Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3490: Wind and rain come (four more)

Xin Ruyue lingered, she was a disciple of Zhenjun after all, and the strength of the battle was naturally not to be underestimated.

Ling Han snorted, he ran the God of War three.

For a moment, he seems to be the center of the universe of heaven and earth, and endless energy is coming.

It is a pity that these energies cannot be turned into their own use. It seems that the heavens and the earth are lending to him, and they have to go back immediately.

Ling Han only felt that his bones were ringing in Kakaka. He carried too much power, just like a gunpowder barrel, which could explode at any time.


He screamed and screamed at Xin Ruyue, and the God of War three styles also poured out.

A move, as if the heavens and the earth are eclipsed.

Princess Bis is also very shocked, can the extreme bones hit such a terrible killing?

Do not fake foreign objects, completely broke by their own strength?


She is all amazed, not to mention Xin Ruyue.

Can't pick it up, it's gonna die!

She quickly evaded, but Ling Han followed the second style of God of War, and her spirit firmly locked her. The heavens and the earth seemed to be enemies with her, and the air without touch was hard as iron.

Xin Ruyue’s body shape has become sluggish, how can he still dodge?

She had to fight back.

Ling Han hit a fist, hey, terrible power broke out, Xin Ruyue suddenly whip gun off the hand, the tiger's mouth was shattered by blood, blood splashed, and her people also flew out, spurting blood, turned into a rainbow also like.

Endless power riots in the body, Ling Han can not stop, can only launch the third form of God of War.

Boom, this shot is more fierce, as if the forces of the first two types are merged together, and the mountains can be drained.

At this moment, Ling Han seems to be possessed by the **** of war, step by step, the heavens and the earth are also giving him a boost, so that he suddenly broke out seven times the speed of sound, the bones of the whole body are almost broken, but fortunately he reached the seven bones. Otherwise, I can't hold it.

He caught up with Xin Ruyue in one step and blasted the third form of God of War.

Hey, Xin Ruyue barely pushed his hand and greeted him with this blow, but he couldn’t compete at all and was directly blasted.

Do you have a strong enthusiasm?

Princess Tourmaline looked in her eyes and her heart was shocked.

Just now, she only felt that Ling Han seemed to be integrated with the heavens and the earth. Therefore, she could borrow strength from the heavens and the earth to fight far beyond the extreme bones.

Is this the inheritance of the wyrmling he got?

It’s amazing.

Ling Han sighed, running the God of War three almost made his life, the load is really too big, no wonder it can only be used once.

He smiled at the Princess of the Beatitudes: "Bixi little kiss, are you still with me?"

"Bastard, I’m going to talk nonsense!" Princess Bixi took a slap in the face.

Ling Han’s export has begun to retreat, and he is still not looking for a secret opponent.

"Well, my Royal Highness is just right, I can't hold the sand in my eyes. I admire the five bodies." Ling Han talked nonsense, and started with seven baby girls.

Fortunately, Princess Tourmaline did not catch up.

After a while, the demon princess has been unable to see the shadow.

Ling Han with the baby dolls turned the emperor, but unfortunately he did not fly the instrument, can only rely on the two legs to run back, the speed is not slow, but people can not rest.

While walking, Ling Han side is thinking about what he knows about prisoners.

A few people in Majia knew that prisoners existed for more than two thousand years, but they did not know who built the prison.

In this prison, there are countless people in the power of Xiantu. In fact, they were the people who suppressed them. It was only after a long time, they "made" more people, and the two thousand years are so long enough to produce many generations. People.

Among the prisoners, there are five levels of the merits.

The lowest level is the foundation, the base is cast on the base, the cast is on the top of the living, the upper Dan is the spirit, and the upper is the spirit.

Like the teacher of Xin Ruyue, Taikoo Zhenjun is the strongman of the spiritual level. He has the power to be shocked, and a thought can push the mountains and seas, which is terrible.

Ling Han could not help but think of the people who built the cages. They were able to suppress the strong spirits, and then how strong is it?

And why not kill it directly?

From the timeline, it was just the destruction of the civilization of the previous generation more than 2,000 years ago. Does this have anything to do with it?

The people in the cage... Will they be survivors of the previous generation?

Unfortunately, the level of the Ma family is too low, and the knowledge is limited.

In fact, the foundation of Zhuji, which was originally locked in, has already died, and even the strongest people who have been cast into the world have basically finished hanging up. Therefore, at least the level of the birthplace must be known, and the truth of the year will be known.

What is the connection between the recovery of the heavens and the earth and the breaking of the cage?

In the practice of the young dragons, there are ancient corpses that have been swam away and suppressed by stone statues. What is the connection?

Ling Han thought for a long time, but he shook his head, unless he could catch a living environment for torture, but how far is he from Sheng Dan?

Far away.

Forget it, one day it will come to the fore.

Ling Han rushed back to the Imperial Capital and began to search for the treasure of life.

His current cultivation speed is like a plug-in, and the only limitation is that if the life treasure has no life treasure, then there are treasures and remedies that can make up for the source of life.

However, as the strongest of the prisoners continue to appear, the original mountain forbidden land has also been occupied, and the chances of sneaking into it or directly entering it are infinitely zero.

It is the invisibility of Liuwa that is useless in front of the Xiantu strong.

These strong people do not use the treasures of life under the path of the fairy, but do they have no people, descendants, disciples or men?

Ling Han can only be found in the Imperial Capital. It is said that the royal family also has a huge medicine garden. I don't know if I can find a way to find a few.

But now the emperor is already coming.

There are also the people of Xiantuo who have entered the Imperial Capital, and they are not building the foundation, but casting the earth!

Such a strong person has no scruples. When he enters the emperor, he puts down his arrogance. He wants to take Chen’s family and replace it. Now, whoever knows what to do, take the initiative to go to the vote, and wait for him to take the shot, then only the conquered.

Chen Fengyan has no movement. It seems that as the former garrison said, as long as the Xiantu strongman does not shoot, he can come and go freely in the emperor, and Chen Fengyan has the heart to accommodate the world.

It is true that the strong man has never shot, and does not need to, the atmosphere of the cast level is pouring out, and the secret search is only a part of the land.

The surname of the strong surname, Fei Yongsi, brought three disciples together. The disciple is said to be the strongest person in the search for secrets. The second disciple and the three disciples are all open.

In addition to these three apprentices, there are more than a dozen founding strongmen who have also entered the Imperial Capital with Fei Yongsi. For a time, what the four great coaches, what Hong Taishi, and the chairman of the meeting have become the past. It is now a big time to enter the power of the Xiantu.

So many powerful people gathered in the capital, everyone can feel the wind and rain.

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