotion that could infect others and become crazy.

Hey, Jin Junsheng once again smashed, and the speed soared.

So fast!

Just a flash, he killed the cold, followed by a palm, like a claw to tear.

Ling Han began to sway, and this attack was hidden, but Jin Junsheng’s speed is really fast, and this blast is so reluctant to hide.

"The lowest level of magical power." Erwa commented.

"However, it is very rare to have a supernatural power under the path of Xian. It is possible to crush the same level of ninety-nine." Wuwa nodded and agreed.

"Unfortunately, he met aunt!" Sanwa is proud and authentic.

Ling Han snorted, and the suffocating impact hit, which almost ignored the distance, Jin Junsheng suddenly took the move, the action could not help but stay, Ling Han took the opportunity to kill the past, the demon monkey fist unfolded, a punch hit, an ancient demon monkey appeared It’s a grin, full of temper.


Just a punch, Jin Junsheng was blasted out.

However, after the activation of the magical power, Jin Junsheng not only surged in speed, but also improved the anti-strike ability. This punch actually only made him light-hearted. He violently screamed and was killed again.

Hey, he leaps like a glimpse of the light, does not give the opportunity to capture the cold, otherwise it is a sigh of anger, he still wants to move.

Ling Han shook his head, his mind can cover the range of four Fridays, as long as Jin Junsheng rushed into this area, it will be captured by him, how to hide?

It’s really self-deception.

"Blood leopard!" Jin Junsheng shouted, and when he swung a claw, his hands became red and red, and he shot a **** light, like a death sickle, and smashed toward Ling Han.

Ling Han is also a big bang, no fear to meet, with a demon monkey punch hard.

Hey, he attacked the blood with a frequency attack, and then he hit it with a sigh of relief.

This was only repaired when the seven changes, and how to open up the situation, it still has to be affected.

Jin Junsheng stayed for a while, but his cultivation was higher after all, and after running the magical power, he also had a certain immunity to the shock of the suffocating, but only one tenth of a second, he recovered.

But this time, Ling Han’s fist also hit.

Jin Junsheng rushed to meet, hey, the whole person was suddenly shocked.

"You are completely irritated to me!" Jin Junsheng roared. He took out a long knife from the air and held it with both hands. The blade immediately glowed and became very incomparable, and then smashed toward Ling Han.


Ling Han snorted, do you have a device?

He had a right hand and a hammer. After the secret force was injected, the lines on the hammer lit up. As he hammered and smashed, a blazing lightning flashed toward Jin Junsheng.

This is not a real lightning, but the speed is also amazing, and when you slammed it, it hit the blade.

Hey, Jin Junsheng was once again shaken out of the earthquake, and fell heavily on the ground, with a strong burning smell on his body.

His face is gray, all expressions that he can't believe and can't accept.

I was so excited that I couldn’t beat it, but I used it to fight the magical powers.

He began to doubt his life. How could anyone be so strong that it would make him so desperate?

"Let's go together!" Jin Sanyin snorted and quickly rushed to the top of the Jin family.

Jin Junsheng is the hope of the Jin family in the future, and must not die here.

"There are six people who joined the battle group and launched an attack on you." Time was fixed again, and Ling Han saw the light curtain in the sea of ​​knowledge. There was a word appearing, and it seemed to be some kind of pulse that transcended the words and language, let him You can know the meaning of that statement.

"You can choose to isolate these six people, or you can choose to let a few people join the battle, because the realm of these six people is above you, you can also choose to suppress their cultivation."

"The more people you join, the smaller you suppress, and the more reward you get after you win."

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