Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3512: Want to kill the brother of the old grandson? (four more finished)

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ling Han drove the Golden Bull to run wild.

Although the speed of Taurus is not comparable to that of Xuantianling, it also reaches ten times the speed of sound. When running, there is a light shield protection. Don't worry that the speed will be too fast to shatter the body, except for some bumps, it can be said that The perfect travel tool.

"Are you in the wrong direction?" Princess Bixi reminded that this guy is not in the direction of turning the emperor.

She sighed, thinking that Ling Han calmed down, but I did not expect it to be installed, and even the direction was wrong.

Ling Han turned back and said: "Do you think that we can escape to the emperor all the way?"

Oh, of course it's impossible. Don't say that it will take several days for the emperor to return to the emperor. Xuantianling will spend more than ten minutes to kill them.

"Then it’s useless to run around!" cried Princess Tourmaline.

Ling Han haha ​​smiled: "Reassured, I don't run around, believe me."

Princess Tourmaline is speechless. It’s time for this. You still told me to believe in you, how do you believe in you?

Unless there are more pieces on Ling Han.

"Kid, how many treasures are there on you?" Xuantian Ling laughed and grabbed it.

Ling Han greeted the pieces, and although he resolved a blow, the characters on the pieces were faint.

After one strike, two strikes, three strikes, after ten strikes, the elephant character has completely disappeared, and the **** has also split open, and no effect.

"蝼 蝼, still want to resist?" Xuantianling said coldly.

Another palm press, no way, Ling Han can only serve the Taurus.


The attack resolved, but the energy of the stone also fell sharply.

Hey, hey!

After two consecutive combos, the Taurus can only run away, and then no ability to resolve the power of a blow.

"Haha, give this seat honestly - huh?" Xuantianling just wanted to shoot, but he lost weight and fell from the sky.

He was not flying high, and when he was about to fall to the ground, he turned over and stood still.

Hey, under the huge impact, the ground made a huge sound, and a shock spread to him in all directions. Only trees, flowers, and stones rose into the sky, forming a mushroom cloud.

"What happened?" Xuantian Ling couldn't figure it out. How could he suddenly fall down?

He is not a little fairy who just learned to fly, how can he get out of control?

"You can't escape!" He snorted and continued to chase the chill and tourmaline princess. His speed was still fast, but the ground was uneven, his speed could not be fully played, and he lost two people. The direct trace will inevitably lead to errors on the route.

He couldn't catch up between the moments.

Ling Han was relieved. He had already entered the area of ​​Haiping Mountain. When he saw Xuan Tianling fall from the sky, he knew that he had come to the right place.

There is a big battle to suppress the monkey brother, and it may affect the power of the fairy road.

Of course, he really hopes to be a monkey brother. As long as this casting is introduced to the monkey brother, the monkey brother can solve the problem naturally.

For the strength of the monkey brother, Ling Han is full of confidence.

Escape, the Taurus flies in four feet, ten times the speed of sound, and the mountains are as flat as the mountains.

But just for a while, Ling Han saw the figure of Xuantianling in the distance.

His speed has reached 12 times or even fifteen times the speed of sound, and it is more than ten miles in one step, and is approaching quickly.

By the way, are you playing chicken blood?

At this time, Ling Han is also anxious, and the speed of Jinniu has reached its limit.

However, Monkey Valley is finally looking at it.

"Ling cold, hurry to find a way!" cried Princess Bixi.

"Do you think I can do anything?" Ling Han sighed, and now the rescuer is in front of him, he finally relaxed, and he was joking.

Princess Bixi’s expression was terrible. “I didn’t expect that I would die with you!”

Ling Han suddenly became dissatisfied. What is your statement?

Is he so unbearable?

"Your death is coming!" Xuantianling’s voice sounded, he was already close, and the detective was grabbed.

"Monkey brother, help!" Ling Han suddenly yelled at his throat.

Princess Tourma is closing her eyes. This guy is scared to know what he is doing. You are called a life-saving, should you call your mother?

"What the ghost is calling, have come to this field, do you still expect anyone to come to save you?" Xuantianling sneered, "I really want to open the sky."

"Little devil, you know a fart!" A voice suddenly rang.

Rely, hell!

Xuan Tianling immediately surprised: "Who?"

"When the old grandson was in the world, your ancestors were not born yet!" the voice said.

"Don't hide your head and give it to you!" Xuantian Ling shouted. The voice of the other party was passed down from the sky. Obviously, the other party used some means.

"Do you want to see the old grandson?" said the voice.

"Come out!" Xuantian Ling shouted.

Hey, a figure flew out, his body was tall and black.

Xuantianling couldn’t help but because this jumped out was actually a big monkey, and people stood.

After glanced at him, he immediately sneered, this big monkey is just looking for a secret, simply do not know the so-called.

A golden light floated into the body of the big monkey. Suddenly, this big monkey seemed to have a chicken blood, and the breath suddenly soared. It flew over the fairy door and became a base. Then it continued to ascend and stop. In the casting of the world.

Rely, can this be the case?

Xuantianling took a breath and the whole person was shaking.

He now understands that this big horse monkey is really only looking for a secret, but it is taken into account by a strong person's mind, forcibly improving the cultivation.

In fact, he can do this too, but at the very least, "the substitute" can reach the secret, and the crossing of Xianmen is too difficult.

Therefore, the strength of this strong man who did not show up was simply unstoppable, and he could not help but tremble.

"Predecessors, Xuanmou do not know your Huwei, more offensive, but also the seniors do not count the villain, and the younger generation." He fell down and bowed to the big monkey.

Even if the real world of this big monkey is just a secret, he is just like a superpower, only careful.

"Do you want to kill the brothers of the old grandson, but also the old grandson to spare you?" The big monkey spoke, and suddenly there was an indescribable suffocation.

Xuan Tianling couldn't help but look ugly. His body was so sorrowful. I didn't expect Ling Han, the ants of the inscription, to have such a terrible background.

Princess Bixi also glanced at Ling Han, and her heart was filled with shock. She always thought that the biggest backstage of Ling Han was Chen Fengyan. From now on, this "monkey brother" seems to be even more sloppy.

Wait, the demon monkey punch!

She immediately thought that Linghuo said that the mysterious strong is this monkey brother, the demon monkey fist is the monkey brother taught to Ling Han.

Thinking of this, her heart can not help but jump, can she take this opportunity to learn the demon monkey fist?

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