Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3504: Don't give face (four more)

Ling Han only did not hear, said: "His Royal Highness visit today, what is your job?"

The three emperors suddenly had the impulse to shoot, but he only opened the dilemma, and it was not a congenital body. The fighting power was only the peak. If it was really played with Ling Han, it would be difficult to get the benefit.

Therefore, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said faintly: "Your Foreign Affairs Office has just been established, and it should be lacking in manpower. Just two people from the lonely king have two talents, and I will give it to you."

He recruited and waved, saying: "Zhang Hu, Liu abandoned, still not coming in to meet the two heads of the adults?"

When the voice fell, I saw two men coming in from the outside. They were all in their thirties. They respected the three emperors and then bowed to Ling Han and Princess Bis, saying: "I have seen Two adults."

This is very obvious. Even if they join the Foreign Affairs Office, they will listen to the Three Emperors first, and then they will get the Ling Han and the Princess of the Tourmaid. Even, they will still violate the Yang.

Not waiting for Ling Han and Princess Bixi to open, the two men stood by themselves and stood behind the three emperors.

Rely on, it’s really nothing.

Don't say that Ling Han has no desire to accept people. Even if you have this heart, you should also refuse to see the attitude of these two people.

The Three Emperors completely regarded themselves as the masters here, and continued: "Ling Han, don't be afraid to give them a heavy burden. Whatever life is, let them be good."

Ling Han Zhan Yan smiled and said: "Since all of you have said that, then I am not welcome."

"Nature." The three emperors finally showed a smile, thinking that Ling Han is a model.

Princess Tourmaline just wanted to stop, and before the heart of the cold, she said that she was righteous and said that she would not open the back door when she came. What happened? People just say a few words casually, and you become like this.


She suddenly thought, how could Ling Han be such a bag?

Before this guy, even the strong people of Xiantu also dared to swear, no reason, this is afraid.

She didn't talk when she thought of it. She still knows a little about Ling Han.

"That, Zhang Hu, Liu abandon?" Ling Han nodded. "You two went outside to look for He Bo. He is in charge of the latrine. Recently, there is a shortage of people. Hurry and help?"


Zhang Hu and Liu Abandon suddenly showed the color of shame. They are also good masters of the Ming Dynasty. They are going to clean the latrine. Isn’t this a big shame?

"Why, my house owner still can't move you?" Ling Han smiled, his eyes swept over, forming a pressure that could not be named, so that Zhang Hu and Liu Yu were both bored and completely speechless. Come.

Within the same level, you can rely on your eyes to suppress your opponent. It is estimated that only Ling Han is alone.

Princess Tourmaline made a sound in her heart. The cold that she knew was such a guy who was sometimes sleek and sometimes thorny. See if you touched his bottom.

The three emperors are furious, he is still here, do you not give face?

This is openly jealous of him.

"Ling Han, what do you mean by this?" he said.

Ling Han spread his hand and said: "It doesn't mean anything. I use it as my best. Of course, I have to think about how to make everyone's role come into play."

"So, let the people of the Lonely King and the two inscriptions do the low-lying things?" The Three Emperors said more and more.

Ling Hanhehe said: "His Royal Highness, since these two people have entered the Foreign Affairs Office, that is the people of the Foreign Affairs Office. How to use people naturally has my discretion, and does not need to pay attention to His Royal Highness."

"Bold!" The three emperors patted the table and stood up fiercely. "Ling Han, do you think that you can get the father's reuse, you can see everything, will you be alone in the eyes?"

Ling Han was amazed: "What happened to His Highness?"

By the way, you still dare to install?

"Ling Han, you are too much!" The three emperors snorted, "The Lonely King will go to the Father, and you will use the only ones to dominate the power. Such a tumor must be removed!"

"Is it finished?" Ling Han said faintly. "When you are finished, please go out, the door is behind, so you can't take it."

"You--" The three emperors only scared the cold, but did not expect that Ling Han did not eat this set, let him ride the tiger.

Now the first red man in front of Chen Fengyan, who can cure him?

Therefore, if Ling Han is iron-hearted and hard-pressed with him, how can he take Ling Han?

Hard dry?

Let's not say that you can't win or win. Even if you win, it's too shameful to pass it out.

"Why, will you still need to send me personally?" Ling Han added another sentence.

The three emperors are so angry that they don’t want to see Ling Han, but they say to Princess Bisui: "Bixi, you are the deputy head, this is the father’s hand, you say a fair word!"

Princess Bixi is difficult, said: "His Royal Highness, although the tourmaline is also the owner, but it is a deputy. If it is openly sung, the squat will definitely blame, and Bixi can't afford it."

The three emperors almost closed their breath and engaged in it for a long time. Even Princess Bixi refused to sell him a face.

Of course, he couldn't be angry with Princess Bis, after all, he had other attempts against Princess Bis, so he just smiled and said: "Since you are embarrassed, you can forget it, forget it."

"Why are you two still not going to the latrine to report?" Ling Han said on the side.

Zhang Hu and Liu Ai just wanted to refute, but the three emperors put their hands on the road and said: "Ling Han, since you don't give this face to the Lonely King, the Lone King has never been there! Go"

He sent Liu Zhanghu and Liu abandon to come in. Of course, it was put in the hands of the people. Now the power of this department is too big. He is not allowed to be jealous, but if the people are just a cleaner who cleans the latrines, then forget it.

I can't afford this face.

He was the first to do it, and Zhang Hu and Liu Wei were all screaming at Ling Han and quickly followed.

Ling Han faint smile, too lazy to see the two people in general, as long as the three emperors get, then what are these two?

"You are really daring, even the son of the Holy Father does not sell face." Princess Bixi shook her head, very emotional.

What is this?

In the Yuan world, Ling Han was also very weak at first, but still not growing into an invincible Tianzun step by step?

It is weak now, but it can be low-key, but dignity can't be lost. This is the limit.

Ling Han smiled and said: "Your Majesty is completely different from these emperors, and will not blame me for this."

"That's not necessarily, after all, is the father and son." Princess Bixi said.

"Then we are still a pair, are you still shouting and killing me?" Ling Han tweeted, since the mixed with the **** dog, this problem has not been able to change.

Princess Tourmaline suddenly changed color, and a slap in the face of Ling Han.

Ling Han ran quickly and said: "We will leave Taihuazong tomorrow at noon tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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