Fortunately, the strength of the light and shadow people is weak, and it is said that it is really necessary for Xin Ruyue to pass through. This will take a long time. Korean drama search.hanj.

Ling Han also fought a bit before, and sure enough, his opponents also weakened some, the same magnitude.

Continue to practice.

Five days later, sure enough, his bone injury and hand injury have all healed, and his cultivation has almost reached the peak of four bones. At most, one or two days, he can impact the five bones.

He is a little anxious, because the strength of the light and shadow people is weak day by day, although only a little bit weaker every day, but who knows that there will be a few days will be broken by Xin Ruyue.

This woman seems very confident, but also let Ling Han believe that the other side has a secret treasure, it is very likely to use after the fourth light shadow man, and rushed to the throne.

Therefore, this fourth light shadow person is a safety line. Once it is defeated, it is estimated that Xin Ruyue’s energy is like a broken bamboo.

There is not much time!

There are more and more people coming, but there is nothing that can be compared with Xin Ruyue. If they want to pass it, then they don’t know how many times the battle will be weakened by the law.

Two days later, Ling Han quietly returned to the previous forest, looking for a very secluded place, began to impact the five bones.

As far as he is concerned, as long as there is a life treasure, it will naturally become a matter of course.

In order to be on the safe side, he also laid out a large-scale array of absolutely fair, seven gourd dolls are responsible for guarding, so that the masters and geniuses of the level of Xin Ruyue come, and it is impossible to pass the gap of the baby.

啪, 啪, 啪, his body's shackles broke open one after another, and the layers of bones fell off, let him fangs, let him snoring, this is really uncomfortable.

Three hours later, Ling Han completed the life level of the ******.

He couldn't help but think that he had to rip a lot more when the average person broke through. It can be said that there are still countless flaws in the body. How much restraint does this God impose on these bodies?

"Auntie, why is the congenital body powerful?" The second baby seems to be able to understand the inner part of the cold, and said on the side, "In fact, the congenital body is under the control of the fetus, although it is large, after the path of Maixian, this Repression will become bigger."


"It is because the body of the congenital body does not have a **** between heaven and earth, and no matter how the fetus breaks, no one can achieve endless perfection. Therefore, once you step into the fairy path, these embarrassments will bind the fetuses, making the gap with the congenital body become getting bigger."

Ling Han nodded and asked: "How many defects are there in the human body?"

"It varies from person to person." Big baby rushed and said, "Even if it is not a congenital body, but also the influence of blood, the more powerful the blood, the less the body is, the more you can tear it apart."

"To the head." Siwa nodded.

Wuwa then said: "However, I have heard of a kind of god, called the hate body, not only have a birth, but also awkward, how can it be broken, as if it was hated by Tianji. ”

"Ah, I have heard of it." Liuwa clapped, only to hear the applause, but could not see the appearance of clapping. "In fact, the body hate is originally called chaotic body, passed down from ancient times, and the number is pitiful. However, if the chaos really breaks all the flaws in the body, it is the top congenital body."

Ling Han touched his head, would he be a hateful body?

From the birth of the **** stone, how can he not be the body.

Ling Han has stabilized the realm and is too lazy to go and test his strength in the woods.

Every aspect has been greatly improved, but when it comes to breaking down the dilemma, it is still a little worse.

It seems that only entering the seven bones can resist the dilemma, otherwise, the six bones are also enough.

His cultivation speed has been fast enough with the help of the stone wall practice, but Ling Han is still too slow, because the light shadow people's strength weakened will not wait for him, day by day weak, who knows which day was rushed by Xin Ruyue.

A few days later, Ling Han suddenly saw that the distant peak had golden light flashing, and then he saw a huge throne rising into the air.

"Sit in the face of a person." Erwa said after taking a look at the sputum.

Ling Han nodded, it seems that there is already the first baby dragon candidate to stand out.

Another two days passed and the second young dragon candidate appeared.

Three days later, the third peak flew up to the throne.

Ling Han also reached the peak of the five bones, with the qualification to impact six bones.

For him, the limit is equivalent to the ordinary four bones to impact the five bones, there will be some trouble, but it is not too much trouble.

After spending a day accumulating, he rushed six bones.

Breaking the limit, his combat power soared, and the breakthrough brought about by this breakthrough is very large.

Ling Han consciously now that his strength is enough to start a battle with the beginning of the opening of the country is a coherent process, so regardless of the number of layers, is divided into the beginning, the beginning, the late and the completion.

After he stabilized the realm, he came to the top of the mountain.

At this time, Xin Ruyue was fighting fiercely with the fourth Guangying, and after the battle, she refused to retreat.

The situation is very bad. Before she couldn't help even with a single move, now she can fight a hundred strokes. Then in a few days, maybe she can be tied and then win.

When she turns on the secret weapon again, it should not be difficult to crush the fifth light shadow.

"Ling brother." Xin Ruyue did not suffer any injuries, she smiled at Ling Han, confident and full of authenticity, "It seems that the month is about to win this bet."

"If Xin girl really wins, I will definitely practice it." Ling Han said faintly.

"Ling brother is really a believer." Xin Ruyue took a sentence.

Ling Han will not be in the heart, and now the outcome is not divided, you are too happy.

He began to step on the stage, the first, second, and third light and shadow people appeared one after another, all of which were easily defeated by Ling Han.

Now his cultivation is a big step forward, but the strength of the light shadow people has been weakened a lot, and naturally it is hard to beat.

The fourth light shadow appeared.

Ling Han Ning punched the past, Guangying people immediately attacked with gods and spears, smashing, punching, and spears. Ling Han only felt a pain in his fist, but there was no retreat at his feet.

Under the circumstance, the fourth light shadow man has been surpassed by him in combat power.

Ling Han estimates that the strength of this light shadow person has been dropped, but it can be inscribed on six layers.

He snorted, and his fists were violent.

It’s just a hundred strokes. He took this light and shadow to life.

He could have defeated all the inscriptions, not to mention the six bones.

Seeing Ling Han wins, Xin Ruyue can't help but change his face.

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