Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3514: Call again

Things are really uncomplicated. First, the destruction of a dynasty, and later it became a cage, and that’s it.

Ling Han was speechless for a while, although the monkey brother said it was an understatement, but the destruction of a dynasty, how many people died?

"Monkey brother, how powerful is this dynasty?" He couldn't help but ask, after so many years, the cage was broken, will the dynasty come back?

The monkey brother smiled: "The 9th order of Xiantu can be called the dynasty. It must have the strong leader of the teaching level, that is, standing on the sixth step of Xiantuo, called the Xiaocheng."

"However, there is still an old monster in the Qinglong dynasty that is not dead. It is the sage of the four poles. If the old guy does not, the old grandson will not be suppressed!" The monkey looked sullen, fangs and glare, very embarrassing people.

"Is he suppressing you?" asked Ling Han.

The monkey brother nodded: "The old monster does not dare to kill the old grandson, but can only suppress the old grandson. I wanted to suppress the old grandson for a lifetime, but this earth can be really trapped in the old sun? For two thousand years, the old grandson The strength is improved every day. After the old grandson gets out of trouble, he goes to find the old monster, and he sticks him into a meat!"

This monkey brother is really killing sex, but who has been suppressed for more than two thousand years can not be full of grievances?

Ling Han was surprised, said: "The monkey brother you should have been the master of the master class, but the old monster does not dare to kill you, do you have a stronger elder?"

The monkey brother proudly said: "That is nature. The old ancestors of the old grandson stood in the peak of Xiantu, arbitrarily invincible, invincible for an era, and now it is just unknown. The old monster naturally does not dare to kill, for fear that the ancients will return. I slap him to death."

The peak of Xiantu!

Ling Han could not help but be shocked, this monkey brother who was crushed under the mountain, the ancient ancestors used to be invincible existence?

"Second brother, many things you should not know now, the water inside is deep!" Monkey brother first hit the vaccination, so as not to ask the cold and ask, "If you practice, if you encounter something that can't be solved, you may come here." ”

Ling Han knows that the monkey brother needs the strongman of the sage level to suppress, and his cultivation is bound to reach the small riding situation, which is the character of the leader level.

I have heard of these days, even if it is placed in the Xinghai, the main character of the teaching is also the top power, can be dominated on a star. At the beginning, the monkey brother was such a existence, but it was a pity that he was alarmed.

The monkey is confident and full, and I believe that he will get out of trouble soon, and once he gets out of trouble, he shows that he has entered the level of the Sayādaw.

Sayādaw, standing on the seventh step of Xiantu, the number is very poor.

Two days later, Princess Bixi finally woke up. She couldn't help herself, and her blood was improved. She helped her reach the level of two-star genius.

She thanked the monkey brother and knew that it was all in the face of Ling Han. Therefore, she deliberately pretended to be very close to Ling Han.

"Hey, you are so shameless." Ling Han came over and whispered.

"You have to dare to expose me, I will tell you the monkey brother to steal my underwear!" Princess Bixi threatened.

Ling Han’s face is weird. Do you think that the monkey brother will blame me for being sloppy?

The idea of ​​a monkey brother is different from ordinary people, and maybe he will praise him for his love.

However, when this demon princess became so "shameless", was it infected by him?

He laughed and said, "Well, I won't expose you, I will cooperate with you."

"How to cooperate?" asked Princess Tourmaline.

Ling Han reached out and held the princess's waist: "This is called a couple."

Princess Tourmaline has a goosebump all over her body. She first became a stiff body, but immediately entered the state of violent walking. The strength of the squad, the secret of the secret, was fully emanating. Together with her two-star combat power, she could kill ninety-nine. Looking for a secret.

She slaps and pats the past with Ling Han: "Deng Zezi, I want to kill you!"

Ling Han touched the tiger's buttocks, and naturally started running for the first time, while laughing: "Bixi little kiss, do you want to murder your husband?"

One escape, one chase, let a chicken fly in the Monkey Valley.

"The two kings and two ladies are really loving, and they will sprinkle dog food early in the morning." A monkey said.

"You are not a dog, you are a monkey."

"Single for too long, I thought I was a dog..."

After a long time of trouble, Princess Lucer’s anger was finally suppressed. This is Monkey Valley. Even if Ling Han does not run, she has killed Ling Han?

The two stayed in the Monkey Valley for a long time. Unfortunately, the monkey brother can now give them no treasure. Ling Han doesn't mind this. He is more emotional. Second, is the monkey brother helping him? ?

He said goodbye to the monkey brother, I believe that the two brothers will reunite outside in the near future.

The two set off and revolved to the emperor.

Ling Han also asked the monkey brother about the origin of the rotten stone tablet, but was told by the monkey brother that this thing is very heavy, it is probably a tombstone, so it is contaminated with dead air.

But even the monkey brother admits that the two half words on the top are incredible, and the rhyme is full, even he can't write it.

Therefore, Ling Han did not throw away this piece of rotten stone, but deliberately used a space instrument to contain the thing alone, so as not to pollute other things.

When I go back, of course, it can't be so extravagant. I used the Taurus as a mount. Fortunately, the empty ship is still waiting for them. It was not discovered by the people of Taihuazong. They went to the empty ship and flew for three or four days, and finally returned. Emperor.

Ling Han released a message through the Foreign Affairs Office, saying that Hua Tianzong did not obey the emperor's life. It was already abolished by Gong Sunliang to warn the world.

The news came out and the world shook.

When this news was confirmed, it triggered the taboos of countless forces. We must know that even a strong person who has cast a strong position has been broken. How unfathomable is the strength of the Foreign Affairs Office?

Not long after, the parties came to the DPRK.

Within a day, the Foreign Affairs Office received dozens of casts dropped by the forces, only waiting for the Foreign Affairs Office to send people to accept it.

This naturally made the Foreign Affairs Office busy, and Xuanyuan Dingguo, Lian Xuerong, Fox II and other people were busy and reunited. This is so far, the manpower is still far from enough.

Under such circumstances, the emperors naturally began to arrange the manpower, hoping to intervene in the affairs of the Foreign Affairs Office and profit from it.

This was once again rejected by Ling Han, even if the emperors were dissatisfied again, he did not mind.

Although the monkey brother did not elaborate, but Ling Han guessed that he and Chen Fengyan must know each other, then he is the brother of the monkey brother, not in the face of Chen Fengyan whisper, not to mention those princes.

How do you hate your teeth? I have the ability to let Chen Fengyan withdraw me.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fengyan actually made a letter, and the grand **** Zhu Qi personally sent it over and called Ling Han to meet.

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